01_ITllUFB 2O1 11O.4T 1lOeN5OOOOO8e.4 PublihAffidfivit UNIThI STATES OF AMERICA State of Alaska SS the undersigned being first duly sworn depose and say am Editoror Publisher of the Kodiak Daily Mirror daily newspaper published in Kodiak Third JudicialDivision State of Alaska and that the annexed printed notice was published in said newspaper in issues of the following dates io/jog Signature of Editor or Publisher SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of Fh1Lrnr 20j3 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for theStateof Masks My Commission expires II 115 lay at Washington lpnt indlanapok pjii tsat Kansas City 1p.m at New EngIancZ pin it at Cleveland p.m ae atJaclcsorrie p.m Mlerrd 405p.m at New Ortaan 405p.m Denver 415 p.m dtSen Frwd 415 p.m at Rbur 820 pin Lztzona Philadelphia At- nfl Oct 3ey at Minnesota 830 iye Gamee flon Boalon 14_Toronto 01 SanJose Vancouver Games is Chicago at Hetatnkt is St Louis at Stock phia at Carolina 7p.m Ingera at Pittsburgh IS EDT Indiana 93 Phoenix ied 1-I Oct Phoenix at mdi Games at LosAngeles 11 p.m ye Games at Colurr4ua 720 p.m USA at D.C United land at Colorado 9p.m at San Jose 11 p.m Games lty at Houston p.m BirthdayParty is on Saturday Oct frth to 10 p.m This is prkate party and admission is by invtteiton only Contact is Joy Suralta 512-3079 Munlof Elections The Teen Center is the potting for voters in Kodiak Prepinct No.landwl votlngfrom7aA to8p .tForintorriistian isbo rat ragtsiratton KODLAK ISLAND BOROUGH TUESDAY OCtOBER 62009 REGULAR ELECTION SAMPLE BALLOTS SAMPLE BALLOT KODIAK.ISLAND SOROUGH ALA$KA General Municipal Election TUESDAy OCTOBER 2000 SERVICE AREARACES FIRE PROTECTION AREA No flOARD fl SERVICEAREA No UOARDVetofOrflOItnOYi1mwTWOVotefecnotmoreloinIwOforOree.y.er Crme Per Snvyear tnrmRstteatlNeOen ..J...... eAY VIEW ROAD SER.VICIt MONAENXA DAYROAD thERVICCAREASOARO.AItoAflOARtIVetstarttniecethintWQ00Voleforeelmereaa IwO 10orarroywlerinstarmoe.or reer Dii Ieee Turner 1-800-LUNG-USA DPO5ITrON ND 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nWded to OJ pcoct coats if tie Slate tsliy hindsthe debtaevice relrnbsaemorrt program the average annual debtaenitce j.vohIe by the Birroogh after Sate raiotbbroernent Is eeftinatedto ta St460.217 This amount of dataaernioc may reqoire an oldullonelennaei propertyionlevY of 3063 per $25ft006 of aoaeseedaelue or ha equIvalent This etalnpla of $ropellytax low in nMdho for Ilootratlea porpees only Ii oddutonol Iurdhrc booonoeo available br the pioleits from grunto or dlheoburreo only enough huultldtbjlo$h the projorta will be sold The honda oholl he e000red by pleugtofthe till fast arC codh of the B.ontughiDrJhaooe No FY2OIQ.00 PROP0$tYtDfl HO ut G5NERAL OBLIGATION EDND$.0flEIIEWA AND REPt..AcEMsyrrpop BOROUGH tAcLrnt Sijat the Kodak Island Borotah incur debt en generalobilgatlon honda In err ornoerd tInt to Thyme MIllion Frue Hundred Thousand ihtotuc.asrmi to tunenrathe piannh dmn codahucton of teew4 odd roaoarren Borough bollsiogo and otrer taofhteo 73%of projects oreoohool bunted The 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pieaso fill in theoval to The left oF your choice tUftRUCTlONS To vote ter candiotato rd inttu oval to the left theeandidetex ironic TO VOTEhORWRiTE-IN CANDIDATE write thecandidates nrlrnn enone of the benk iinra provided In .rth roce AND It Inthecvaitotheleftofthroendidateaname BOROUGH ASSEMBLY Vote etmefethajfl%QOt2l For three-year nnc Gtirtstyncl ri tiahelorig Slave Beesen Je4pfty4 SCILOOLBOAR Vase for not morethan TWO For free-year bruit Petr4fluclr NofinaWootan coo so Ettirmietert CMI 4.4 70liCO 21 060 1too 000 50 50 000 590000 390ttUtt l4Aat600l lf.3l5.006 as as .5 se low mis teram/ flNO WOeeNe Mt SERVICE AREA OARO VoIder net mere feet fV Ii Feral eqesr meow Deldacenree The I%odo shot be natured Iry piedpe ci folio and cradfoftue BoroughOrdirenc fl20ta.0