1968-12 Appropriating Funds for FY1969 BudgetAPPROPRIATINGOFUNDSNFOR THE KODIAK AND OFD , ALASKA THE BOROUGH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY, 1968, AN ENDING ON THE 30TH DAY OF JUNE, 1969 BE IT ORDAINED by the Borough Assembly of the Kodiak Island Borough as follows: Section That the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be authorized by law, as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the Borough, be and the same are hereby appropriated for corporate purposes and objects of said Borough hereinafter specified for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of July, 1968, and ending on the 30th day of June_1969-. A. From the general corporate taxes and revenue: Borough Assembly - Account 501 .21 Transportation and Travel Expense Delegate to Assembly - Travel Delegate to Assembly - Per diem Assemblymen Travel Legal Department_Account 504 .11 Borough Attorney .22 Court Costs and Litigation, legal $ 4,200.00 services 3,500.00 Capital Expenditures - Account 507 .40 Furniture and fixtures .41 Office Machines $ 1,500.00 Page One, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -12 -0 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NUMBER 68 -12 -0 $ 1,800.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 Total: $ 4,000.0 Total: $ 7,700.0 2,650.00 Total; $ 4,150.0 General Government Operation - Account 509 .11 Salaries Manager * $(18,000.00)* Chairman 3,000.00 Clerk- Treasurer 7,800.00 Secretary Cashier - Bookkeeper 6,150.00 Extra help 3,600.00 Total: $ 33,750.00 .13 Publication and Dues 4,000.00 . 14 Post Audit . 15 Publication of Postings 2 100.00 and Hearings . 16 Equipment Rental 100.00 (Postage Meter) 480.00 . 17 Utilities 200.00 .18 Maps and Books 8, 4 2 80 0.00 .19 Office Rental .21 Transportation & Travel 1,800.00 . 23 Telephone & Telegraph 1,700.00 .24 Insurance & Employee Bonds2,000.00 .29 Repair & Maintenance 300.00 of Machines .31 Office Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 .37 Postage .42 Vehicle Operation & 550.00 Maintenance .61 Borough Share of Employ- 2,200.00 ment Taxes .62 Borough Share of Group 600.00 Insurance .70 Elections . 11 Precincts 2,800.00 / .71 Share, Building Inspec- tor's Salary 6,600.00 .72 Share, Health Officer's 3,000.00 Salary .73 Health Expenses, Rat 250.00 Poison, Etc. .74 Chairman - Manager 3 Expenses 3,000.00 .75 Share, Clinical 4,000.00 Psychologist Total: $ 49,890.00 Contingencies - Account 510 Total of all Departments (5%) $ 29,425.00 Assessment Department - Account 601 .11 Borough Assessor $ 13,200.00 .12 Assessment Clerk 6,300.00 .20 Assessment Appraiser & 2 Clerical 2,330.00 .21 Transportation & 1,625.00 Travel .22 Professional Development 250.00 above Training 250.00 is *Acct. No. 509.11 abe - In the event the Manages fomn of Borough successful at an election, the $18,000 salary will be paid from the oanbined salaries of the Cl er O. ur chairman aid the Con*; *+gene -Y. j Page Two, ORDINANC N 68-12 1 Assessment Department - Account 601 (Continued) .23 Telephone & Telegraph $ 300.00 .25 Contractual Service /Other Agency 250.00 .26 Rental - Vehicles & Aircraft 800.00 .28 Data Processing 2,050.00 .30 Miscellaneous Office Supplies & Maps 400.00 .31 Reproduction Supplies 300.00 .35 Advertisement 600.00 .38 Printed Matter & Forms 2,000.00 Total: $ 30,405.00 Planning & Zoning Commission - Account 701 .11 Engineering Service 6,000.00 .12 Commission Meetings 1,000.00 .14 Advertising 2,600.00 .25 Contractual Service (Planning) 10,500 .00 (Water Reserves Study) 5,000.00 Total:$ 25,100.00 School Expenditures- Account 801 .25 - Local S up Hospital - Account 901 Bonds - Principal to Sinking Fund 15,000.00 Interest 14.615 00 .2 Expenses - Bond Counsel & Marketing Fees -0- Total: TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REVENUES Unexpended Fund Balances $ 45,350.00 301 General Property Tax 302 Penalty & Interest 303 Payment in Lieu of Tax (Aleutian Homes) 312 Alaska Business License Refund 315 Amusement & Gaming Device Tax Refund 316 Electric Co -Op. Tax Refund 317 Fish Tax Allocation 321 Miscellaneous Reimbursement of Costs (Copy Machine, Advertising, Maps, etc.) 325 Forestry 330 Building & Trailer Permits 332 Subdivision Fees 334 Rent from Leased Land 335 Planning Grant, ASHA Page Three, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -12 -0 473,156.00 3,000.00 38,811.00 11,000.00 300.00 4,000.00 23,000.00 300.00 500.00 3,000.00 500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 4 872.U0 29,625.00 $ 617,917.00 Total: $ 617,917.00 Section 2: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as required by 1- First Reading and Approval Date: July 22, 1968 Second Reading, Public Hearing & Passage Date: August 1, 1968 ATTEST: PRESIDING OFFI ,'ER BY: Page Four, ORDINANCE NO. 68 -12 -0 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH