1969-16 Appropriating Funds for Tax to Defray ExpensesAcct. No. FD 301 FD 305 102 .11 Page Coe, ORDINANCE NO. 69 -16-0 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NUMBER 69 -16-0 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE 69 -70 BUDGET FOR KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH FIRE DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES THEREFOR AND LEVYING A TAX TO DEFRAY EXPENSES BE IT ORDAINED by the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly of the Kodiak, Island Borough, State of Alaska, as follows: Section One: That the following sums of Honey, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of Kodiak Island Borough Fire District No. One be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purposes and objects of said Borough herein -after specified for the fiscal year fending the 30th day of June, 1970. A. From special tax assessments of all real and personal property within the boundaries of Kodiak Island Borough Fire District No. One: KODIAK ISLAND BOROGH FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 1969 -70 BUDGET ITEM Revenue - General Taxation Revenue Sharing Unappropriated Surplus F1spenses: Legal 1969 -70 $26,589.78 1,600.00 1,000.00 29,289.78 200.00 106 Debt Service - Fire Truck A Principal 5,000.00 B Interest 851.79 104 General Operation .11 Salaries - Asst. Chief 10,668.00 . 12 Volunteer Firemen 500.00 .15 Clerical 300.00 . 13 Publications and Dues 190.00 .14 Post Audit 200.00 . 19 Rentals Building 2,160.00 Fire Rants 1,890.00 .21 Transportttion & Travel 900.00 Insurance and Bond 500.00 . 31 Misc. Supplies and E xpenses 1,100.00 .37 Postage 60.00 . 42 Vehicle Operation & Maintenance 1,500.00 .61 Elloyer Taxes & Overhead 1,780.00 105 Contingencies - 5% 1,389.99 $29,189.78 SCIIMAR t Total Revenue Required Other Sources General Property Taxes $29,189.78 2,600.00 $26,589.78 Valuation: Real $5,333,210.00 Personal 11,541,185.00 Supplemental Personal 213,760.00 $7,088,155.00 Mill Rate = 3.75 Section Two. Tax Levy A. A tax for the above sum of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Kodiak Island Borough Fire District No. One be and the same is hereby levied for the purposes as specified against all taxable property within the boundaries of Kodiak Island Borough Fire District No. One for the Fiscal year ending JUne 30, 1970. B. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as required by law. Section Three. Tax Statement When the Borough has levied the tax, the assessor shall prepare and mil tax statements to the persons listed as owners of taxable property within the boundaries of the Kodiak Island Borough Fire District No. One. IOJDIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: zzi First Reading- June 19th, 1969 Second Reading, Public Hearing & Passage Date: July 3rd, 1969 Effective: August 3rd, 1969 Page Two, ORDINANCE NO. 69 -16-0