1968-23 Creating Fire Protection Area No. 1AMENDED KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NUMBER 68 -23 -0 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A SERVICE AREA TO BE KNOWN AS KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NUMBER ONE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FIRE PROTECTION WITHIN THE SERVICE AREA. WHEREAS, Section 07.15.050 empowers the Borough to create service areas to provide special services and WHEREAS, the Kodiak Island Borough has received peti- tions from numerous property owners living outside the boundaries of the City of Kodiak requesting the formation of a fire protection district NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Assembly of the Kodiak Island Borough that Section 1: A service area to be known as Kodiak Island Borough Fire Protection District Number One be and t same is hereby established to provide fire protection for the area lying and being within the boundaries of the Kodiak Island Borough out- side the city limits of the City of Kodiak and more particularly described as follows: A parcel of consisting of all of U.S 323,3, 3100, 314)1, 16 , 82, 1678, 306, 3104, 3103, No. 1R2, 3511, 2843, 34 Alaska Subdivision, more Page One, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -23 -0 land within the Kodiak Island Borough . Surveys No. 3066 A and B, 2739, 3099, 3463, 3464, 3219, 3465, 3462, 3468, 3467, 3512, 2538 A; Portions of U.S. Surveys ' 69, 3218, 3Q98 and all of Monaska Bay particularly described as follows: identical with g Meander a Corner d 1 r of o U.S. Survey . No. S 3066 y A N &�B ? 873, thence (1) South 32' 24' East 1162.00 feet along the existing City Limits; thence (2) North 52° 42' East 2,3'68.00 feet; thence (3) North 53° 31' East 3,680.00 feet; thence (4) North 35° 20' East 3,885.00 feet; thence (5) North 49° 38' 04" West 530.96 feet more or less to the most easterly corner of Lot 25 of U.S. Survey No. 3101; thence (6) North 48° 49' West 33.00 feet more or less to Meander Corner 6 of U.S. Survey No. 3101; thence (7) North 89° 49' West 863.28 feet more or less to Corner 5 of U.S.Survey No. 3101 identical with the intersection of said line and the easterly boundary of U.S. Survey No. 1682; thence (8) North 0° 11' East 2,477.24 feet more or less to Meander Corner 1 of U.S. Survey No. 1682; thence (9) South 82° 17' 24" West 821.95 feet; thence (10) North 79° 13' West 1,160.00 feet; thence (11) North 25° 58 East 3,235.00 feet; thence (12) North 6° 48' East 1,800.00 feet; thence (13) North 41 21' West 2,275.00 feet; thence (14) South 86° 04' West 1,980..40 feet; thence (15) South 34° 37' West 3,450.00 feet; thence (16) South 74° 06' 40" West 5,275.79 feet; thence (17) Sot 720.00 feet more or less to Meander Corner 2 of U.S. Survey No. 1678; thence (18) South 3,095.40 feet more or less to Corner 3 of U.S. Survey No. 1678; thence (19) East 2,003.76 feet along the Southerly Boundary of U.S. Survey No. 1678 to Corner 4 of U.S. 1678 identical with the Southwest corner of Monashka Bay Alaska Subdivision; thence (20) South 79° 11' 50" East 2,119.84 feet along the southerly boundary of Monashka Bay Alaska Subdivision to the Southeast Corner Monashka Bay Alaska Subdivision identical with Corner 5, U.S. Survey 3467, and Corner 1, U.S. Survey 3465; thence (21) South 23° 54' West 2,500.01 feet along the Westerly boundary of U.S. Survey 3467 to Corner 4, U.S. Survey 3467 identical with Corner 4, U.S. Survey 3468; thence (22) South 85° 27' West 746.33 feet along the northerly boundary of U.S. Survey 3468 to Corner 3, U.S. Survey 3468 identical with Corner 3, U.S. Survey 2538 -A; then (23) South 55° 21' West 2,289.41 feet along the northerly boundary of U.S. Survey 2538 -A to the Northwest corner of Tract A, U.S. Survey 2538 -A; thence (24) South 34° 39' East 1,327.33 feet more or less to a point on the northwesterly line of U.S. Survey No. 1396, thence (25) North 55° 15' East 2,291.26 feet more or less to Corner 4 of U.S. Survey 2538 -B identical with Corner 3 of U.S. Survey 1396; thence (26) South 34° 43' East 1,649.66 feet more or less to the most easterly corner of the Air Park Subdivision No. • h 34° 43' East 330.00 feet more or less to Corner 4 of U.S. Survey No. 1396 identical with Corner 7 o extension of U.S. Survey No. 2538 -B; thence (28) South 34° 43' East 1,152.13 feet more or less along the northeasterly line of the Extension of U.S. Survey 2538 -B to Corner 8 of Extension of U.S. Survey 2538 -B identical with Corner 5 of U.S. Survey 3066 A & B; thence (29) South 55° 15' 30" West 337.39 feet more or less along a line common to Extension of U.S. Survey 2538 -B and US Survey No. 3066 A & B to Corner 4 of U.S. Survey No. 3066 A & B identical with Corner 3 of U.S. Survey No. 2873; thence (30) Soul 37 44' East 326.37 feet more or less to Corner 4 of U.S. Surve 2873 identical with Corner 3 of U.S. Survey 3066 A & B; thence (31) South 42 43' West 35.64 feet more or less to Corner 5 of U.S. Survey 2873 identical with Corner 2 of U.S. Survey 3066 A & B; thence (32) South 32 24' East 159.72 feet more or less to the point of beginning, excepting those areas described in Ordinances Numbers 307 and 311 and proposed Ordinance Number 313. Containing 2,310 acres more or less. Section 2. Services: Kodiak Island Borough Fire Protection District Number One is hereby established to provide fire protection including administration and collection costs of the same for the area within its boundaries. Section 3. Management: Kodiak Island Borough Fire Protection District Number One shall be managed and operated by the Borough Chairman and Assembly in the same manner as other Borough functions. Page Two, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -23 -0 Section 4. The Costs: The cost of providing fire protection including administrative costs shall be borne by the property owners of both real and personal property having property within the boundaries of said district and the assembly is hereby authorized to levy taxes against all real and personal property lying and being within the boundaries of said district to finance the Fire Protection Service in said area, said taxes to be collect in the same manner and at the aame time as other real and personal property taxes due in the district and the mill rate for said service to be determined and set for all other purposes in the borough. -) ;'b( c - Presiding Officer ATTEST: BOROUGH CLERK Page Three, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -23 -0 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH BY • PRESIDING OFFICER 1st Reading and Approval Date: October 17, 1968 2nd Reading, Public Hearing & Passage Date: mumrammainrwade - Deco-r+beP 6, t q�.8