FY2011-11 Kodiak Soil and Water Conservation District(�e acf 4 /Yac// -0/ t� toIm,.iE+ `isI_ ;i''O afff.SFslC? r,g. xrir "N'l.6 Kodiak, AK 99615 907-486-5574 Fax 907-486-5586 1101_D ILNRMI.FSS AGREEMENT ribs 1101-D HARMLESS AGRFF.N.IEN f is made this JS da) of A- , --o(0_ by and belReen "�;' ��SL.9 t� ,. :i Hthcretnafier. "Landowners") and the Kodiak Soil and Water Conacrvation District (hereinafter, "KSWCD''). KSWCD and Lando",ners are sometimes individually referred to m "Party' anti eollectively referred to as the "Parries." fLRNIS t. INDEMNIFICATION AND MOLD II.-WILF.,SSLandowners shall defend, indcrrmify, and held KSWC'D its officers, employ ees. and agents harmlcss fionr and against any and all liuhilit). Loss, kapance i including reasonable attorney's fees). m claims for injure or damages arising out of the performance of activities notmaCt regarded as the Districts` normal duties. _. COVEN ANT NOl TO SUE: KSN CD, its officer•,, employee and agents hereb) cnvenani- not to sue and not to assert an, claims or cause, nt action agaitm the Landowners, its suthori ed officers, cmploy,;cs, or representatives with re,p ct to the performance td activities related '.0 planning and implementing invasive plant control. including but act limited to. &uy claim:, aririny out of monitodn-. activities at the site. 3. At "I IIORITY 1'0 CIN F ,R AOREPIEN f: Faeh Path warrants that thainuvidtr �l, who hate signed this Agreement ba%c the legal pottier. right, and authority to mak:- this Agreemen! anti hind each respective P:trty. +. ATMENDNIFN'f; MODIFICATION: No supplement. modification, or amendment of thi: Aereemeut shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 5. f: TIRE NCIiRUNREN�T: ThisAgreentcntcoatainsthe nitireagreementbemcenthe Panics related to the -natters specitic,i herein. and superse las any prior oral or written statement, 01 aerie:^mcnr� betwern the Parties rc!ated to such matters. NODIAK SOIL, AND WATER ONSERVATION DISTRICT ,�fZ 7 `i enatmc ,�jG✓61 QLt,.5—<.o- Pr:nt, *.ante Y41 w's, v�_��Gvtf- ids PM 6 D --- LANDOWNERS