FY2007-01F-Amending Ordinance No. 2007-01 Fiscal Year 2007 BudgetKODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. FY2007-01F Introduced by: Manager Gifford Requested by: Finance Department Drafted by: Finance Department Introduced: 03/15/2007 Public Hearing: 04/19/2007 Adopted: 04/19/2007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ASSEMBLY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2007 -01 FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY ADJUSTING THREE GENERAL FUND REVENUE ACCOUNTS, FOUR GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTS, FOUR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS, AND TWO CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS WHEREAS, property tax revenues were $58,100 less than budgeted, and WHEREAS, penalties and interest on property taxes will be $4,000 or more than budgeted; and WHEREAS, raw fish tax was $158,965 more than budgeted; and WHEREAS, the Assembly agreed to increase the Clerk's Department by $4,000 for continuing education; and WHEREAS, the allocation to enterprise funds (solid waste) in the Finance Department needs to be reduced by $20,000 to match the expense budgeted in the Solid Waste Fund; and WHEREAS, the Health and Sanitation Department needs to be increased by $12,380 to cover the increase in the animal control contract with the City; and WHEREAS, the Culture and Recreation Department needs to be increased by $566 to contribute an amount equal to their personal property taxes to the Dig Afognak organization; and WHEREAS, due to increased snow removal costs, $25,000 needs to be added to the Womens Bay Road Service District, and WHEREAS, the transfer of funds from the Facilities Fund to the Building and Grounds Fund needs to be reduced by $34,600. This transfer was budgeted for more than was available; and WHEREAS, the budget for Fire Protection Area 1 (Bayside Fire Department) needs to be increased by $435,000 to cover the cost of a new fire engine and a new tanker truck: and WHEREAS, $146,000 of the Women's Bay Fire FY2006 Homeland Security grant was received in FY2007; and WHEREAS, $15,000 needs to be added to the Womens Bay Fire Department to cover the cost of materials and supplies for the new tanker truck, and WHEREAS, contributions to the BMX track are $25,750 more than budgeted; and WHEREAS, project 173, Bayside classroom equipment, is complete with a savings of $26,800; and WHEREAS, to offset the unauthorized fill associated with the in Anton Larsen Boat Ramp project, the Borough has agreed to repair and replace culverts at Panamaroff creek at a budgeted cost of $30,000; and WHEREAS, $25,000 is budgeted for construction of a solarium at the hospital; and WHEREAS, interest earnings in Fund 420, Bond Projects, are $1,029,000 over budget, and expected to increase even more; and WHEREAS, the Borough has accepted a grant for $23,500 for the Summit Lake Trail; and WHEREAS, project 177, Anton Larsen Boat Ramp, needs to be increased by $276,350; and Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 1 of10 WHEREAS, Dingell- Johnson will contribute $140,000 to the Anton Larsen Boat Ramp Project; and WHEREAS, the remaining $136,350 is available in Fund 410; and WHEREAS, the State of Alaska has awarded a grant for $138,606 for seismic repairs and replacement of the East Elementary School windows; and WHEREAS, NOAA has reimbursed the Borough $67,172 for administrative expenses related to the fiber optic feasibility study; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THAT: Section 1: The FY2007 budget will be amended per the attached schedule. ATT . T: ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THIS NINETEENTH DAY OF APRIL 2007 Nov. avier, CM , Borough C KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH r J. Jero ne M. Selby, I_ or gta- e r Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 2 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 100 General Fund Revenues: Property Tax 8,496,982 8,496,982 8,438,904 58,078 99% (58,000) 8,438,982 Boat & Motor Vehicle Tax 276,700 276,700 95,508 181,192 35% 276,700 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 765,000 765,000 12,527 752,473 2% 765,000 Severance Taxes 1,016,793 1,016,793 541,950 474,843 53% 1,016,793 Penalties & Int on tax 150,000 150,000 141,198 8,802 94% 4,000 154,000 Licenses and Permits 104,500 104,500 47,991 56,509 46% 104,500 Federal Shared Revenue 350,075 350,075 350,075 0% 350,075 Temporary Fiscal Relief 1,039,870 1,039,870 1,039,873 (3) 100% 1,039,870 Raw Fish Tax 800,000 800,000 958,965 (158,965) 120% 158,960 958,960 Raw Fish Tax - Offshore 2,000 2,000 - 2,000 0% 2,000 Other State Revenue 26,000 26,000 26,000 0% 26,000 Fines 1,000 1,000 663 337 66% 1,000 Interest Earnings 400,000 400,000 119,725 280,275 30% 400,000 Miscellaneous 59,200 59,200 20,943 38,257 35% 59,200 Use of Fund Balance 154,296 154,296 154,296 0% (68,014) 86,282 Sale of Fixed Assets - - Transfer In Total 13,642,416 13,642,416 11,418,247 2,224,169 84% 36,946 13,679,362 Expenditures: Borough Assembly 161,790 161,790 71,719 90,071 44% 161,790 Borough Manager 256,253 256,253 145,835 110,418 57% (67,172) 189,081 Borough Clerk 361,490 361,490 215,217 146,273 60% 4,000 365,490 Borough Attorney 130,000 130,000 53,779 76,221 41% 130,000 Finance Department 647,023 647,023 392,878 254,145 61% 20,000 667,023 Management Information Services 475,838 475,838 184,990 290,848 39% 475,838 Assessing Department 399,150 399,150 224,095 175,055 56% 399,150 Engineering/ Facilities Dept 152,102 152,102 68,622 83,480 45% 152,102 Community Development 613,420 613,420 235,354 378,066 38% 613,420 Building Official 132,640 132,640 44,816 87,824 34% 132,640 Economic Development 70,000 70,000 61,750 8,250 88% 70,000 General Administration 297,370 297,370 172,223 125,147 58% 297,370 Emergency Preparedness 8,800 8,800 5,318 3,482 60% 8,800 School District Support 9,082,990 9,082,990 4,960,898 4,122,092 55% 9,082,990 Health and Sanitation 289,880 289,880 253,313 36,567 87% 12,380 302,260 Culture and Recreation 167,220 167,220 145,100 22,120 87% 566 167,786 Transfers Out 396,450 396,450 396,450 0% 67,172 463,622 Total 13,642,416 13,642,416 7,235,907 6,406,509 53% 36,946 13,679,362 Fund 205 Child Care Assistance Program Revenue 89,280 89,280 36,575 52,705 41% 89,280 Expenditures 89,280 89,280 30,799 58,481 34% 89,280 Fund 210 Land Sales - Revenue 96,700 96,700 40,926 55,774 42% 96,700 Expenditures 96,700 96,700 8,052 88,648 8% 96,700 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 3 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 220 Buildings and Grounds - Revenues - Revenues 421,980 421,980 231,196 190,784 55% 421,980 Transfers in 220,000 220,000 220,000 - 100% (34,600) 185,400 Use of Fund Balance 65,000 65,000 - 65,000 0% 34,600 99,600 Total Revenues 706,980 706,980 451,196 255,784 706,980 Expenditures - Borough Building 341,160 341,160 162,642 178,518 48% 341,160 MHCApartments 11,000 11,000 2,501 8,499 23% 11,000 School Buildings 333,820 333,820 253,190 80,630 76% 333,820 Parks 21,000 21,000 6,567 14,433 31% 21,000 Total Expenditures 706,980 706,980 424,900 282,080 60% 706,980 25,650 25,650 1,554 24,096 6% 25,650 Fund 230 Coastal Management Revenues Expenditures CMG Regular Total Expenditures Fund 234 L.E.P.C. Revenues LEPC E.O.P. Grant Revenues Expenditures Expenditures -LEPC Expenditures -FEMA grant Total Expenditures 25,650 25,650 8,257 17,393 32% 25,650 25,650 25,650 8,257 17,393 32% 25,650 20,000 20,000 866 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,327 15,673 22% 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,327 15,673 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,227 15,773 20,000 101 (101) 20,000 20,000 4,328 15,672 20,000 Fund 240 Womens Bay Road Service Revenues 119,600 119,600 126,432 (6,832) 106% 25,000 144,600 Expenditures 119,600 119,600 96,035 23,565 80% 25,000 144,600 Fund 242 Service District No. 1 Revenues 215,000 215,000 222,108 (7,108) 103% 215,000 Expenditures 215,000 215,000 106,516 108,484 50% 215,000 Fund 243 Service Area No. 2 Revenues 342 (342) Expenditures Fund 244 Monaska Bay Road District Revenues 43,175 43,175 41,316 1,859 Expenditures 43,175 43,175 41,389 1,786 Fund 246 Bay View Road Service Area Revenues 4,800 4,800 5,903 (1,103) 123% Expenditures 4,800 4,800 4,555 245 95% Fund 250 Fire Protection Area No. 1 Revenues 701,160 701,160 390,563 310,597 Expenditures 701,160 701,160 146,462 554,698 96% 96% Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 4 of10 43,175 43,175 4,800 4,800 56% 435,000 1,136,160 21% 435,000 1,136,160 Fund 252 Womens Bay Fire Department Revenues 89,200 89,200 234,733 (145,533) 263% 161,000 250,200 Expenditures 89,200 89,200 75,817 13,383 85% 161,000 250,200 Fund 254 KIB Airport Fire District Revenues Expenditures Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget 16,730 16,730 16,730 16,730 13,642 3,088 82% 16,730 16,725 5 100% 16,730 Fund 260 Woodland Acres Street Lights - Revenues 6,000 6,000 262 5,738 4% 6,000 Expenditures 6,000 6,000 2,840 3,160 47% 6,000 Fund 261 Trinity Islands Lighting Dist. - Revenues 3,600 3,600 3,825 (225) 106% 3,600 Expenditures 3,600 3,600 982 2,618 27% 3,600 Fund 262 Mission Lake Tide Gate - Revenues 2,460 2,460 3,115 (655) 127% 2,460 Expenditures 2,460 2,460 315 2,145 13% 2,460 Fund 263 Trinity Islands Paving Dist. Revenues 22,140 22,140 35,172 (13,032) 22,140 Expenditures 22,140 22,140 115 22,025 22,140 Fund 275 Kodiak Arts Council Revenues 65,780 65,780 37,271 28,509 57% 65,780 Expenditures 65,780 65,780 37,453 28,327 57% 65,780 Fund 276 Facilities Fund Revenues 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,042,829 757,171 58% 1,800,000 Expenditures/Transfers Out: Building Insurance 220,000 220,000 220,000 100% (34,600) 185,400 Debt Service 714,000 714,000 714,000 100% 714,000 Capital Projects Fund 430 242,500 242,500 - 242,500 0% 242,500 Contengencies - inflation proofing 623,500 623,500 0% 34,600 658,100 Total Expenditures 1,800,000 1,800,000 934,000 242,500 52% - 1,800,000 Fund 277 Tourism Development Revenues 45,000 45,000 47,748 (2,748) 106% 45,000 Expenditures 45,000 45,000 90,579 (45,579) 201% 45,000 Fund 290 Fern Fuller Trust Revenues 75,000 75,000 27,671 47,329 37% 75,000 Expenditures 75,000 75,000 72,613 2,387 97% 75,000 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 5 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 300 Debt Service - Revenues - State Debt Reimbursement 1,780,667 1,780,667 507,762 1,272,905 29% 1,780,667 Interest Earnings 6,000 6,000 21,622 (15,622) 360% 6,000 Transfers in General Fund - Education 695,550 695,550 695,550 100% 695,550 General Fund - Health - Facilities Fund 714,000 714,000 714,000 100% 714,000 Hospital Fund 235,593 235,593 235,593 100% 235,593 Use of fund balance - - Total Revenues 3,431,810 3,431,810 2,174,527 1,257,283 3,431,810 Expenditures - Expenditures-School Debt 2,675,925 2,675,925 969,068 1,706,857 36% 2,675,925 Expenditures - Hospital Debt 749,595 749,595 106,839 642,756 14% 749,595 Expenditures - Karluk Loans 6,290 6,290 6,290 0% 6,290 Expenditures -Other Debt - - - Total Expenditures 3,431,810 3,431,810 1,075,907 2,355,903 31% 3,431,810 Capital Projects Fund 410 - Borough Capital Projects: Revenues: - Interest Earnings 9,080 9,080 151,531 (142,451) 1669% 9,080 Contributions for BMX track 13,920 13,920 39,667 (25,747) 285% 25,750 39,670 Survey Fiber Optic Pass Through Grant 2,473,694 2,473,694 2,399,055 74,639 97% 2,473,694 Miscellaneous - - - 0% - Total Revenues 2,496,694 2,496,694 2,590,253 (93,559) 25,750 2,522,444 Operating Transfers In: General Fund 445,000 445,000 55,000 390,000 12% 67,172 512,172 Bayside Fire Department 426,800 426,800 426,800 - 100% 426,800 Facilities Fund 642,384 642,384 642,384 - 100% 642,384 Total Operating Transfers In 1,514,184 1,514,184 1,069,184 - 71% 67,172 1,581,356 Total Revenues 4,010,878 4,010,878 3,659,437 (93,559) 91% 92,922 4,103,800 Projects: - 85 Village Metals Removal 150,000 150,000 121,257 28,743 81% 150,000 146 BMX Bike Trail 68,920 68,920 49,278 19,642 72% 25,750 94,670 173 Bayside classroom equipment 75,000 75,000 48,199 26,801 64% (26,800) 48,200 174 Bayside Storage Addition & Engine Bay 400,000 400,000 3,020 396,980 1% 26,800 426,800 00102 Bayside Underground Electrical 22,000 22,000 - 22,000 0% 22,000 03105 Northstar School road /parking lot design 50,000 50,000 28,746 21,254 57% 50,000 03106 KHS emergency generator 50,000 50,000 50,000 0% 50,000 03109 Borough Building air handling penthouse 10,000 10,000 10,000 0% 10,000 03110 Borough Building emergency generator 20,000 20,000 2,353 17,647 12% 20,000 03120 WB Comm Plan Revision 33,380 33,380 22,392 10,988 67% 33,380 05001Survey Fiber Optic Pass Through Grant 2,473,694 2,473,694 2,403,507 70,187 (25,000) 2,448,694 05006 HS Pool Filter 60,000 60,000 49,698 10,302 83% 60,000 07008 Seismic Repair 390,000 390,000 - 390,000 0% 390,000 R and replacement of culverts at Panamaroff Creek - - 0% 30,000 30,000 Hospital Solarium - - 0% 25,000 25,000 High School pool repairs - 0% 40,000 40,000 Tranfer to Fund 430 - - 0% 136,350 136,350 Other Projects 207,884 207,884 207,884 0% (139,178) 68,706 Total Borough Projects 4,010,878 4,010,878 2,728,450 1,282,428 68% 92,922 4,103,800 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 6 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 420 -GO Bond Projects: Revenues: Interest Earnings 500,000 500,000 1,528,890 (1,028,890) 306% 1,500,000 2,000,000 Proceeds from bond 2004A Bond Issue 9,302,760 9,302,760 9,302,760 (0) 100% 9,302,760 Proceeds from bond 2004B Bond Issue 11,050,000 11,050,000 11,052,760 (2,760) 100% 11,050,000 Proceeds from bond 200XX Bond Issue - - - - 0% - Projects: 04101 Old Harbor GymNoc Ed renovation 04102 Larsen Bay School floor repair 04103 Ouzinkie Gym renovation 05002 Evacuation Center earthquake evaluatior 05009 Kodiak Middle School concrete repair 05010 Kodiak High School asbestos & floor cov 05011 District -wide floor covering replacement 05012 Kodiak High School heating and ventilatil 05013 Kodiak High School insulastion and wind 05014 Kodiak High School and Middle School n 05016 East School heating and ventilation 05017 Learning Center renovation 03119 New Swimming Pool 05015 High School Voc ed /classroom reclaimati Contingencies 20,852,760 20,852,760 21,884,411 (1,031,651) 1,500,000 22,352,760 2,251,134 2,251,134 2,122 2,249,012 0% 2,251,134 339,883 339,883 1,411 338,472 0% 339,883 1,858,255 1,858,255 3,945 1,854,310 0% 1,858,255 500,000 500,000 299,555 200,445 60% 500,000 237,918 237,918 7,494 230,424 3% 237,918 304,704 304,704 10,372 294,332 3% 304,704 728,708 728,708 342,132 386,576 47% 728,708 250,000 250,000 172 249,828 0% 250,000 596,020 596,020 4,057 591,963 1% 596,020 523,504 523,504 4,498 519,006 1% 523,504 520,000 520,000 979 519,021 0% 520,000 1,181,336 1,181,336 6,966 1,174,370 1% 1,181,336 6,210,000 6,210,000 330,062 5,879,938 5% 6,210,000 4,840,788 4,840,788 24,586 4,816,202 1% 4,840,788 510,510 510,510 510,510 0% 1,500,000 2,010,510 20,852,760 20,852,760 1,038,351 19,814,409 5% 1,500,000 22,352,760 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 7 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 430 -State Capital Grant Projects: - Revenues: - KIB Waste Management Implementation 1,741,400 1,741,400 976,048 765,352 56% 1,741,400 Anton Larsen Bay Boat Ramp 560,000 560,000 560,000 100% 560,000 School Repair 252,574 252,574 252,574 0% 252,574 Tide Gate 20,000 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 Chiniak Grant 20,000 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 SHSGP Grant 138,151 138,151 138,151 0% 138,151 ADF &G, fish research 200,000 200,000 200,000 0% 200,000 Coastal Impact Program CIAP Grant 189,985 189,985 189,985 0% 189,985 Kodiak Cadastral Grant 40,000 40,000 0% 40,000 AK Coastal Management 46,000 46,000 46,000 0% 46,000 Homeland Security 17,733 17,733 17,733 0% 17,733 06008 Summit Lake Trail 23,500 23,500 ADF & G Building Design 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0% 1,500,000 2005 Pre Disaster Mitigation Grant 41,724 41,724 41,724 0% 41,724 05026 HS Library Wing Seismic Retrofit 465,618 - 465,618 07001 Area Wide School Equipment and Suppli 70,000 - 0% 70,000 07003 Island Lake Trail 48,000 - 0% 48,000 07004 Larsen Bay Equipment - 70,000 0% 70,000 07005 Main elementay School Playground Equi 25,000 - 0% 25,000 07006 Port Lions Community Workshop 10,000 - 0% 10,000 07008 School Facilities Seismic Repairs 910,000 0% 910,000 07009 Tsunami Siren, Upgrades & Additions 100,000 - 0% 100,000 07010 ADF & G Near Island Facility - 500,000 - 0% 500,000 07011 Ouzinkie Dock Replacement 570,000 - 0% 570,000 07012 Ouzinkie School Seismic Upgrade - 308,344 0% 308,344 East Elementary School Siesmic Upgrade - 0% 138,606 138,606 Transfers in from fund 276 - - 0% - Anton Larson Boat Ramp 60,000 60,000 60,000 0% 60,000 Coastal Impact Program 130,000 130,000 130,000 0% 130,000 Dingell- Johnson Contribution - - 0% 140,000 140,000 Transfer from fund 410 - 0% 136,350 136,350 Total Revenues 4,957,567 8,342,873 1,536,048 3,381,519 31% 438,456 8,472,985 Projects: - 164 KIB Waste Management Implementation 1,741,400 1,741,400 936,714 804,686 54% 1,741,400 177 Anton Larsen Bay Boat Ramp 620,000 620,000 611,292 8,708 99% 276,350 896,350 00100 High School Repair FY00 126,770 126,770 127,482 (712) 101% 126,770 00104 Tide Gate 20,000 20,000 21,075 (1,075) 105% 20,000 02107 ADF &G Research Study 200,000 200,000 135,056 64,944 68% 200,000 03114 Coastal Impact Program 319,985 319,985 265,411 54,574 83% 319,985 03116 School Repair 125,804 125,804 139,562 (13,758) 111% 125,804 03118 Chiniak Multi -use Grant 20,000 20,000 11,118 8,882 56% 20,000 04106 SHSGP Grant 138,151 138,151 122,785 15,366 89% 138,151 05003 Kodiak Cadastral Grant 40,000 40,000 74,087 (34,087) 185% 40,000 05005 AK Coastal Management 46,000 46,000 53,733 (7,733) 117% 46,000 05020 2005 PreDisaster Mitigation Grant 41,724 41,724 18,809 22,915 45% 41,724 05026 HS Library Wing Seismic Retrofit 465,618 465,618 06002 Homeland Security 17,733 17,733 17,733 0% 17,733 06008 Summit Lake Trail - 23,500 23,500 ADF & G Building Design 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0% 1,500,000 07001 Area Wide School Equipment and Suppli 70,000 - 0% 70,000 07003 Island Lake Trail 48,000 - 0% 48,000 07004 Larsen Bay Equipment 70,000 - 0% 70,000 07005 Main elementay School Playground Equi 25,000 0% 25,000 07006 Port Lions Community Workshop - 10,000 0% 10,000 07008 School Facilities Seismic Repairs - 910,000 0% 910,000 07009 Tsunami Siren, Upgrades & Additions 100,000 0% 100,000 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007 -01F Page 8 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget 07010 ADF & G Near Island Facility 500,000 0% 500,000 07011 Ouzinkie Dock Replacement - 570,000 0% 570,000 07012 Ouzinkie School Seismic Upgrade - 308,344 921 (921) 308,344 East Elementary School Siesmic Upgrade - - 0% 138,606 138,606 School District Computer Grant 70,000 70,000 Emergency Communications and Planing 30,000 30,000 Total Expenditures 4,957,567 8,134,529 2,518,045 2,439,522 51% 438,456 8,572,985 Fund 490 Enterprise Funds Capital Projects Landfill Closeout/Leachate Treatment 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,151,193 848,807 72% 3,000,000 Hospital 740,000 740,000 350,000 390,000 47% 740,000 Providence 125,000 125,000 125,000 From Facilities Fund 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 Total Revenues 3,740,000 29,920,000 2,626,193 1,238,807 70% 3,990,000 165 Landfill Closeout/Leachate Treatment 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,336,043 663,957 78% 3,000,000 03112 Hospital access and parking, Phase I & II 700,000 700,000 22,989 677,011 3% 700,000 03113 Specialty Clinic roof repair /replacement 40,000 40,000 79,712 (39,712) 199% 40,000 CHC architural Engineering 250,000 250,000 250,000 Total Expenditures 3,740,000 29,920,000 2,336,043 1,403,957 62% 3,990,000 Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007-01F Page 9 of10 Adopted Ammended As of Difference Budget Revised Budget Budget 01/31/07 % Adjustments Budget Fund 530 Solid Waste Collection /Disposal - Revenues - Waste Collection 2,761,345 2,761,345 1,517,910 1,243,435 55% 2,761,345 Waste Disposal 998,178 998,178 888,105 110,073 89% 998,178 Total Revenues 3,759,523 3,759,523 2,406,015 1,353,508 64% 3,759,523 Expenditures Waste Collection Waste Disposal Total Expenditures 1,432,000 1,432,000 532,725 899,275 37% 1,432,000 2,327,523 2,327,523 760,897 1,566,626 33% 2,327,523 3,759,523 3,759,523 1,293,622 2,465,901 34% 3,759,523 Fund 540 Hospital Enterprise Fund - Revenues: Interest Earnings - - Providence Hospital Lease 720,000 720,000 360,000 360,000 50% 720,000 Gain on sale of assets - - Transfer in from Fern Fuller 66,500 66,500 66,500 - 66,500 Use of Retained Earnings 949,373 949,373 949,373 949,373 Total Revenues 1,735,873 1,735,873 426,500 1,309,373 25% 1,735,873 Expenditures and Transfers: - Expenditures 1,735,873 1,735,873 278,126 1,457,747 16% 1,735,873 Total Expenditures 1,735,873 1,735,873 278,126 1,457,747 16% 1,735,873 Fund 555 - Kodiak Fisheries Research Center - Revenues 2,051,759 2,051,759 885,382 1,166,377 43% 2,051,759 Expenditures - Research Facility 2,029,159 2,029,159 365,247 1,663,912 18% 2,029,159 Dorm Facility 22,600 22,600 14,367 8,233 64% 22,600 2,051,759 2,051,759 379,614 1,672,145 19% 2,051,759 Fund 560 - Telephone 911 Service Revenues 69,000 69,000 24,593 44,407 36% Expenditures 69,000 69,000 4,640 64,360 7% Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. 2007 -01F Page 10 of10 69,000 69,000