CAFR FY2009m ALASK KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH KODIAK, ALASKA KODIAK ISLAND BOROUG11I COMPREHENSIVE' ANNUAL FINANCIAIL REPORT JULY 1, 2008 - JUNE 30, 2009 1 LJ I r 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Year Ended June 30, 2009 I L' I t t r Official Issuing Report Karleton G. Short Finance Director t 1 1 1 v 1 t 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH TABLE OF CONTENTS June 30, 2009 INTRODUCTORY SECTION: Page Letter of Transmittal 14 GFOA Certificate of Achievement 5 Organizational Chart 6 Elected Officials (Photographs) 7 Borough Officials 8 Map of Kodiak Island Borough 9 FINANCIAL SECTION: Independent Auditors' Report 10 -11 Management's Discussion and Analysis 12 -20 Basic Financial Statements: Government -wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets 21 Statement of Activities 22 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet — Governmental Funds 23 Reconciliation of Net Assets Between the Government -Wide and Fund Financial Statements 24 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) — Governmental Funds 25 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities 26 Balance Sheet — Proprietary Funds — Business -Type Activities — Enterprise Funds 27 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets — Proprietary Funds — Business -Type Activities — Enterprise Funds 28 Statement of Cash Flows — Proprietary Funds — Business -Type Activities — Enterprise Funds 29 -30 Notes to Financial Statements 31 -63 Required Supplementary Information: Budgetary Comparison Schedule — General Fund 64 -65 Budgetary Comparison Schedule — Special Revenue Fund — Facilities 66 Notes to Required Supplementary Information — Budgetary Comparison Schedules 67 Additional Supplementary Information: Budgetary Comparison Schedule — Debt Service Fund — Education and Health 68 Nonmajor Governmental Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 69 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 70 Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 71 -74 r n J KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH I TABLE OF CONTENTS I June 30, 2009 (continued) I Page Additional Supplementary Information, continued Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) 75 -78 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) — Budget and Actual: Fire and Road Service Areas: Fire: Fire Protection Area No. 1 79 Womens Bay Fire Department 80 Kodiak Airport Fire District 81 Road: Monashka Bay Road Service Area 82 Service Area No. 1 83 Womens Bay Road Service Area 84 Bay View Road Service Area 85 Service Area No. 2 86 Coastal Management 87 Child Care Assistance Program 88 L.E.P.C. 89 Land Sales 90 Buildings and Grounds 91 Woodland Acres Street Light Service Area 92 Trinity Islands Street Light Service Area 93 Kodiak Arts Council 94 Tourism Development 95 Mission Lake Tide Gate 96 Fern Fuller Trust 97 Trinity Islands Paving 98 Debt Service Fund: Balance Sheet — Other 99 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance — Budget and Actual — Other 100 Nonmajor Capital Project Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 101 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 102 (continued) I 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Table of Contents l Enterprise Funds: Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets (Deficit) — Budget and Actual: Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal 103 ' Hospital Facilities 104 Kodiak Fisheries Research Center 105 911 Services Fund 106 Supplementary Schedules: Summary of Bonded Debt Service Requirements to Maturity 107 General Obligation Bonds, 2000 Series E — Retirement Schedule 108 STATISTICAL SECTION: Net Assets by Component — Last Five Fiscal Years 114 Changes in Net Assets — Last Five Fiscal Years 115 Fund Balances of Governmental Funds — Last Five Fiscal Years 116 General Obligation Bonds, 2000 Series F — Retirement Schedule 109 General Revenues by Source — Last Ten Fiscal Years General Obligation Bonds, 2004 Series C — Retirement Schedule 110 119 General Obligation Bonds, 2004 Series D — Retirement Schedule 111 General Obligation Bonds, 2008 Series A — Retirement Schedule 112 Property Tax Levies and Collections — Last Ten Fiscal Years General Obligation Bonds, 2009 Series A — Retirement Schedule 113 STATISTICAL SECTION: Net Assets by Component — Last Five Fiscal Years 114 Changes in Net Assets — Last Five Fiscal Years 115 Fund Balances of Governmental Funds — Last Five Fiscal Years 116 1 1 Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds — Last Six Fiscal Years 117 General Revenues by Source — Last Ten Fiscal Years 118 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property — Last Ten Fiscal Years 119 Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates and Contributions to the School District 120 Principal Property Tax Payers — Current Year and Ten Years Ago 121 Property Tax Levies and Collections — Last Ten Fiscal Years 122 Ratios of Net General Bonded Debt Outstanding — Last Ten Fiscal Years 123 Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt 124 Legal Debt Margin Information — Last Five Fiscal Years 125 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Governmental Expenditures and Transfers — Last Ten Fiscal Years 126 Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type — Last Ten Fiscal Years 127 Demographic and Economic Statistics — Last Ten Fiscal Years 128 Average Monthly Employment & Earnings Last Three Fiscal Years 129 Miscellaneous Statistical Data — Last Ten Fiscal Years 130 Property Value, Construction and Bank Deposits — Last Ten Fiscal Years 131 Full -Time Equivalent Borough Employees by Function/Program — Last Five Fiscal Years 132 Operating Indicators by Function — Last Ten Fiscal Years 133 Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program — Last Ten Fiscal Years 134 1 1 INTRODUCTORY SECTION 1 1 1 Kodiak Island Borough Finance Department 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone (907) 486 -9320 Fax (907) 486 -9399 1 1 fj L 1 11 t s December 31, 2009 Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska State of Alaska statutes and local charter provisions require that all general - purpose local governments publish a complete set of financial statements presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (GAAP) and audited in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America by a firm of licensed certified public accountants. Pursuant to that requirement, we hereby issue the comprehensive annual financial report of the Kodiak Island Borough (Borough) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. This report consists of management's representations concerning the finances of the Borough. Consequently, management assumes full responsibility for the completeness and reliability of all of the information presented in this report. To provide a reasonable basis for making these representations, management of the Borough has established a comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the government's assets from loss, theft, or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation of the Borough's financial statements in conformity with GAAP. Because the cost of internal controls should not outweigh their benefits, the Borough's comprehensive framework of internal controls has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatement. As management, we assert that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this financial report is complete and reliable in all material respects. The Borough's financial statements have been audited by Altman, Rogers & Co., a firm of licensed certified public accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to form an opinion on whether the financial statements of the Borough, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditor issued an unqualified opinion on the Borough's financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. The independent auditors' report is presented as the first component of the financial section of this report. III �J Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska ' The independent audit of the financial statements of the Borough was part of broader, State and federally mandated "Single Audits" designed to meet the special needs of State and federal grantor agencies. The standards governing Single Audit engagements require the independent auditor to report not only on the fair presentation of the financial statements, but also on the audited government's internal controls and compliance with legal requirements, with special emphasis on internal controls and legal requirements r involving the administration of State and federal awards. These reports are available in the Borough's separately issued Single Audit Report. GAAP require that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD &A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement MD &A and should be read in conjunction with it. The Borough's MD &A can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditors. Profile of the Government The Kodiak Island Borough lies at the western border of the Gulf of Alaska, approximately 40 miles south ' of the Kenai Peninsula. Kodiak Island is the largest island in Alaska and the second largest in the United States. About two - thirds of the Borough lies in the Kodiak archipelago with the remaining third on the Alaska Peninsula, across the Shelikof Strait from Kodiak Island. The Shelikof Strait is only 20 miles wide in places. The Borough encompasses 7,130 square miles, making it slightly smaller than the State of Massachusetts and serves a population of 13,811. The Borough was incorporated September 30, 1963, as a Second Class Borough by Chapter 146 Sessions, r Laws of Alaska 1961, as amended. The powers granted to the Borough include area -wide powers and non area -wide powers. Area -wide powers are health, education, assessment and collection of taxes for both the Borough and cities within the Borough, planning and zoning, and general administrative services. Non area -wide powers include parks and recreation, economic development, solid waste disposal, and animal control. Service districts within the Kodiak Island Borough provide fire protection, road maintenance and construction, and street lighting. A Mayor/Manager form of government governs the Borough. The Mayor is elected at large while the Borough Assembly appoints the Manager. The Assembly is composed of seven members who are elected at- large. The Borough provides a full range of services including fire protection, the construction and maintenance of roads and other infrastructure, community and economic development, health and sanitation, culture and recreation and solid waste collection and disposal. The Borough also is financially accountable for a legally separate school district which is reported separately within the Borough's financial statements. Additional information on this legally separate entity can be found in the basic financial statements. The annual budget serves as the foundation for the Borough's financial planning and control. All departments of the Borough are required to submit requests for appropriation to the Borough manager. The Borough manager uses these requests as the starting point for developing a proposed budget. The Borough Manager then presents this proposed budget to the assembly for review by April 30. The assembly is required to hold public hearings on the proposed budget and to adopt a final budget by no later than June 10. The appropriated budget is prepared by fund and department. The Assembly makes appropriation transfers between funds and/or departments only after the adoption of an ordinance. Borough staff may execute transfers between line items within a department. Amendments to the budget can occur anytime during the fiscal year through the Borough Assembly or administrative action. Expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at the following levels: Capital Project Funds — project level, all other funds — department level. All funds, except Capital Project Funds, are budgeted on an annual basis encompassing a fiscal year. Budgets of Capital Project Funds generally encompass the period from start-up to project completion, which is generally greater than one year. Budget -to- actual comparisons are provided in this report for each individual governmental and proprietary fund for which an appropriated annual budget has Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska been adopted. For the General Fund and the Facilities special revenue fund, this comparison is presented on pages. 64 -66 as part of required supplementary information. For governmental funds, other than the General Fund and the Facilities special revenue fund, this comparison is presented in the additional supplementary information subsection of this report, which starts on page 68. Also included in the additional supplementary information subsection are the Education and Health debt service fund budget to actual. For proprietary funds, this comparison is presented in the proprietary funds subsection of this report, which starts on page 103. Factors Affecting Financial Condition The information presented in the financial statements is perhaps best understood when it is considered from the broader perspective of the specific environment within which the Borough operates. Local economy. The economic condition of the Kodiak Island Borough remains healthy. The main industries of the Borough are commercial fishing, logging, and tourism. While some segments of the commercial fishing industry have declined, others have grown. There have been large cutbacks in the logging industry, which can be attributed to the slowdown in the Asian economy. Tourism continues to grow in Kodiak with an increased number of visitors each year. To accommodate this demand, construction of fishing lodges, bed and breakfast accommodations and recreational facilities has increased along with an increase in charter boat and guide operations. There has also been an increase in the number of cruise ships visiting Kodiak in recent years as the cruise ship companies have expanded their tours of Alaska's coastal communities. Relatively new to the Kodiak Island Borough is the aerospace industry, which began with construction of the Kodiak Launch Complex in 1998. Owned by the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation (AADC), a public corporation of the State of Alaska, the Kodiak Launch complex is the first complete launch facility built in the United States since the 1960's and the first not owned by the Federal Government. The state -of -the -art facility includes a launch control center, payload processing facility, spacecraft assembly building and launch pad. It is designed to handle small to medium sized rockets used to launch low earth orbit satellites, as well as military, scientific and research missions. Kodiak is home to the largest U.S. Coast Guard base in the country, employing nearly 1,400 people and providing vital services to the marine industries that are an integral part of Kodiak's make -up as well as making a significant contribution to the Kodiak community. The Seafood industry is by far the largest industry in the Kodiak Island Borough. This industry includes commercial fishing, fisheries research, management and enforcement, seafood processing, and maintenance and support services. Kodiak is home to the largest port in the State, housing over 700 commercial vessels and consistently ranks among the top ten ports in the United States in terms of amount and value of product delivered. Employment varies throughout the year with July, August, and September being the peak months due to the increased activity in the fisheries and related businesses, and then declines in November and December when fishing quotas are reached. The local unemployment rate has fluctuated from 6.2% to 9.5% over the last five years, but the overall average has remained around 8.0 %. Long -term financial planning. Every year the Borough adopts a five -year strategic plan. In this plan the Borough decides what its' goals and objectives are for the next five years. The Borough breaks these goals out based on our Mandatory and Adopted powers. To view the complete Strategic plan you can visit our web site at www.kodiakak.us. 3 Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Cash management policies and practices. Operating funds of the Borough are invested in interest producing instruments in accordance with the Borough's investment code. Cash forecasts are prepared to enhance investment income and reduce market risk by matching investment maturities to anticipated cash flows. Investment income includes appreciation or depreciation in the fair value of investments. Risk management. The Borough maintains adequate fund balance in the General Fund, plus certain other funds where the liability may arise, to cover potential losses that may not be covered by insurance or the deductible portion of claims that are covered by insurance. In addition, various control techniques, including employee accident prevention training, have been implemented to minimize accident - related losses. Third party coverage is currently maintained for all of the Borough's property and activities. Additional information on the Borough's risk management activity can be found in note 10 of the notes to the financial statements. Pension and other post employment benefits. The Borough participates in the Alaska Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), which includes both a defined contribution and a defined benefit agent, multiple employer public employee retirement system. PERS was established and is administered by the State of Alaska to provide pension, post employment healthcare, death, and disability benefits to eligible participants. At June 30, 2006 (date of most recent actuarial analysis), the actuarial value of liabilities exceeded the actuarial value of assets by $8.2 million. Effective July 1, 2006, the PERS retirement plan was closed by senate Bill 141. A new defined contribution plan for members first hired on or after July 1, 2006 was established. The Borough also administers a Section 457 deferred compensation arrangement for eligible Borough employees. Additional information on the Borough's pension arrangements and post employment benefits can be found in Note 12 in the notes to the financial statements. Awards and Acknowledgements The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Borough for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. This was the twenty -first consecutive year that the Borough has received this prestigious award. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe that our current CAFR continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program's requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire staff of the administration and finance department. We would like to express our appreciation to all members of the department who assisted and contributed to the preparation of this report. Credit must be given to the mayor and the assembly for their unfailing support for maintaining the highest standards of professionalism in the management of the Borough's finances. Respectfully submitted, Rick L. Gifford Borough Manager 4 1� at;� A. 44 Karleton G. Short Director of Finance J r f] 1 IJ 1 i 1 1 I Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to Kodiak Island Borough Alaska For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2008 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. cr o�F :�. �a President Executive Director t Kodiak Island Borough 9 Fiscal Year 2009 ' Electorate , u i Borough Mayor Borough Assembly Borough Attorney Borough Clerk Borough Manager Assistant i Clerk Deputy Clerk I Assistant Fire Administrative I Arts Council i Chief Assistant Director Engineering/ i Community Development Assessor Finance/MIS Facilities s Director Director Director KFRC �. Maintenance Environmental Specialist i— Associate Planner LRP Property Appraiser — General Engineer ��- � J Accountant _ I MIS Programmer/ Associate Planner Appraiser F- Analyst st KFRC l Enforcement Technician Receptionist P Baler /Landfill Supervisor L Drafting Technician Assessment Clerk 1 —' Accounting Tech Accounts Payable — MIS Operations Supervisor Project Manager/ Accounting Tech Inspector -- - Secretary III Payroll y _ MIS Network Administrator Project Assistant — I'I Baler Operator II Childcare Assistance Administrator i Baler Operator I —, Matoekence Wr Baler Operator I — Revenue Baler Operator I Accountant Secretary III — �— Baler Operator 11 Cashier Secretary III -- u MAYOR AND ASSEMBLY MEMBERS Chris Lynch At Large, 2009 Louise Stutes At Large, 2010 7 Judy Fulp At Large, 2011 Jerrol Friend At Large, 2009 Jerome Setby Mayor, 2010 Sue Jeffrey At Large, 2011 Dave Kaplan At Large, 2011 Pat Branson Deputy Presiding Officer, At large, 2010 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH KODIAK, ALASKA BOROUGH OFFICIALS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2009 MAYOR Jerome Selby '10 ASSEMBLY Patricia Branson '10 Judy Fulp 'I I Jerrol Friend `09 Sue Jeffrey 'I 1 Dave Kaplan `11 Louise Stutes `10 MANAGEMENT Chris Lynch `09 Rick Gifford .................................................... ............................... ........................Borough Manager Karleton G. Short ............................. ............................... .........................Finance Director/Treasurer Woody Koning ............................................. ............................... Engineering and Facilities Director Nova Javier, CMC ........................................................................ ............................... Borough Clerk Bud Cassidy ............................ ............................... ......................Community Development Director TomAnderson ................................................................. ............................... .......................Assessor Robert Himes ........................................................ Jamin, Schmitt, St. John ............................ ............................... ...........................Fire Chief ............................... Borough Attorney (Contracted Firm) Stuart McDonald ................................................ ............................... Superintendent, School District Dria Bray - Holloway ............................................................. ............................... General Accountant Cassandra Juenger ....................................... ............................... ........................Revenue Accountant Lauri Whiddon ..................................................... .............................HR Officer/Executive Assistant 0 1 1 1 t 1 �J [l r ARCTIC OCEAN P BARROW BARR W PRUQHOE BAY KOTZEBUE . INKIE X4RLu 01AK NOME CANADA SEN A— �Y Q} ` \�Nl1RTf3N SOWD FAIRBANKS AMOK lrr�� ALASKA d � ANCHORAGE at ({� �� � BETHEL EN VALDEZ i BOROWH DILLINOHAM E S ARn NEAU GULF OF ALASKA HIKAN BRISTOL BAY V DW KODWC v6 ISLAND r ° NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN FINANCIAL SECTION n L� Altman &gers v CERTIFIED ` I PUBLIC Co . • ACCOUNTANTS Independent Auditors' Report The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak, Alaska We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, the discretely presented component unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2009, which collectively comprise the Borough's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, the discretely presented component unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska, as of June 30, 2009, and the respective changes in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated December 31, 2009 on our consideration of the Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. The management's discussion and analysis on pages 12 through 20 and the budgetary comparison information on pages 64 through 67 are not a required part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary information required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. 10 425 G Street Suite 500 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone 907 - 274 -2992 Fax 907 - 274 -2993 Offices in Juneau and Soldotna A Professional Corporation n The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Assembly Kodiak Island Borough Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska's basic financial statements. The accompanying additional supplementary information, as identified in the table of contents, are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The introductory section and statistical section, as identified in the table of contents, have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on them. a44�� t December 31, 2009 1 1 1 11 I t KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ' Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 As management of the Kodiak Island Borough, we offer readers of these financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Kodiak Island Borough for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. We encourage readers to consider the information presented here in conjunction with additional information that we have furnished in our letter of transmittal, which can be found on pages I - 4 of this report. Financial Highlights • The assets of the Kodiak Island Borough exceeded its liabilities at the close of FY2009 by $154,871,211. Of this amount, $68,713, 155 (unrestricted net assets) may be used to meet the Borough's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. • In FY2009 the Borough's total net assets increased by $8,045,404. • At the end of the current fiscal year, the Borough's governmental funds reported combined fund balances of $59,146,415, a loss of $13,306,479 in comparison with the prior year. At the end of the FY2009, unreserved fund balance for the general fund was $3,124,289. This was 22% of total general fund expenditures. • The Borough's bonds payable decreased by $2,615,000, mostly due to the payment of $2,495,056 of the principal of bonds. The Borough also refunded one bond issue this year. Overview of the Financial Statements Government wide Financial Statements The government wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Kodiak Island Borough's finances, in a manner similar to a private sector business. The statement of net assets presents information on all of the Kodiak Island Borough's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the Kodiak Island Borough is improving or deteriorating. The statement of activities presents information showing how the government's net assets changed during the most recent fiscal year. All changes in net assets are reported as soon as the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods. Both of the government wide financial statements distinguish functions of the Kodiak Island Borough that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from other functions that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business -type activities). The governmental activities of the Kodiak Island Borough include general government, public safety, emergency preparedness, community and economic development, health and sanitation, education, culture and recreation, service district maintenance and primary and secondary education. The business -type activities of the Kodiak Island Borough include a solid waste collection and disposal facility, a Borough owned hospital, the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center and a 911 emergency system. The government wide financial statements include not only the Kodiak Island Borough itself (known as the primary government), but also the legally separate school district for which the Kodiak Island Borough is 12 1 t KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 financially accountable. Financial information for this component unit is reported separately from the financial information presented for the primary government itself. The government wide financial statements can be found on pages 21 -22 of this report. Fund Financial Statements A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Kodiak Island Borough, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance related legal requirements. All of the funds of the Kodiak Island Borough can be divided into two categories: governmental funds and proprietary funds. Governmental Funds — Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government wide financial statements. However, unlike the government wide statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near -term inflows and outflows of spendable resources as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government's near -term financing requirements. Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the government -wide financial statements. By doing so, readers may better understand the long -term impact of the government's near -term financing decisions. Both the governmental fund balance sheet and governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison between governmental funds and governmental activities. funds. Information is in The Kodiak Island Borough maintains 27 individual governmental presented separately the governmental fund balance sheet and in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances for the General fund, the Facilities special revenue fund, the Education and Health debt service fund and the School Bond Capital Projects fund, which are all considered to be major funds. Data from the other nonmajor funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds is provided in the form of combining statements elsewhere in the supplementary information section of this report. The Kodiak Island Borough adopts an annual appropriated budget for its general fund, special revenue funds and debt service funds. Budgetary comparison statements have been provided for the funds to demonstrate compliance with this budget. The basic governmental financial statements can be found on pages 23 -26 of this report. Proprietary Funds — The only proprietary fund type that the Kodiak Island Borough uses is enterprise funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business type activities in the government wide financial statements. Proprietary funds provide the same type of information as government wide financial statements, only in more detail. The Kodiak Island Borough uses enterprise funds to account for a solid waste collection and disposal facility, a Borough owned hospital leased to the Sisters of Providence d.b.a. Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center, rents and utilities of the Borough owned Kodiak Fisheries Research Center, and 911 phone charges and expenses. 13 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 The Kodiak Island Borough adopts an annual appropriated budget for its proprietary funds. Budgetary comparison statements have been provided for the funds to demonstrate compliance with the budget. The basic proprietary fund financial statements can be found on pages 27 -30 of this report. Notes to the Financial Statements — The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found on pages 31 -63 of this report. Other Information — In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain required supplementary information including budgetary comparison schedules for the General Fund and the Facilities special revenue fund. Required supplementary information can be found on pages 64-67 of this report. Government wide Financial Analysis Statement of Net Assets As noted earlier, net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. In the case of the Kodiak Island Borough, assets exceeded liabilities by $154,871,211 at the close of FY2009, the most recent fiscal year. The net assets of the component unit were $3,984,071 at the close of FY2009. The largest portion of the Kodiak Island Borough's net assets ($86,158,056 or 56 %) reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g. land, buildings, equipment and infrastructure) net of related debt. The Kodiak Island Borough uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these capital assets are not available for future spending. Although the Borough's investment in capital assets is reported net of debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. Governmental Business -type Activities Activities Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Current and other assets $ 61,772,451 71,664,709 9,535,773 9,919,218 71,308,224 81,583,927 Capital assets 93,135,695 79,157,076 39,999,843 36,718,028 133,135,538 115,875,104 Total assets $ 154,908,146 150,821,785 49,535,616 46,637,246 204,443,762 197,459,031 Long-term liabilities $ 32,600,929 36,601,545 6,522,192 8,307,163 39,123,12I 44,908,708 Other liabilities 2,632,045 (761,333) 7,817,385 6,485,849 10,449,430 5,724,516 Total liabilities $ 35,232,974 35,840,212 14,339,577 14,793,012 49,572,551 50,633,224 Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt $ 49,534,766 43,951,753 36,623,290 34,706,597 86,158,056 78,658,350 Unrestricted 70,140,406 71,029,820 (1,427,251) (2,862,363) 68,713,155 68,167,457 Total net assets $ 119,675,172 I 14,981,573 35,196,039 31,844,234 154,871,211 146,825,807 For more detailed information see the statement of net assets on page 21. The remaining balance of unrestricted net assets, $68,713,155, may be used to meet the Borough's ongoing ' obligations to citizens and creditors. 1 14 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 Statement of Activities The following condensed table of changes in net assets displays the revenues and expenses for the current and prior year. Governmental activities Business -type activities Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Revenues: Program revenues: Charges for services Operating grants and contributions Capital grants General revenues: Property taxes Grants and entitlements not restricted to specific programs Land sales Severance taxes Other Investment earnings Total revenues $ 742,527 620,681 8,830,744 6,303,688 2,543,254 1,911,246 - - 2,331,253 1,926,465 - - 9,573,271 6,924,369 2,543,254 1,911,246 2,331,253 1,926,465 10,592,258 10,118,601 - - 10,592,258 10,118,601 4,214,617 3,144,751 - - 4,214,617 3,144,751 26,369 2,944 - - 26,369 2,944 1,311,188 1,436,210 - - 1,311,188 1,436,210 226,586 377,605 50 1,920 226,636 379,525 2,082,615 3,912,145 273,973 434,164 2,356,588 4,346,309 24,070,667 23,450,648 9,104,767 6,739,772 33,175,434 30,190,420 3,723,964 4,226,758 - - 3,723,964 4,226,758 579,710 509,697 - - 579,710 509,697 14,988 13,841 - - 14,988 13,841 908,501 1,105,156 - - 908,501 1,105,156 371,673 449,792 - - 371,673 449,792 248,571 183,747 - - 248,571 183,747 398,219 378,661 - - 398,219 378,661 12,354,129 11,524,160 - - 12,354,129 11,524,160 1,408,045 1,270,423 - - 1,408,045 1,270,423 - - 3,852,158 4,628,826 3,852,158 4,628,826 - - 1,095,535 1,124,650 1,095,535 1,124,650 - - 1,960,404 2,027,432 1,960,404 2,027,432 - - 43,043 107,980 43,043 107,980 20,007,800 19,662,235 6,951,140 7,888,888 26,958,940 27,551,123 4,062,867 3,788,413 2,153,627 (1,149,116) 6,216,494 2,639,297 (765,490) 127,050 765,490 (127,050) - - 1,396,222 - 432,688 - 1,828,910 - 630,732 127,050 1,198,178 (127,050) 1,828,910 - 4,693,599 3,915,463 3,351,805 (1,276,166) 8,045,404 2,639,297 114,981,573 111,066,110 31,844,234 33,120,400 146,825,807 144,186,510 $ 119,675,172 114,981,573 35,196,039 31,844,234 154,871,211 146,825,807 Expenses: General government Public safety Emergency preparedness Community and economic development Health and sanitation department Education, culture, and recreation Service district maintenance Primary and secondary education Interest on long -term debt Municipal solid waste collection and disposal Hospital facilities Kodiak fisheries research center 911 services Total expenses Change in net assets before transfers and extraordinary item Transfers Extraordinary item Net transfers and extraordinary item Change in net assets Net assets, beginning ofyear Net assets, end ofyear Governmental activities increased the Kodiak Island Borough's net assets by $4,693,599. The major differences in revenues were an increase of $473,657 in property taxes, $1,069,866 in grants, and a decrease in investment earnings of $1,829,530. There were some major changes in expenses including an increase of $829,969 in primary and secondary education and decreases in community and economic development of $196,655 and general government of $502,794. 1 1 L l L 15 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 Business -type activities increased the Kodiak Island Borough's net assets by $3,351,805. The major differences were a $2,527,056 increase in charges for services, a $258,795 decrease in contracted services, a $470,509 decreased in landfill closure and post- closure costs, in increase in transfers in of $692,540 and an extraordinary item of $432,688. The proprietary funds had operating income of $2,153,627 before transfers and the extraordinary item. Expenses and Program Revenues Governmental Activities 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 5 e w c c1 5 0 0� o c of oe`c Ike Qa�aa�e Ja\oQ�e e o : `� ca d Q A � Q c \o 06 o � o` a�`c `ea `o 0�0 0 Co cue o e X �J F � o � R o �a Sa o ■ Revenues ■ Expenditures I For more detailed information see the statement of activities on page 22. Financial Analysis of the Government's Funds As noted earlier, the Kodiak Island Borough uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance- related legal requirements. 16 1 ISLAND BOROUGH KODIAK Management's Discussion and Analysis , June 30, 2009 Governmental Funds — The focus of the Kodiak Island Borough's governmental funds is to provide information on near -term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the Kodiak Island Borough's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. As of the end of the current fiscal year, the Kodiak Island Borough's governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $59,146,415, a decrease of $13,306,479 in comparison to the beginning of the year. $52,939,509 of this total amount constitutes unreserved fund balance, of which $1,946,249 is designated for subsequent year expenditures and $50,993,260 is undesignated. The remaining $6,206,906 of fund balance is reserved for long -term interfund borrowings. follows: , The main reasons for this decrease are as • $16,134,170 was spent on capital projects that were mainly financed by bond issues sold in previous years. • Federal payments in lieu of taxes exceeded projections by $475,015. • Expenditures in the General Fund were lower than projections by $1,038,154. The General fund is the main operating fund of the Kodiak Island Borough. At the end of the current fiscal year, unreserved fund balance of the general fund was $3,124,289 with $1,261,581 reserved for subsequent year's ' expenditures. As a measure of the general fund's liquidity, it may be useful to compare fund balance to total expenditures. Unreserved fund balance represents 21% of total general fund expenditures. The fund balance of the Kodiak Island Borough's General fund decreased by $106,190 during the current fiscal year. The key factor leading to this decrease was a budgeted use of unreserved fund balance to balance the FY2009 budget. Proprietary Funds — The Kodiak Island Borough's proprietary funds provide the same type of information found in the government wide financial statements, but in more detail. Net assets of the Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal fund amounted to $4,628,072, the Hospital Facilities fund amounted to $20,223,741, the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center fund amounted to $10,344,226 and the 911 Services fund amounted to 0. The total increase in net assets for the Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal fund was $273,396. The total increase in net assets for the Hospital Facilities fund was $3,249,753. The total decrease in net assets for the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center was $180,993. The total increase in net assets for the 911 Services fund was $9,649. Other factors concerning the finances of these four funds have already been addressed in the discussion of the Kodiak Island Borough's business -type activities. , 17 1 G I 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 2009 Program Revenue vs Expense Proprietary Operations 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Municpal Solid Hospital Facilities Kodiak Fisheries Waste ResearchCenter ■ Program Revenue ■ Program Expense 911 Service General Fund Budgetary Highlights Differences between the original budget and final amended budget can be briefly summarized as follows: • The revenue budget for real property tax was increased by $71,980. • The revenue budget for state raw fish tax was increased by $297,000. • The revenue budget for federal payment in lieu of taxes was increased by $500,000. • The revenue budget for federal payment in lieu of taxes was increased by $500,000. • The revenue budget for fish severance tax was increased by $200,000. Differences between the final amended budget and actual can be summarized as follows: • Penalty and interest of taxes was $67,529 less than budgeted. This was due to collection efforts in previous years. • Federal Payments in lieu of taxes was $475,015 over budget. This was due to the federal government fully funding this program, including retroactive payments. • Severance taxes were $177,025 under budget. This was due to lower than anticipated salmon returns. • The Borough Assembly department came in $25,312 under budget. This was due to travel and per diem coming in under budget. 18 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2009 • The Borough Attorney's department came in $63,415 under budget. This was due to less litigation than ' expected. • The Finance department was $12,364 under budget. This was mainly due to vacant positions. • The Management Information Systems department came in $114,386 under budget. This was due to salary costs and benefits and maintenance agreements coming in under budget. • The Community Development department came in $67,260 under budget. This was due to personnel services and employee benefits coming in under budget. • The Building Inspectors department came in $63,762 under budget. This was due to more construction within the city limits of Kodiak rather than outside the city, • Economic Development came in $31,500 under budget. This was mainly due to contracted services coming in under budget. • General Administration was $50,835 under budget. This was due to audit expenses, postage and bank fees coming in under budget. Capital Asset and Debt Administration Capital Assets — The Kodiak Island Borough's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business - type activities as of June 30, 2009, amounted to $133,135,538 (net of accumulated depreciation). This investment in capital assets includes, land, buildings and improvements, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment, and construction work -in- progress. The total net increase in the Kodiak Island Borough's investments in capital assets for the current fiscal year was $17,260,434 which was mostly due to increases in construction work in process. The following table displays the capital assets (net of depreciation) for the current year. 19 Governmental Business -type activities activities 'total 200 8 2 8 2009 2008 Artwork $ — — 16,091 16,091 16,091 16,091 Land 23,072,753 23,072,753 1,661,499 1,661,499 24,734,252 24,734,252 Constriction work -in- progress 30,677,298 14,543,228 6,252,703 1,222,086 36,930,001 15,765,314 Buildings and improvements 35,615,547 37,895,046 27,233,162 28,653,540 62,848,709 66,548,586 Improvements other than buildings 1,023,261 609,425 2,518,425 2,640,513 3,541,686 3,249,938 Equipment 1,195,235 1,340,955 1,138,732 1,297,948 2,333,967 2,638,903 Infrastructure 1,551,601 1,695,669 — — 1,551,601 1,695,669 Unclassified plant in service — — 1,179,231 1,226,351 1,179,231 1,226,351 $ 93,135,695 7 9,157,076 39,999,843 36,718,028 133,]35,538 115,875,104 Additional information on the Kodiak Island Borough's capital assets can be found in note 6 on pages 41-45 of this report. 19 � 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Management's Discussion and Analysis i June 30, 2009 Long -term Debt — At the end of the current fiscal year, the Kodiak Island Borough had total bonded debt outstanding of $32,245,000. This entire amount is backed by the full faith and credit of the Borough. The remainder of the Kodiak Island Borough's debt represents capital leases, and landfill closure and post - closure costs. The following table displays the long -term debt for the current year. The Kodiak Island Borough's total debt decreased $2,350,906 during the current fiscal year. This decrease was due to the Kodiak Island Borough paying $2,495,056 of principal of general obligation bonds and refunding the 1998 bond issue. This year, Fitch Investors Service reviewed our general obligation bond rating. They increased our rating from an A- to an A- with a positive outlook. Currently, general obligation bonds are insured to an AAA rating at the time of issuance. There is no general obligation debt limit imposed on the Kodiak Island Borough by the State Constitution, state statutes or the Borough's charter or code. ' Additional information on the Kodiak Island Borough's long -term debt can be found in note 8 on pages 49 -56 of this report. Economic Factors and Next Year's Budgets and Rates • At June 30, 2009, the unemployment rate for the Kodiak Island Borough was 8.2 %, which is 1.1 % lower than last year's rate of 9.3 %. The average unemployment rate for the last 10 years has been 9.1 %. • Property tax revenues received are projected to increase in future years as the Kodiak Island Borough's assessed valuation continues to increase. • The PERS (Public Employees Retirement System) rate has increased from 0% in FY2004 to 22% in FY2009. Actuarially, the PERS rate would be 39.14 %. The State of Alaska set a ceiling of 22% on all political subdivisions. Requests for Information This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the Kodiak Island Borough's finances for all those with an interest. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional information should be addressed to the Kodiak Island Borough, Director of Finance, 710 Mill Bay Kodiak, Alaska 99615. 20 Governmental Business -type activities activities Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 General obligation bonds, including premium $ 32,534,424 34,957,269 — — 32,534,424 34,957,269 ADEC loans Compensated absences 66,505 72,028 234,236 176,026 = — 66,505 234,236 72,028 176,026 Landfill post closure care costs 4,390,364 4,041,730 4,390,364 4,041,730 Long term interfund borrowings — — 6,544,725 6,969,950 6,544,725 6,969,950 Notes payable — — 1,864,503 1,768,660 1,864,503 1,768,660 $ 32,835,165 35,205,323 12,799,592 12,780,340 45,634,757 47,985,663 The Kodiak Island Borough's total debt decreased $2,350,906 during the current fiscal year. This decrease was due to the Kodiak Island Borough paying $2,495,056 of principal of general obligation bonds and refunding the 1998 bond issue. This year, Fitch Investors Service reviewed our general obligation bond rating. They increased our rating from an A- to an A- with a positive outlook. Currently, general obligation bonds are insured to an AAA rating at the time of issuance. There is no general obligation debt limit imposed on the Kodiak Island Borough by the State Constitution, state statutes or the Borough's charter or code. ' Additional information on the Kodiak Island Borough's long -term debt can be found in note 8 on pages 49 -56 of this report. Economic Factors and Next Year's Budgets and Rates • At June 30, 2009, the unemployment rate for the Kodiak Island Borough was 8.2 %, which is 1.1 % lower than last year's rate of 9.3 %. The average unemployment rate for the last 10 years has been 9.1 %. • Property tax revenues received are projected to increase in future years as the Kodiak Island Borough's assessed valuation continues to increase. • The PERS (Public Employees Retirement System) rate has increased from 0% in FY2004 to 22% in FY2009. Actuarially, the PERS rate would be 39.14 %. The State of Alaska set a ceiling of 22% on all political subdivisions. Requests for Information This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the Kodiak Island Borough's finances for all those with an interest. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report or requests for additional information should be addressed to the Kodiak Island Borough, Director of Finance, 710 Mill Bay Kodiak, Alaska 99615. 20 1 21 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Net Assets June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for June 30, 2008) Component Primary government unit Total reporting entity Governmental Business -type School Assets activities activities Total district 2009 2008 Equity in central treasury S 60,424,187 8,773,064 69,197,251 52,614 69,249,865 78,918,372 Due from primary government 5,766,156 5,766,156 3,380,508 Receivables: State of Alaska 510,588 100,000 610,588 - 610,588 875,826 Federal Government 62,034 - 62,034 62,034 373,520 Property taxes, net of allowance of $15,828 140,730 140,730 - 140,730 112,109 Severance taxes 280,334 280,334 - 280,334 352,927 Deferred charges 101,380 - 101,380 - 101,380 34,929 Inventories - 277,007 277,007 404,418 681,425 724,013 Prepaid expenses 17,567 17,567 5,526 Land sales contracts receivable 214,047 - 214,047 - 214,047 230,778 Accounts and other receivables, net 39,151 385,702 424,853 1,394,430 1,819,283 2,269,392 Capital assets: Non - depreciable 53,750,051 7,930,293 61,680,344 - 61,680,344 40,515,657 Depreciable, net 39,385,644 32,069,550 71,455,194 329,703 71,784,897 75,649,312 Total $ 154,908,146 49,535,616 204,443,762 7,964,888 212,408,650 203,442,869 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 1,946,855 684,517 2,631,372 365,883 2,997,255 3,223,951 Retainages payable 530,153 530,153 530,153 208,818 Accrued compensation and related liabilities 402,000 78,086 480,086 3,067,011 3,547,097 3,193,317 Other accrued liabilities 261,820 481,885 743,705 - 743,705 618,531 Customer deposits 700 - 700 - 700 800 Unearned revenues 361,836 202,747 564,583 32,361 596,944 243,461 Due to component units 5,766,156 - 5,766,156 - 5,766,156 3,386,090 Internal balances (6,637,475) 6,637,475 - - - - Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year 2,951,842 - 2,951,842 500,910 3,452,752 3,383,283 Due in more than one year 29,649,087 1,864,503 31,513,590 14,652 31,528,242 34,246,354 Landfill closure costs - 4,390,364 4,390,364 - 4,390,364 4,041,730 Net Pension and OPEB obligation - - - - - 6,186,447 Total liabilities 35,232,974 14,339,577 49,572,551 3,980,817 53,553,368 58,732,782 Net assets- Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 49,534,766 36,623,290 86,158,056 329,703 86,487,759 78,948,215 Unrestricted 70,140,406 (1,427,251) 68,713,155 3,654,368 72,367,523 65,761,872 Net assets 119,675,172 35,196,039 154,871,211 3,984,071 158,855,282 144,710,087 Total $ 154,908,146 49,535,616 204,443,762 7,964,888 212,408,650 203,442,869 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 1 21 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Activities Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) See accompanying notes to financial statements. 22 M= r■i■ M= r M M r M M M r= r r= r r Program revenues Net(expense)revenue and changes in net assets Operating Primary government Component Charges for grants and Capital Governmental Business -type units school Total reporting entity Functions /Programs Expenses services contributions grants activities activities Total district 2009 2008 Primary government: Governmental activities: General government $ 3,723,964 705,166 203,696 - (2,815,102) - (2.815.102) - (2,815,102) (3,683,917) Public safety 579,710 12.361 20,180 - (547,169) (547,169) (547,169) (509,697) Emergency preparedness 14,988 - - - (14,988) - (14,988) - (14,988) (13.841) Community and economic development 908,501 - 71,824 2,331,253 1,494,576 - 1,494,576 - 1,494,576 (25,501) Health and sanitation department 371,673 - 101,048 - (270,625) - (270,625) - (270,625) (342,123) Education, culture and recreation 248,571 - - - (248.571) - (248.571) - (248,571) (183.747) Service district maintenance 398,219 25.000 - - (373,219) - (373,219) - (373,219) (199,772) Primary and secondary education 12,354,129 - - - (12.354,129) - (12,354,129) - (12,354,129) (10,776.572) Interest on long -term debt 1,408,045 - 2,146,506 - 738,461 - 738,461 - 738,461 531,327 Total governmental activities 20,007,800 742,527 2,543,254 2,331,253 (14,390,766) - (14,390.766) - (14,390,766) (15,203,843) Business -type activities: Municipal solid waste collection and disposal 3,852,158 3,603,995 - - - (248,163) (248,163) - (248,163) (717,055) Hospital facilities 1,095,535 3,575.835 - - - 2,480,300 2,480,300 - 2,480,300 (404,650) Kodiak fisheries research center 1,960,404 1,598,260 - - - (362,144) (362,144) - (362,144) (412,900) 911 services 43,043 52,654 9,611 9,611 9,611 (53,055) Total business -type activities 6,951,140 8,830,744 - 1,879,604 1,879,604 - 1,879,604 (1,587,660) Total primary government 26,958,940 9,573,271 2,543,254 2,331,253 (14,390,766) 1,879,604 (12,511,162) - (12,511,162) (16,791,503) Component unit - School district $ 44,256,553 256.514 4,856,328 94,182 (39,049,529) (39,049,529) (44,121,826) General revenues: Property taxes 10,592,258 - 10,592,258 - 10,592,258 10,118,601 Grants and entitlements not restricted to specific programs 4,214,617 - 4,214,617 30,444.075 34,658.692 35,021,073 Land sales 26,369 - 26,369 - 26,369 2,944 Severance taxes 1,311,188 - 1,311,188 - 1,311,188 1,436,210 Support from primary government - - - 10.243,618 10,243,618 9,420,412 Other 226,586 50 226,636 104,090 330,726 627.056 Investment earnings 2,082,615 273,973 2,356,588 - 2,356,588 4,346,309 Transfers (765,490) 765,490 - - - - Extraordinary item 1,396,222 432,688 1,828,910 4,357,537 6.186,447 Total general revenues, transfers and extraordinary item 19,084,365 1,472,201 20,556,566 45,149,320 65,705,886 60,972,605 Change in net assets 4,693,599 3,351,805 8,045,404 6,099.791 14,145,195 59,276 Net assets, at beginning of year 114,981,573 31,844,234 146,825,807 (2,115,720) 144,710,087 144,650,811 Net assets, at end of year $ 119,675,172 35,196,039 154,871,211 3,984,071 158,855,282 144,710,087 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 22 M= r■i■ M= r M M r M M M r= r r= r r 1 1 1 fl 1 1 � 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Balance Sheet Governmental Funds June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for June 30, 2008) See accompanying notes to financial statements. 23 School Bond Facilities Education and Capital Other Special Health Debt Projects Governmental Totals Assets General Revenue Fund Service Fund Fund Funds Assets: Cash and investments $ 8,406,409 33,013,122 4,735 13,779,159 5.220,762 60,424,187 69,743,583 Receivables: State of Alaska 80,121 - 376,403 - 54,064 510.588 775,826 Federal Government - - - - 62,034 62,034 373,520 Property taxes, net of allowance of$15,828 127,858 - - 12,872 140,730 112,109 Severance taxes 280,334 - - - 280,334 352,927 Land sales contracts - - - - 41,598 41,598 54,137 Accounts and other receivables, net 6,069 33,082 39,151 41,037 Due from other funds 600,150 565,734 419,000 1,584,884 1,103,459 Land sales contracts, due after one year - - - - 172,449 172,449 176,641 Advances to other funds - 6,206,906 - - - 6,206,906 6,679,890 Total $ 9,500,941 39,785,762 381,138 13,779,159 6.015,861 69,462,861 79,413,129 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable 319,265 - 200 887,713 739,677 1,946,855 2,049,439 Retainages payable 524,776 5,377 530,153 208.818 Accrued compensation and related liabilities 167,764 167,764 176,620 Customer deposits - - - - 700 700 800 Due to component unit 5,766,156 - - - - 5,766.156 3.386,090 Due to other funds - - 375,000 600,000 179,316 1.154,316 714,349 Deferred revenues 123.467 92,750 - - 534,285 750,502 424,119 Total liabilities 6,376,652 92,750 375,200 2,012,489 1,459,355 10,316,446 6,960,235 Fund balances: Reserved: Long -term interfund borrowings - 6,206,906 - - 6,206,906 6,969,951 Unreserved: General fund: Designated for subsequent year expenditures 1,261,581 1,261,581 1,341,798 Undesignated 1,862,708 - - 1,862,708 1,888,681 Special revenue funds: Designated for subsequent year expenditures - 297,000 - - 387,668 684,668 150,845 Undesignated - 33,189.106 - 3.418,997 36,608.103 36,136,053 Debt service funds: Undesignated - - 5,938 5,938 159,788 Capital projects funds: Undesignated - 11,766,670 749,841 12,516,511 25,805,778 Total fund balances 3,124,289 39,693,012 5,938 11,766,670 4.556,506 59,146,415 72.452,894 Total $ 9,500,941 39,785,762 381,138 13,779,159 6,015,861 69,462,861 79,413,129 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 23 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Reconciliation of Net Assets Between the Government -wide and Fund Financial Statements Year ended June 30, 2009 Amount reported as fund balance on the governmental funds balance sheet Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in the funds. Long -term receivables, delinquent property taxes and loans are not available to pay for current -period expenditures and, therefore, are deferred in the funds: Property taxes Interest receivable Notes receivable - land sales Deferred charges Long -term liabilities, including bonds payable, are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds: General obligation bonds payable Bond premium ADEC loans Accrued interest expense Compensated absences Net assets of governmental activities See accompanying notes to financial statements. $ 59,146,415 , 93,135,695 $ 123,467 92,750 172,449 101,381 (32,245,000) (289,424) (66,505) (261,820) (234,236) (33,096,985) $ 119,675,172 1 490,047 1 1 fl 7 L Ll 7 L 24 f� I Revenues: Property taxes Intergovernmental: State sources Federal sources Land sale proceeds Severance taxes Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues investment income Other 1 1 u 0 Total revenues Expenditures: Current: Generalgovenunent Public Safety Community and economic development Emergency preparedness Health and sanitation department Education, culture and recreation Service district maintenance Primary and secondary education Capital outlay: Schools General Debt service: Principal Interest Debt issuance costs Total expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Bonds issued Refunding bonds issued Payment to refunded bond escrom agent Transfers in Transfers out Net other financing sources (uses) Change in fund balances Fund balances (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balances. at end of the year See accompanying notes to financial statements. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Revenues. Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) Governmental Funds Year ended June 30, 2009 (With sutmnarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 25 School Bond Facilities Education and Capital Other Special Health Debt Projects Governmental Totals --- Tro v General Revenue Fund Service Fund Fund Funds 2008 S 9.553.253 - - - 1,012,432 10.565,685 10,254,477 2,421.188 - 2,146,506 - 1,399,114 5.966,808 4.428,472 2.040.436 1,081,880 3,122,316 2,553,990 - - - - 30,561 30,561 19,458 1.311.188 - - 1,311,188 1,436,210 65.417 - - - 677,110 742,527 658,381 292,825 1,337.694 8,718 308,942 140,736 2,088,915 3.918,008 131,944 - 198,235 - 88,562 418,741 353,850 15,816.251 1.337.694 2.353,459 308,942 4.430,395 24.246.741 23.622,846 3.194.334 - 242 872,448 4,067,024 3,818,544 84,125 - - - 376,701 460,826 385,529 825,120 - - - 83,381 908,501 923,203 12,488 - - - 12,488 5,713 232,699 - - - 101,048 333,747 387,053 248,571 - - - 248,571 183,747 398,219 398,219 374,320 9,956.618 - - - 9,956,618 9,123,412 - - - 12,848,495 2,008.569 14,857,064 7,029,628 - - - - 1,277,106 1,277,106 887,189 - - 2,495,056 - - 2,495,056 2.205,441 - - 1,571.295 - 7,113 1,578,408 1,263,176 - 68,635 - 68,635 14,553.955 - 4 12,848,495 5,124,585 36.662,263 26,586,955 1,262.296 1,337,694 (1,781,769) (12,539,553) (694.190) (12,415,522) (2,964,109) - - 8,000,000 - - 6,740,000 - - 6,740.000 - - - (6,865,467) - - (6.865,467) - - - 1,923,036 933,009 3.288,256 6,144,301 2,966,610 (1,368,486) (1.514,540) - (2,843,751) (1,183,014) (6,909391) (2.839,560) (1,368.486) (1.514,540) 1,797,569 (1.910,742) 2.105,242 (890,957) 8,127,050 (106,190) (176,846) 15,800 (14.450,295) 1.411.052 (13,306479) 5,162,941 3.230,479 39.869.858 (9,862) 26,216,965 3,145,454 72.452,894 67,289.953 S 3.124,289 39.693.012 5,938 11,766,670 4,556,506 59.146,415 72,452,894 25 I KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities Year ended June 30, 2009 Net change in fund balances — total governmental funds $ (13,306,479) Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as depreciation expense: Capital outlay Depreciation expense Certain revenues in the statement of activities do not provide current financial resources and are deferred in the funds: Deferred property tax Interest income Land sale proceeds Certain revenues that were earned in a prior year provide current financial resources: Accrued property tax Accrued interest income Land sale contracts The issuance of long -term debt provides current financial resources to governmental funds, while the repayment of the principal of long -tern debt consumes the current financial resources of governmental funds. Neither transaction, however, has any effect on net assets. Also, governmental funds do not report the accrual of interest expense on debt when it is not payable from currently available resources: Bond issuance costs Interest expenditures applied to accrued interest Issuance of long term debt Premium on bonds Principal repayments Amortized debt issuance costs Bond premium amortization The extraordinary gain reported in the statement of activities as a result of the change in PERS plan did not use or provide current financial resources and, therefore, is not reported in governmental funds: Net decrease in pension and OPEB obligations Some expenses reported in the statement of activities do not require the use of current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds: Compensated absences, net change Change in net assets of governmental activities See accompanying notes to financial statements. $ 16,851,086 (2,872,467) 13,978,619 123,467 92,750 172,449 388,666 (96,894) (99,050) (176,641) (372,585) 68,635 172,546 (6,740,000) (198,235) 9,360,523 (2,183) 6,080 2,667,366 I' L 1,396,222 1 (58,210) $ 4,693,599 J 26 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Balance Sheet Proprietary Funds - Business -type Activities - Enterprise Funds June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for June 30, 2008) ' Municipal Solid Waste Kodiak Fisheries Other Nonmajor Collection and Hospital Research Enterprise Totals Assets Disposal Facilities Center Fund 2WF 2008 Current assets: Equity in central treasury S 5,397,764 12,466 3,331,845 30,989 8,773,064 9,006,752 Accrued interest receivable - - - 8,632 8,632 8,887 Customer receivables 259,065 117,939 66 - 377,070 526,572 Accounts receivable - State of Alaska 100,000 _ _ _ 100,000 100,000 ' Due from other funds 400,000 400,000 Total current assets 6,156,829 130,405 3,331,911 39,621 9,658,766 9,642,211 Inventories - 277,007 - - 277,007 277,007 ' Capital assets: - 7,930,293 2,899,676 Non -depreciable 2,275,656 5,654,637 - Depreciable, net 3,327,363 16,078,154 12,664,033 - 32,069,550 33,818,352 Total capital assets 5,603,019 21,732,791 12,664,033 - 39,999,843 36,718,028 Total noncurrent assets 5,603,019 22,009,798 12,664,033 - 40,276,850 36,995,035 Total S 11,759,848 22,140,203 15,995,944 39,621 49,935,616 46,637,246 ' Liabilities and Net Assets Current liabilities: Accounts payable $ 344,941 271,737 28,218 39,621 684,517 810,603 Accrued compensation and related liabilities 50,083 - 28,003 - 78,086 60,942 Other accrued liabilities 481,885 - - - 481,885 426,936 Current portion of advances from other funds - 67,861 385,000 452,861 425,225 Due to other nds fu - 400,000 92,750 - 492,750 99,050 Deferred revenues - - 202,747 - 202,747 182,453 Total current liabilities 876,909 739,598 736,718 39,621 2,392,846 2,005,209 Noncurrent liabilities: Notes payable 1,864,503 - - - 1,864,503 1,768,660 Advances from other funds - 1,176,864 4,915,000 6,091,864 6,544,725 Net pension and OPEB obligation _ 432,688 Accrual for landfill closure and postclosure costs 4,390,364 - - - 4,390,364 4,041,730 ' Total noncurrent liabilities 6,254,867 1,176,864 4,915,000 - 12,346,731 12,787,803 Total liabilities 7,131,776 1,916,462 5,651,718 39,621 14,739,577 14,793,012 Net Assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 3,471,191 20,488,066 12,664,033 - 36,623,290 34,949,368 Unrestricted 1,156,881 (264,325) (2,319,807) - (1,427,251) (3,105,134) Total Net Assets 4,628,072 20,223,741 10,344,226 - 35,196,039 31,844,234 Total S 11,759,848 22,140,203 15,995,944 39,621 49,935,616 46,637,246 See accompanying notes to financial statements. ' n 27 I See accompanying notes to financial statements. I 28 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets (Deficit) Proprietary Funds - Business -type Activities - Enterprise Funds Year ended June 30, 2009 ' (With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Municipal Kodiak Other Solid Waste Fisheries Nonmajor Collection and Hospital Research Enterprise Totals Disposal Facilities Center Fund 2008 Operating revenues: ' Solid waste collection S 2,559,903 - - - 2,559,903 2,839,830 Solid waste disposal 1,044,092 - - - 1,044,092 1,071,941 Charges for services /customer charges - - - 52,654 52,654 54,925 Lease income - 720,000 1,598,260 - 2,318,260 2,336,992 Other - - 50 - 50 1,920 Total operating revenues 3,603,995 720,000 1,598,310 52,654 5,974,959 6,305,608 Operating expenses: Personnel services 794,253 5,386 321,089 3,000 1,123,728 1,282,229 ' Solid waste collection 1,534,673 - - - 1,534,673 1,257,731 Refuse disposal 276,878 - 276,878 346,396 Contracted services 187,969 - - - 187,969 446,764 Maintenance and repairs 34,483 - - - 34,483 83,785 Landfill closure and postclosure costs 348,634 - - - 348,634 819,143 ' Depreciation 270,153 929,555 713,144 - 1,912,852 1,981,209 General and administration 227,757 842 479,706 422 708,727 728,541 Miscellaneous - - 91,641 - 91,641 73,798 Telephone services - - - 39,621 39,621 111,403 Recycling services 233,768 - - - 233,768 231,085 Contributions 10,876 - - - 10,876 13,315 Total operating expenses 3,919,444 935,783 1,605,580 43,043 6,503,850 7,375,399 Operating income (loss) (315,449) (215,783) (7,270) 9,611 (528,891) (1,069,791) ' Nonoperating revenues (expenses): Contribution to Providence Hospital - (I08,000) - - (108,000) (57,141) State of Alaska on- behalf payment 67,286 - 22,476 - 89,762 CHC reimbursements - 2,855,835 - - 2,855,835 - Investment income 178,651 10,413 84,871 38 273,973 434,164 Interest expense - (51,752) (377,300) - (429,052) (456,348) Income (loss) before transfers (69,512) 2,490,713 (277,223) 9,649 2,153,627 (1,149,116) Transfers in 6,450 759,040 - - 765,490 72,950 Transfers out - - - (200,00 Net other financing sources (uses) Income (loss) before extraordinary item (63,062) 3,249,753 (277,223) 9,649 2,919,117 (1,276,166) Extraordinary item 336,458 - 96,230 - 432,688 - Change in 273,396 3,249,753 9,649 3,351,805 ' net assets (180,993) (1,276,166) Net assets (deficit), at beginning of year 4,354,676 16,973,988 10,525,219 (9,649) 31,844,234 33,120,400 Net assets, end of year S 4,628,072 20,223,741 10,344,226 - 35,196,039 31,844,234 See accompanying notes to financial statements. I 28 1 [ - I 1 1 1 J 1 Ll it r� �I KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Cash Flows Proprietary Funds - Business -type Activities - Enterprise Funds Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 29 Municipal Kodiak Other Solid Waste Fisheries Nonmajor Collection and Hospital Research Enterprise Totals Disposal Facilities Center Fund 2009 2 Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from customers $ 3,801,090 646,161 1,644,849 52,654 6,144,754 6,279,952 Payments to suppliers (2,466,552) (100,264) (617,517) (29,992) (3,214,325) (2,887,069) Payments to employees (781,682) (5,386) (316,516) (3,000) (1,106,584) (951,877) Net cash provided by operating activities 552,856 540,511 710,816 19,662 1,823,845 2,462,675 Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Contribution to Providence Hospital - (108,000) - - (108,000) (57,141) State of Alaska on- behalf payment 67,286 - 22,476 - 89,762 - Contributions from CHC - 2,855,835 - - 2,855,835 - Internal activity - payments to /from other funds (400,000) 400,000 (6,300) - (6,300) 21,669 Transfers in 6,450 759,040 - - 765,490 72,950 Transfers out - - - - - (200,000) Net cash provided (used) by noncapital financing activities (326,264) 3,906,875 16,176 - 3,596,787 (184,191) Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Acquisition and construction ofcapital assets (86,421) (4,944,196) (55,151) - (5,085,768) (645,612) Crain on disposal ofassets (108,899) - (108,899) - Interest paid on notes payable, capital leases, and interfund borrowings - (51,752) (377,300) - (429,052) (456,348) Principal payments on long -term interfund borrowing - (65,226) (360,000) - (425,226) (425,225) Proceeds from issuance of notes payable 120,397 - - - 120,397 156,357 Net cash provided (used) by capital and related financing activities (74,923) (5,061,174) (792,451) - (5,928,548) (1,370,828) Cash flows from investing activities: Interest and dividends on investments 178,651 10,413 84,871 293 274,228 434,597 Net change in cash and cash equivalents 330,320 (603,375) 19,412 19,955 (233,688) 1,342,253 Cash and equivalents, at beginning ofyear 5,067,444 615,841 3,312,433 11,034 9,006,752 7,664,499 Cash and equivalents, at the end ofyear $ 5,397,764 12,466 3,331,845 30,989 8,773,064 9,006,752 (continued) 29 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Statement of Cash Flows Proprietary Funds – Business -type Activities – Enterprise Funds, Continued Year ended June 30, 2009 ( With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) See accompanying notes to financial statements. 30 Municipal Kodiak Other Solid Waste Fisheries Nonmajor Collection and Hospital Research )enterprise Totals Disposal Facilities Center Fund 2 Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Operating income (loss) S (315449) (215,783) (7,270) 9,611 (528,891) (1,069,791) Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation 270,153 929,555 713,144 — 1,912,852 1,981,209 Changes in assets and liabilities that provided (used) cash: (Increase) decrease in assets: Customer receivables 197,095 (73,839) 26,246 — 149,502 (52,683) Due to /from other funds — — — — — 21,669 (Increase) decrease in liabilities: Accounts payable 9.457 (99,422) (46,171) 10,051 (126,085) 389,605 Accrued compensation and related liabilities 12,571 — 4,573 — 17,144 330,352 Other accrued liabilities 30.395 — — — 30,395 16,144 Unearned revenues — — 20,294 — 20,294 27,027 Accrual for landfill closure and postclosure costs 348,634 — — — 348,634 819,143 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 5 552,856 540,511 710,816 19,662 1,823,845 2,462,675 See accompanying notes to financial statements. 30 1 1 LJ 1 1 1 1 1 F�� u KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) Reporting Entity The Kodiak Island Borough (the Borough), Alaska, was organized to perform the municipal duties allowed by Alaska Statutes and as directed by its residents. As required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, these financial statements present the government and its component unit, an entity for which the government is considered to be financially accountable. The discretely presented component unit is reported in a separate column in both the government -wide and fund financial statements to emphasize it is legally separate from the government. The Borough reviewed its relationship with other organizations and determined that the following organization is a component unit. Discretely Presented Component Unit The Borough has delegated the operating responsibility for public education to the Kodiak Island Borough School District (School District). In accordance with statutes, the Borough retains ownership of the education related capital assets and incurs the debt, if necessary, to finance the acquisition and construction of school facilities. The Borough Assembly approves the total annual budget of the School District and may, during the year, increase or decrease the total appropriation. Complete financial statements for the component unit may be obtained at the entity's administrative offices for the Kodiak Island Borough School District. Kodiak Island Borough School District 722 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 (b) Government -Wide and Fund Financial Statements The government wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) report information on all of the activities of the primary government and its component unit. For the most part, the effect of inter -fund activity has been removed from these statements. Governmental activities, which normally are supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business type activities, which rely to a significant extent on fees and charges for support. Likewise, the primary government is reported separately from the legally separate component unit for which the primary government is financially accountable. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues include 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds and proprietary funds. Major individual governmental funds and major individual enterprise funds, if applicable, are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. 31 L i 7, KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (c) Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Financial Statement Presentation The government -wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary fund financial statements. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the government considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period except for grant revenues which are recognized when the related expenditure is incurred irrespective of when the cash is received. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due. Property taxes and interest associated with the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and have been recognized as revenues of the current fiscal period. All other revenue items are considered to be measurable and available only when cash is received by the government. The government reports the following major governmental funds: The General Fund is the government's primary operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The Facilities Special Revenue Fund accounts for the proceeds from the sale of Shuyak Island. The single most important goal is to preserve the principal of the fund. Interest earnings, after inflation proofing, can be used for debt service, building insurance and capital projects. The Education and Health Debt Service Fund was established to finance and account for the payment of interest and principal on all general obligation debts, serial and term, other than that payable exclusively from special assessments and revenue debt issued for and serviced by a government enterprise fund. The School Bond Capital Projects Fund accounts for the construction and major maintenance activities for the Borough's educational facilities funded by school bonds. The government reports the following major proprietary funds: The Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund accounts for the collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling services for the Kodiak Island Borough. 32 J 1 t 1 1� I 1 F� n �I 'LJ 7 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements ' June 30, 2009 The Hospital Facilities Fund accounts for rents on the Borough owned hospital; hospital related state ' revenue sharing; and other hospital related revenue. In turn, it purchases hospital equipment and makes debt service payments on hospital related debt. The Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Fund accounts for rents and expenses on the Borough owned ' Kodiak Fisheries Research Center. The three tenants: NOAA, Alaska Department of Fish & Game and University of Alaska, Fairbanks pay lease funds to participate in this multi - agency research facility committed to the preservation of the North Pacific marine ecosystem and resources. ' Private sector standards of accounting and financial reporting issued prior to December 1, 1989, generally are followed in both the government wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the ' extent that those standards do not conflict with or contradict guidance of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Governments also have the option of following subsequent private sector guidance for their business type activities and enterprise funds, subject to this same limitation. The government has elected not to follow subsequent private sector guidance. As a general rule the effect of inter -fund and activity has been eliminated from the government wide financial statements. Exceptions to this general rule are charges between various functions of the government. Elimination of these charges would distort the direct costs and program revenues reported for the various functions concerned. ' Amounts reported as program revenues include (1) charges to customers or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided, (2) operating grants and contributions, and (3) capital grants and contributions. Internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenues rather than as program revenues. Likewise, general revenues include all taxes. ' Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from nonoperating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund's principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenues of the enterprise funds are charges to customers for sales and services and lease revenues. Operating expenses for enterprise funds include the cost of sales and services, administrative ' expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as nonoperating revenues and expenses. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the government's policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as they are needed. (d) Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Equity/Net Assets Cash and Investments Cash and temporary investments of Borough funds are pooled in a central treasury. Each fund's ' portion of this pool is displayed on the balance sheet as "Cash and Investments ". Investments are carried at fair value, as determined by quoted market prices. The Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool (AMLIP) is considered to be an external investment ' pool as defined by GASB Statement No. 31. AMLIP is not SEC registered. Alaska Statute 37.23 establishes regulatory oversight of the pool. The law sets forth numerous requirements regarding authorized investments and reporting. The pool is incorporated in the State of Alaska as a nonprofit 33 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 ' corporation and reports to its Board of Directors. Alaska Statute 37.23.050 requires the retention of an investment manager. The manager is required to produce monthly disclosure statements to the pool. The pool has also retained an investment advisor to ensure compliance with investment policies. All participation in the pool is voluntary. The pool must maintain a dollar weighted average maturity of 90 days or less, ' and only purchase instruments having remaining maturities of 397 days or less. On a monthly basis, the investments in the pool are reviewed for fair value by an independent pricing service. All highly liquid investments, excluding restricted assets, with original maturities of ninety days or less are considered to be cash equivalents. For purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, equity in central treasury held by enterprise funds are treated as cash equivalents. ' Investments for the government, as well as the component unit, are reported at fair value, as determined by quoted market prices. The reported value of the pool is the same as the fair value of the pool shares. Receivables and Payables Activity between funds that are representative of lending /borrowing arrangements outstanding at the ' end of the fiscal year are referred to as either "due to /from other funds" (i.e., the current portion of inter -fund loans) or "advances to /from other funds" (i.e., the noncurrent portion of inter -fund loans). Any residual balances outstanding between the governmental activities and business type activities , are reported in the government -wide financial statements as "internal balances." Internal balances used to acquire capital assets are eliminated from the invested in capital assets, net of related debt, portion of net assets. ' Advances between funds, as reported in the fund financial statements, are offset by a fund balance reserve account in applicable governmental funds to indicate that they are not available for appropriation and are not expendable available financial resources. Inventories and Prepaid Items Expendable operating supplies of the Borough are accounted for using the purchase method. There ' are no significant amounts of such inventories on hand at year end. The entire Hospital Enterprise Fund inventory is assigned to Providence as of April 21, 1997. According to the terms of the lease agreement for the hospital facilities (see note I la), those items are required to be returned to the Borough at the termination of the lease in at least equal value. Certain payments to vendors reflect costs applicable to future accounting periods and are recorded as prepaid items in both the government wide and fund financial statements. Capital Assets ' Capital assets, which include property, plant, equipment, and infrastructure assets (e.g., roads, street lights, and similar items including those acquired prior to fiscal years ended after June 30, 1980), are reported in the applicable governmental or business type activities columns in the government -wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the Borough as assets with an initial, individual ' cost of more than $5,000 (amount not rounded) and an estimated useful life in excess of two years. 34 ' C' ' Compensated Absences It is the Borough's policy to permit employees to accumulate earned but unused annual leave benefits. All annual leave pay is accrued when incurred in the government -wide and proprietary fund financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only if they have matured, for example, as a result of employee resignations and retirements. Long -term Obligations In the government -wide financial statements, long -term debt and other long -term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities, business type activities, or ' proprietary fund balance sheet. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the effective interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, ' as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, ' whether or not withheld from the actual debt proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. Interest on long -term obligations is recorded as an expenditure when due. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 ' Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materially extend assets lives are not capitalized. ' Major outlays for capital assets and improvements are capitalized as projects are constructed. Interest incurred during the construction phase of capital assets of business type activities is included as part ' of the capitalized value of the assets constructed. There was no interest capitalized during the year. Property, plant, and equipment of the primary government is depreciated using the straight line method over the following estimated useful lives: ' Buildings and improvements 10-40 years Improvements other than buildings 10 -15 years Equipment 5 -10 years Infrastructure 40 years ' Compensated Absences It is the Borough's policy to permit employees to accumulate earned but unused annual leave benefits. All annual leave pay is accrued when incurred in the government -wide and proprietary fund financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only if they have matured, for example, as a result of employee resignations and retirements. Long -term Obligations In the government -wide financial statements, long -term debt and other long -term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities, business type activities, or ' proprietary fund balance sheet. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the effective interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, ' as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, ' whether or not withheld from the actual debt proceeds received, are reported as debt service expenditures. Interest on long -term obligations is recorded as an expenditure when due. 1 35 Fund Equity In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report reservations of fund balance for amounts that are not available for appropriation or are legally restricted by outside parties for use for a ' specific purpose. Designations of fund balance represent tentative management plans that are subject to change. 1 35 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ' Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 ' Net Assets In the government -wide financial statements, net assets are reported in three categories; net assets ' invested in capital assets net of related debt, restricted net assets and unrestricted net assets. Net assets are reported as restricted when constraints placed on net asset use are either externally imposed by creditors (such as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors provisions or laws or regulations of other governments or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. (e) Revenues, Expenditures, and Expenses Property Taxes ' Property taxes are based on the assessed value of taxable property as of January 1. Pursuant to Alaska Statute 29.45.240, the Borough establishes the mill rate on or before June 15th. Tax bills are then mailed on or before July 1 st. ' Taxes are due when billed and generally become delinquent on or after October 16th. The Borough code also provides for split payments. If a taxpayer avails himself of this provision, one -half must be paid on or before August 15th and the remainder becomes due on or before November 15th (in lieu ' of October 15th). Borough property tax revenues are recognized in the fiscal year in which they become measurable and available, which is generally the year following the year the tax bills are mailed. ' All taxes are delinquent on November 16th, and a tax foreclosure process may commence as outlined in Alaska Statutes Title 29. Briefly, this entails the petition for Judgment of Foreclosure signed by ' the District Court Judge and the publication of all delinquent taxes in the local newspaper for four consecutive weeks. Real property tax liens are enforced by one general foreclosure proceeding against the delinquent , properties. Severance Taxes ' Severance taxes are based on the amount and value of natural resources severed from the environment. Types of resources taxed include seafood, gravel and mineral resources, and timber. Severance tax returns are sent to appropriate companies (as determined by the Borough Assessor) ' and are returned to the Borough Finance Department. The returns are filed quarterly, and are due by the end of the month following the quarter's end. Borough severance tax revenues are recognized in the fiscal year in which they become measurable and available. ' Intergovernmental Revenue State shared revenues, safe communities, State education related entitlement programs and State ' levied taxes, the proceeds of which are distributed to local governments, are recorded in the fiscal year to which they relate, including accrual at year end if final payments due are measurable and received within approximately two months after year end. , 36 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements ' June 30, 2009 State of Alaska and Federal government cost reimbursable grants and contracts are recorded to the extent of allowable expenditures in the period in which the expenditures were incurred. Operating and Nonoperating Revenue Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenues and expenses from nonoperating items. Operating revenues and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund's principal ongoing operations. The principal operating ' revenues of the Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund and 911 Services Fund are charges to customers for services. The principal operating revenues of the Hospital Facilities Fund and the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Fund are rents from customers. Operating expenses for proprietary funds include costs of services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenues and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as nonoperating revenues and expenses. t 1 Revenue from Investments and Property Amounts earned on investment of available cash balances and the rental of building facilities are recorded in the period to which they relate, including accrual at year end of the balance due, and unrealized gains and losses on investments held at fiscal year end. Land Sales Proceeds and Other Local Revenues Amounts received pursuant to land sale contracts are recorded on the modified accrual basis. Other local revenues are recorded on a basis consistent with their nature in relation to measurement and availability standards. (n Cash Flows All highly liquid investments, excluding restricted assets, with original maturities of three months or less are considered cash equivalents for purposes of the statement of cash flows. (g) Use of Estimates Preparation of financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in these financial statements. Actual results may differ from the estimates. Significant estimates include the allowance for doubtful accounts, the useful lives of assets and related accumulated depreciation, and accrued landfill closure and post - closure care costs. 37 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH I Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Child Care Assistance Program 731 (2) Stewardship, Compliance, and Accountability L.E.P.C. 14,623 (a) Excess of Expenditures over Appropriations $ 103,902 Special Revenue Funds The following fund expenditures exceeded their budget: starting in FY2010. Fund Excess Monashka Bay Road Service Area $ 574 The deficit in the Trinity Islands Paving Special Revenue Fund is anticipated to be funded by a special Womens Bay Road Service Area 23,134 ' Coastal Management 4,324 L.E.P.C. 2,380 Kodiak Arts Council 2,890 ' Fern Fuller Trust 164 $ 33,466 ' (b) Deficit Fund Equity The individual fund deficits at June 30, 2009, are as follows: Special Revenue Funds: Bay View Road Service Area $ 6,860 Child Care Assistance Program 731 L.E.P.C. 14,623 Trinity Islands Paving 81,688 $ 103,902 The deficit in the Bay View Road Service Area will be funded by a mill rate increase of one half mill starting in FY2010. ' The deficit in the Child Care Assistance Program will be covered by revenues in FY2010. The deficit in the L.E.P.C. fund will be covered by fund revenues in FY2010. The deficit in the Trinity Islands Paving Special Revenue Fund is anticipated to be funded by a special assessment that began in 2006. k t 38 1 1 I n �I 1 I I 1 (3) Cash and Investments June 30, 2009 As of June 30, 2009, the Borough had the following investments: Investment Type U.S. agency securities: Federal Home Loan Bank $ Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal Farm Credit Bank Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool Certificates of Deposit Overnight repurchased agreement Investment Maturities (in years) Fair Less Value than 1 1 to 5 25,813,347 15,406,447 10,406,900 4,055,163 17,883 4,037,280 4,100,531 3,057,091 1,043,440 32,616,632 32,616,632 — 998,320 998,320 — 1,354,491 1,354,491 — 68,938,484 53,450,864 15,487,620 In addition to the investments listed above, Kodiak Island Borough also had cash equivalents of $258,767. Interest Rate Risk The Borough does not have a formal investment policy that limits investment maturities as a means of managing its exposure to fair value losses arising from increasing interest rates. Credit Risk Statutes authorize the Borough to invest in obligations of the United States, the State of Alaska and its political subdivisions, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, banker's acceptances, repurchase agreements, and such other legal security instruments. The Borough does not have a formal investment policy that restricts investments based on credit risk. At June 30, 2009, the Borough's U.S. agencies bonds were rated AAA by Standard & Poor and Fitch Ratings, and AAA by Moody's Investor Service. At June 30, 2009, the Borough's investment in the Alaska Municipal League Investment Pool was unrated. Concentration of Credit Risk 1 The Borough places no limit on the amount the Borough may invest in any one issuer. At June 30, 2009, the Borough had 49% percent of its investments in U.S. Government agency securities. Custodial Credit Risk — Deposits In the case of deposits, this is the risk that in the event of a bank failure, the Borough's deposits may not be returned to it. The Borough requires all deposits to be insured or collateralized. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures $250,000 in the aggregate and unlimited protection of all demand deposits per customer. 1 39 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Custodial Credit Risk — Investments For an investment, this is a risk that, in the event of the failure of the counterparty, the Borough will not be able to recover the value of its investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. The Borough had no debt securities exposed to custodial credit risk at June 30, 2009. (4) Annual Appropriation to the School District An annual appropriation is made to the School District. In addition to the annual appropriation, the Borough provides the School District, without charge, general liability and property insurance, data processing services, the annual independent audit, mental health services, and grounds maintenance services. (5) Receivables I: 1 I 1 40 ' C Education and Other General Health Debt Governmental Enterprise Fund Service Fund Funds Funds Total Receivables: Grants $ 80,121 376,403 116,098 100,000 672,622 Taxes 424,020 — 12,872 — 436,892 Customers and other — — 33,082 385,702 418,784 Notes receivable 6,069 — — — 6,069 Gross receivables 510,210 376,403 162,052 485,702 1,534,367 Less: allowance for uncollectibles (15,828) — — — (15,828) Net total receivables $ 494,382 376,403 162,052 485,702 1,518,539 1 I 1 40 ' C 1 1 1 1 r 1 r i KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (6) Capital Assets As noted in Footnote (11), the Borough leases the Kodiak Island Hospital and Care Center to Sisters of Providence. The value of the leased assets and associated depreciation are reflected in the Hospital Fund following. Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2009 was as follows: Beginning Ending Balance Increase Decrease Balance Governmental activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction work -in- progress Total Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings and improvements Improvements other than buildings Equipment Infrastructure Total Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings and improvements Improvements other than buildings Equipment Infrastructure Total Total capital assets being depreciated, net Total governmental activities, net $ 23,072,753 23,072,753 14,543,228 16,134,070 — 30,677,298 37,615,981 16,134,070 — 53,750,051 61,519,034 90,579,601 — — 90,579,601 3,964,683 717,016 — 4,681,699 2,753,123 — — 2,753,123 5,762,722 — — 5,762,722 103,060,129 717,016 — 103,777,145 52,684,555 2,279,499 3,355,258 303,180 1,412,168 145,720 4,067,053 144,068 61,519,034 2,872,467 — 54,964,054 — 3,658,438 — 1,557,888 — 4,211,121 64,391,501 41,541,095 (2,155,451) 39,385,644 $ 79,157,076 13,978,619 — 93,135,695 41 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Business -type activities: Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction work -in- progress Total Capital assets, being depreciated: Unclassified utility plant in service Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Total Less accumulated depreciation for: Unclassified utility plant in service Improvements other than buildings Machinery and equipment Total Total capital assets being depreciated, net Total Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund, net Beginning Balance Increase Decrease $ 1,651,248 — 537,987 86,421 2,189,235 86,421 Ending 1,651,248 624,408 2,275,656 2,178,733 — — 2, 178,733 2,288,438 — — 2,288,438 1,832,968 — (80,242) 1,752,726 6,300,139 — (80,242) 6,219,897 952,382 47,120 — 999,502 664,812 126,572 — 791,384 1,194,328 96,461 (189,141) 1,101,648 2,811,522 270,153 (189,141) 2,892,534 3,488,617 (270,153) 108,899 3,327,363 $ 5,677,852 (183,732) 108,899 5,603,019 1 1 1 I - I u 1 1 1 42 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 Fj KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 43 Beginning Ending Balance Increase Decrease Balance Hospital Facilities Fund capital assets, not being depreciated: Artwork $ 16,091 — — 16,091 Land 10,251 — — 10,251 Construction work -in- progress 684,099 4,944,196 — 5,628,295 Total 710,441 4,944,196 — 5,654,637 Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings 27,131,044 — — 27,131,044 Improvements other than buildings 401,046 401,046 Machinery and equipment 3,627,068 — — 3,627,068 Total 31,159,158 — — 31,159,158 Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings 10,967,553 825,698 — 11,793,251 Improvements other than buildings 126,241 14,176 — 140,417 Machinery and equipment 3,057,655 89,681 — 3,147,336 Total 14,151,449 929,555 — 15,081,004 Total capital assets being depreciated, net 17,007,709 (929,555) — 16,078,154 Total Hospital Facilities Fund, net $ 17,718,150 4,014,641 — 21,732,791 Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Fund capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings $ 17,840,410 — — 17,840,410 Improvements other than buildings 1,048,760 55,151 — 1,103,911 Machinery and equipment 1,157,540 — — 1,157,540 Total 20,046,710 55,151 — 20,101,861 Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings 5,350,361 594,680 — 5,945,041 Improvements other than buildings 306,678 36,491 — 343,169 Machinery and equipment 1,067,645 81,973 — 1,149,618 Total 6,724,684 713,144 — 7,437,828 Total Kodiak Fisheries $ 13,322,026 (657,993) — 12,664,033 43 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 44 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i 4 k f Beginning Ending Balance Increase Decrease Balance Total business -type activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Artwork $ 16,091 16,091 Land 1,661,499 — — 1,661,499 Construction work -in- progress 1,222,086 5,030,617 — 6,252,703 Total 2,899,676 5,030,617 — 7,930,293 Capital assets, being depreciated: Unclassified utility plant in service 2,178,733 — — 2,178,733 Buildings 44,971,454 — — 44,971,454 Improvements other than buildings 3,738,244 55,151 — 3,793,395 Machinery and equipment 6,617,576 — (80,242) 6,537,334 Total 57,506,007 55,151 (80,242) 57,480,916 Less accumulated depreciation for: Unclassified utility plant in service 952,382 47,120 — 999,502 Buildings 16,317,914 1,420,378 — 17,738,292 Improvements other than buildings 1,097,731 177,239 — 1,274,970 Machinery and equipment 5,319,628 268,115 (189,141) 5,398,602 Total 23,687,655 1,912,852 (189,141) 25,411,366 Total capital assets being depreciated, net 33,818,352 (1,857,701) 108,899 32,069,550 Total business -type activities, net $ 36,718,028 3,172,916 108,899 39,999,843 44 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i 4 k f 1 1 45 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Depreciation expense was charged to the departments and functions of the primary government as follows: Governmental activities: General government $ 315,646 Public safety 118,884 Emergency preparedness 2,500 Health and sanitation department 37,926 Primary and secondary education 2,397,511 Total — governmental activities 2,872,467 Business -type activities: Municipal solid waste collection and cisposal 270,153 Hospital facilities 929,555 Kodiak fisheries research center 713,144 Total - business -type activities 1,912,852 Total $ 4,785,319 (7) Interfund Receivables, Payables and Transfers (a) Interfund Receivables and Payables Interfund balances at June 30, 2009 consisted of the following: Due From School Education Bond and Health Capital Debt Service Project Hospital All Fund Fund Facilities K.F.RC. Others Total General Fund = 600,000 — — 150 600,150 o Facilities Fund 1244,725 5,392,750 135,165 6,772,640 a Municipal Solid Waste Q Collection and Disposal 375,000 — — — 25,000 400,000 All Others — — — — 419,000 419,000 Total $ 375,000 600,000 1244,725 5,392,750 579,315 8,191,790 The balance of $5,392,750 due the Facilities Fund from the K.F.R.C. Fund resulted from a loan of $8,000,000 that was made to help pay for the construction of the building. $4,915,000 is not scheduled to be paid in FY2010. 1 45 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 The balance of $1,244,725 due the Facilities Fund from the Hospital Facilities Fund resulted from a loan of $1,600,000 that was made to pay for part of the cost of a lawsuit. $1,176,864 is not scheduled to be paid in FY2010. All remaining balances were short term loans to cover negative cash balances at year end.The outstanding balances between funds result from the time lag between the dates that (1) inter -fund goods and services are provided or reimbursable expenditures occur, (2) transactions are recorded in the accounting system, and (3) payments between funds are made. (b) Long -term Interfund Borrowings In October 1997 the Facilities Special Revenue Fund loaned $8,000,000 to the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Enterprise Fund. This loan was to help finance the construction of the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center. The loan from the Facilities Special Revenue Fund is accounted for as a long -term inter -fund advance, while the liability in the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Enterprise Fund is accounted for as a long -term inter -fund borrowing. The advance bears interest at 7 %, and the scheduled payments for the next five fiscal years ended and thereafter are as follows: Principal Interest Year ending June 30: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 -2019 385,000 410,000 440,000 470,000 500,000 3,095,000 357,525 329,700 299,950 268,100 234,150 570,675 Total 742,525 739,700 739,950 738,100 734,150 3,665,675 $ 5,300,000 2,060,100 7,360,100 In July 2003, the Facilities Special Revenue Fund loaned $1,600,000 to the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund in order to help fund current operations. The loan from the Facilities Special Revenue Fund is accounted for as a long -term interfund advance, while the liability in the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund is accounted for as a long -term interf ind borrowing. The advance bears interest at 4 %, and the scheduled payments for the next five fiscal years and thereafter are as follows: Year ending June 30: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 -2019 2020 -2024 Principal 67,861 70,603 73,455 76,423 79,510 448,412 428,461 Interest Total 49,117 46,375 43,523 40,556 37,468 136,482 39,452 116,978 116,978 116,978 116,979 116,978 584,894 467,913 $ 1,244,725 392,973 1,637,698 46 r 1 F� 'I 1 1 u a (c) Transfers 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Interfund transfers have been made in accordance with budget ordinances. Funds are transferred from one fund to support expenditures of other funds in accordance with the authority established for the individual fund. Transfers between fund types during the year ended June 30, 2009, were as follows: Transfers In 1 1 1 1 Transfers Out Major Governmental Funds: General Fund $ Governmental Funds Enterprise Funds Education 1,368,486 Municipal and Health School Bond Other Solid Waste Hospital Debt Service Capital Governmental Collection and Facilities Fund Projects Funds Disposal Fund Fund Totals Major Governmental Funds: General Fund $ 981,036 — 86,000 6,450 295,000 1,368,486 Facilities Special Revenue Fund 932,000 — 185,000 — 397,540 1,514,540 School Bond Capital Projects — — 2,843,751 — — 2,843,751 Other Governmental Funds 10,000 933,009 173,505 — 66,500 1,183,014 Total transfers $ 1,923,036 933,009 3,288,256 6,450 759,040 6,909,791 A summary of significant transfers are as follows: 1 • The General Fund transferred $981,036 to the Education and Health Debt Service Fund to pay for debt service on general government debt. • The General Fund transferred $62,000 to the Building and Grounds Fund to pay additional snow removal costs at school sites. • The General Fund transferred $24,000 to the Borough Capital Projects Fund to pay capital projects. • The General Fund transferred $295,000 to the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund to pay for capital improvements. • The General Fund transferred $6,450 to the Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund to pay for garbage disposal for area thrift shops. • The Kodiak Airport Fire District transferred $12,974 to the Womens Bay Fire Department to provide for fire protection. • The Facilities Special Revenue Fund transferred $932,000 to the Education and Health Debt Service Fund for debt service on school district and hospital bonds. • The Facilities Special Revenue Fund transferred $397,540 to the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund to pay for capital improvements. • The Facilities Special Revenue Fund transferred $185,000 to the Building and Grounds Special Revenue Fund to pay for building insurance. 47 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 • The Fuller Trust Special Revenue Fund transferred $66,500 to the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund for the purchase of new equipment. • The Debt Service — Other fund transferred $10,000 to the Education and Health Debt Service Fund to pay for debt service on outstanding general obligation bonds. • The Debt Service — Other fund transferred $160,530 to the Borough Capital Projects Fund to pay for capital improvements. • The Borough Capital Projects Fund transferred $933,009 to the School Bond Capital Projects Fund to pay for capital projects. • The School Bond Capital Projects Fund transferred $2,843,751 back to the Borough Capital Projects Fund to pay for Capital Projects. L J 11 1 1 �1 1 48 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (8) Long Term Debt (a) General Obligation Bonds and other debt The Borough issues general obligation bonds and other debt to provide funds for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities. General obligation bonds are direct obligations and pledge the full faith and credit of the Borough. General obligation bonds and other debt currently outstanding are as follows: Interest Type of debt Rates Dates General obligation bonds — 2000 E Series 4.75 -5.0% 8/1 -2/1 General obligation bonds — 2000 F Series 6.9 -9.0% 8/1 -2/1 General Obligation bonds — 2004 C Series 4.0 -5.0% 1/1 -7/1 Principal payments Issue date Maturity dates Dates Amount 12/12/2000 2/1/2011 2/1/2010 175,000 2/1/2011 180,000 355,000 12/12/2000 2/1/2011 2 /1/2010 150,000 2/1/2011 160,000 310,000 7/21/2004 7/1/2024 7/1/2010 365,000 7/1/2011 385,000 7/1/2012 400,000 7/1/2013 415,000 7/1/2014 435,000 7/1/2015 450,000 7/1/2016 470,000 7/1/2017 485,000 7/1/2018 510,000 7/1/2019 530,000 7/1/2020 555,000 7/l/2021 580,000 7/1/2022 605,000 7/1/2023 635,000 7/1/2024 665,000 7,485,000 49 i i i t E I �S 1 r Y f z 1' 4 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Authorized Prior years Balance at Retiredt Balance at Fiscal year Amount Issued Retired July 1, 2008 Issued Refunded June 30, 2009 2001 1,485,000 1,485,000 965,000 520,000 — 165,000 355,000 2001 1,175,000 1,175,000 725,000 450,000 — 140,000 310,000 2004 9,300,000 9,300,000 1,465,000 7,835,000 350,000 7,485,000 50 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 6/1/2010 Interest Principal payments Type of debt Rates Dates Issue date Maturiv dates Dates Amount General obligation 5,950 6/1/2015 6,039 bonds — 2009 A Series 4.0% 2/1 -8/1 4/9/2009 2/1/2014 02/01/10 1,285,000 6/1/2018 6,315 02/01/11 1,285,000 6/1/2020 6,506 02/01/12 1,335,000 $ 32,311,505 02/01/13 1,390,000 02/01/14 1,445,000 6,740,000 ADEC loans Clean water — Karluk 192 — 4.05% 6/1/2010 5,606 6/1/2011 5,690 6/1/2012 5,775 6/1/2013 5,862 6/1/2014 5,950 6/1/2015 6,039 6/1/2016 6,130 6/1/2017 6,222 6/1/2018 6,315 6/1/2019 6,410 6/1/2020 6,506 66,505 $ 32,311,505 53 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Authorized Prior years Balance at Retiredt Balance at Fiscal vear Amount Issued Retired July 1. 2008 Issued Refunded June 30.2009 2009 6,740,000 6,740,000 — — 6,740,000 — 6,740,000 1998 400,000 97,019 24,991 72,028 — 5,523 66,505 $ 47,890,000 47,587,019 4,7 34� 932 028 6,740,000 9,360,523 32,311,505 54 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 The annual requirements to amortize all general obligation bonded debt and the ADEC loan payable outstanding as of June 30, 2009, are as follows: General ADEC obligation loan payable Total Interest Year ending June 30: 2010 2,680,000 5,606 2,685,606 1,617,295 2011 2,745,000 5,690 2,750,690 1,570,472 2012 2,500,000 5,775 2,505,775 1,467,334 2013 2,595,000 5,862 2,600,862 1,375,723 2014 2,710,000 5,950 2,715,950 1,291,285 2015 -2019 7,145,000 31,116 7,176,116 5,554,593 2020 -2024 8,840,000 6,506 8,846,506 4,286,041 2025 -2028 3,030,000 — 3,030,000 2,537,140 $ 32,245,000 66,505 32,311,505 19,699,883 There was $5,938 in the Education and Health Debt Service Fund to service general obligation bonds. There are a number of limitations and restrictions contained in the various bond indentures. The Borough is in compliance with all significant limitations and restrictions. (b) Debt Defeasance On April 9, 2009 the Kodiak Island Borough refinanced the 1998 bond issue. This resulted in a total savings, based on the net present value of the new debt, of approximately $92,686. This table shows the savings by year. FY2009 Refunding Bond (c) Note Payable I QQR Rnn d lc c n e Total $ 779,486 $ 780,117 $ 779,554 $ 780,322 $ 779,786 $ 3,899,265 1 1 1 1 1 Ll F , As of June 30, 2009, the Borough had the following note payable outstanding in the Enterprise Funds: Note payable to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), to be paid within 20 years. From June 2, I999 until April 28, 2005 interest accrued at 2.5 %. From April 29, 2005 to June 30, 2008 interest accrued at 1.5 %. The first loan payment is due one year following substantial completion and initiation of operation of the facility 1 $ 1,864,503 1 55 Total FY2010 $ 759,598 FY2011 $ 759,358 FY2012 $ 758,650 FY2013 $ 759,459 FY2014 $ 759,156 $ 3,796,221 (c) Note Payable I QQR Rnn d lc c n e Total $ 779,486 $ 780,117 $ 779,554 $ 780,322 $ 779,786 $ 3,899,265 1 1 1 1 1 Ll F , As of June 30, 2009, the Borough had the following note payable outstanding in the Enterprise Funds: Note payable to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), to be paid within 20 years. From June 2, I999 until April 28, 2005 interest accrued at 2.5 %. From April 29, 2005 to June 30, 2008 interest accrued at 1.5 %. The first loan payment is due one year following substantial completion and initiation of operation of the facility 1 $ 1,864,503 1 55 1 For governmental activities, compensated absences are generally liquidated by the General Fund. 56 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (d) Changes in Long -term Liabilities Long-term liability for 30, 2009, follows: g Y activity the year ended June Y Y was as Balance Balance June 30, June 30, Due within 2008 Additions Reductions 2009 one year Governmental activities: Bonds payable: General obligation bonds $ 34,860,000 6,740,000 9,355,000 32,245,000 2,680,000 Bond premium 97,269 198,235 6,080 289,424 32,000 34,957,269 6,938,235 9,361,080 32,534,424 2,712,000 ADEC loans 72,028 - 5,523 66,505 5,606 Compensated absences 176,026 234,236 176,026 234,236 234,236 Total $ 35,205,323 7,172,471 9,542,629 32,835,165 2,951,842 Business -type activities: Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal: Landfill closure and post- closure costs $ 4,041,730 348,634 - 4,390,364 - Notes payable Total 1,768,660 $ 5,810,390 95,843 - 1,864,503 444,477 6,254,867 = Hospital Facilities: Long term interfund borrowings $ 1,309,950 - 65,225 1,244,725 67,861 Total $ 1,309,950 - 65,225 1,244,725 65,225 Kodiak Fisheries Research Center: Long term interfund borrowings Total $ 5,660,000 S 5,660,000 360,000 5,300,000 385,000 = 360,000 385,000 5,300,000 Business -type activities: Landfill closure and post- ' closure costs $ 4,041,730 348,634 - 4,390,364 - Long term interfund borrowings 6,969,950 - 425,225 6,544,725 452,861 Notes payable 1,768,660 95,843 - 1,864,503 - Total $ 12,780,340 444,477 425,225 12,799,592 452,861 For governmental activities, compensated absences are generally liquidated by the General Fund. 56 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH j Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 (9) Solid Waste Landfill Closure and Post Closure Care Costs State and federal laws and regulations require that the Kodiak Island Borough place a final cover on its landfill when closed and perform certain maintenance for a number of years after closure. In addition to operating expenses related to current activities of the landfill, an expense provision and related liability are recognized based on the future closure and post closure care costs that will be incurred based on the date the landfill no longer accepts waste. The recognition of these landfill closure and post closure care costs is based on the amount of the landfill used during the year. The estimated liability of landfill closure and post closure care costs is $4,390,364 as of June 30, 2009, which is based on 72% usage (filled) of the landfill. The landfill is estimated to be filled and unusable by the year 2014. Of the total liability at June 30, 2009, an increase of $348,634 was recorded in the current year based on current year usage and changes in estimates. An estimated additional $1,386,430 will be recognized as closure and post closure care expenses between the date of the balance sheet and the date the landfill is expected to be filled to capacity. The estimated total current cost of the landfill closure and post closure care of $5,776,794 is based on the amount that would be paid if the landfill were closed as of June 30, 2009. However, the actual cost of closure and post closure care may be higher due to inflation, changes in technology, or changes in landfill laws and regulations. The Kodiak Island Borough is required by state and federal laws and regulations to make annual contributions to finance closure and post closure care. The Kodiak Island Borough complies with these requirements by annually recording the liability based on the estimates provided by the Kodiak Island Borough's Engineering/Facilities Director. It is anticipated that future inflation costs and additional costs that might arise from changes in post closure requirements, due to changes in technology or more rigorous environmental regulations, for example, will be financed primarily by charges to future landfill users and secondarily by taxpayers. (10) Insurance and Risk Retention The Kodiak Island Borough is exposed to numerous risks of loss associated with the operations of a government. These potential losses include, but are not limited to, employee relations and injuries, contracts, theft, loss or damage of property and general Iiability. The Borough manages its risks from these potential losses by participating in the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association, as well as purchasing commercial insurance coverage. This insurance has provided the Borough with adequate coverage in the past. There were no significant changes in insurance coverage obtained and there were no claims or settlements that exceeded insurance coverage in any of the past three fiscal years. The Borough is a member in good standing of the Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance Association (JIA), a governmental insurance pool established by the Alaska Municipal League. Claims are covered on an occurrence basis. JIA provides risk management services, appraisal services and there is also a separate pool for policy liability. The Kodiak Island Borough Finance Director, the Kodiak Island Borough Manager, and the Kodiak Island Borough Mayor are all members of the Board of Directors of the JIA. r L 57 ' 1 P-� KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 The responsibilities of both JIA and the participants are as follows: (a) Responsibilities of JIA JIA shall perform the following instructions in discharging its responsibilities: j • Provide insurance coverage as necessary for property, including building and contents, automobile, mobile equipment and data processing equipment, casualty, including general liability, public officials' and employees' liability, auto liability and employee benefit liability; workers' compensation, including employers' liability; commercial blanket bond; and time element. • Assist each participant's assigned risk manager with the implementation of that function. • Provide loss prevention and safety and consulting services to participants as required. • Provide claims adjusting and subrogation services for claims covered by the association's joint insurance arrangement. (b) Responsibilities of the Participants The Participants shall have the following responsibilities: • The Borough Assembly or appointing official of each participant shall appoint a representative as provided in Article 5, Section 2 of the bylaws and at least one alternate representative to attend member meetings. • Each participant shall appoint an employee of the participant to be responsible for the risk management function within that entity and to serve as a liaison between the participant and JIA with respect to risk management. • Each participant shall maintain an active safety officer and/or committee, and shall comply with all recommendations of JIA concerning the development and implementation of a loss control policy to prevent unsafe practices. • Each participant shall maintain its own set of records as a loss log, in all categories of loss to insure accuracy of JIA's loss reporting system. (11) Rental Revenues (a) Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly leases the Kodiak Island Hospital and Care Center premise and equipment to Sisters of Providence d.b.a. Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center who assumed responsibility for the hospital's operations as of April 21, 1997. The lease agreement is effective for a term of twenty years from that date. The lease is cancelable by either party with a one year notice. The hospital capital assets, the lease income, and all other costs relating to the agreement are accounted for by the Borough in the Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund. U -1i KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ' Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 The agreement with Providence specifies that the Borough will contribute at least $108,000 per year for the purchase of new and replacement equipment for the hospital. The Borough is also required to fund any major maintenance and repairs projects exceeding $25,000 in cost. The Borough receives $60,000 per month in rental revenue. In August 2003, the lease was amended that required Providence to pay an additional lease payment of $1,300,000 in 2004. In October 2005 the lease was amended to remove the requirement that Providence had to pay 50% of the net revenues of the hospital, up to $600,000, in rental revenues. Providence now has to spend 50% or more of their net profit, up to $200,000, on equipment. The lease was also amended to have the $108,000 of equipment which the Borough was required to purchase become Providence property rather than Borough property. (b) Kodiak Fisheries Research Center The Kodiak Fisheries Research Center (KFRC) leases its premise to the General Services Administration (GSA), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF &G), the GSA on behalf of Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). The lease with the GSA is from March 1, 2003, through September 30, 2018, cancelable with 120 days notice. Annual rent varies from $37,000 in 2009 to $41,000 in 2018. The lease with ADF &G is from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2018, with an option to extend for up to two additional five year periods. Annual rent varies from $43,000 in 2009 to .$52,800 in 2011. The annual rent from 2012 through 2018 will be based on $52,800 and adjusted for the tenant's proportionate share of building expenses and utilization of the seawater system. The lease with NOAA is from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2018, with an option to extend for up to four additional five year periods. Annual rent is $756,000 plus operational and maintenance expenses of $699,076. Operational and maintenance expenses are adjusted every five years to actual costs. The lease with UAF is from October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2018, cancelable with 30 days notice, with an option to extend for up to two additional five year periods. Annual rent varies from $110,000 in 2009 to $143,601 in 2018. (12) Retirement Commitments , Alaska Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) The Borough has adopted Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 27, Accounting for Pensions by State and Local Governmental Employees and GASB 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers for Post - employment Benefits Other than Pensions. GASB No. 27 and GASB No. 45 establish uniform standards for the measurement, recognition and display of pension and other post - employment benefits other than pensions (healthcare) expenditures /expense and related liabilities, assets, note disclosure and applicable required supplementary information in the financial reports of state and local governmental employers. Retirement Plans. All full -time employees and certain permanent part-time employees of the , Borough participate in the State of Alaska Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS). In addition to the pension plan the system also administers a post- employment healthcare benefit plan. 59 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. PERS financial statements are prepared using the accrual basis of accounting. PIan member contributions are recognized in the period in which the contributions are due. The Borough's contributions are recognized when due and a formal commitment to provide the contributions has been made. Benefits and refunds are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terms of the plan. All plan investments are reported at fair market value or estimated fair market value. Plan Description. The Borough contributes to the Alaska Public Employees Retirement System (PERS), which includes both an cost - sharing multiple employer defined benefit pension and a post - employment healthcare plans administered by the Commissioner of Administration and the Alaska Retirement Management Board (ARMB). There are currently 160 employers participating in PERS, including the State of Alaska and 159 political subdivisions and public organizations. PERS provides (1) retirement benefits including disability and death benefits, and post - employment healthcare to plan members and beneficiaries. The authority to establish and amend benefit provisions is assigned to the ARMB. The Public Employee's Retirement System issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information for PERS. This report may be obtained from the system at Pouch C, Juneau, Alaska 99811. Benefits vest with five years of credited service. Employees enrolled prior to July 1, 1986 with five or more years of credited service are entitled to annual pension benefits beginning at normal retirement age 55 or early retirement age 50. For employees enrolled after June 30, 1986, but before July 1, 2006, the normal and early retirement ages are 60 and 55, respectively. Employees with 30 or more years of credited service may retire at any age and receive a normal benefit. Retirement benefits are calculated by multiplying the average monthly compensation (AMC) times credited PERS service times the percentage multiplier. The AMC is determined by averaging the salaries earned during the five highest (three highest for Police/Fire members or members hired prior to July 1, 1996) consecutive payroll years. Members must earn at least 115 days of credit in the last year worked to include it in the AMC calculation. The PERS pays a minimum benefit of $25 per month for each year of service when the calculated benefit is less. The percentage multipliers for police /fire personnel are 2% for the first ten years of service and 2.5% for all service over 10 years. The percentage multipliers for all other participants are 2% for the first ten years, 2.25% for the next ten years, and 2.5% for all remaining service earned on or after July 1, 1986. All service before that date is calculated at 2 %. Post - employment healthcare benefits are provided without cost to all members first enrolled before July 1, 1986. Members first enrolled after June 30, 1986 and who have not reached age 60 may elect to pay for major medical benefits. Pension benefits are adjusted each year based upon increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the prior year. The increase in the benefits is 75% of the CPI increase up to a 9% maximum for recipients who are at least age 65 or on disability or 50% of the increase up to a 6% maximum for recipients who are at least age 60 but under age 65 or who have been receiving benefits for at least five years. Starting at age 65, or at any age for those employed before July 1, 1986, a retired employee who remains in Alaska is eligible for an additional allowance equal to 10% of the base benefit or $50 a month, whichever is greater. 1 60 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Post Retirement Pension Adjustments. Post retirement pension adjustments (PRPAs) are granted annually to eligible benefit recipients when the consumer price index (CPI) increases during the preceding calendar year. PRPAs are calculated by multiplying the recipient's base benefit, including past PRPAs, times: (a) 75% of the CPI increase in the preceding calendar year or 9 %, whichever is less, if the recipient is at least 65 or on PERS disability; or (b) 50% of the CPI increase in the preceding calendar year or 6 %, whichever is less, if the recipient is at least 60, or has been receiving benefits for at least five years. Ad hoc PRPAs, up to a maximum of 4 %, may be granted to eligible recipients who first entered the PERS before July 1, 1986, if the CPI increases and the financial condition of the fund will permit an increase. In a year where an ad hoc PRPA is granted, eligible recipients will receive the higher of the two calculations. Funding Policy. Active PERS members are required to contribute 6.75% (2% pension cost and 4.75% post - employment health care cost) of their annual covered salary and the Borough is required to contribute at an actuarial determined rate; the current rate is 35.22% (10.91% pension cost and 24.31 % post - employment health care cost). The legislature capped the employer rate at 22 %, with the State of Alaska contributing an on behalf payment for the difference between actuarial required contribution and the cap. The contribution requirements of plan members and the Borough are established and may be amended by the ARMB. Annual Pension Cost. For 2009, the Borough annual pension cost of $533,498 for PERS was equal to the Borough's actual contributions. The State of Alaska contributed $336,769 on behalf of the Borough. Alaska Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) — Defined Contribution Plan Plan Description and Funding Requirements. School Districts and Public Employers in the State of Alaska have a defined contribution retirement plan for new hires first enrolled on or after July 1, 2006. Plan members make mandatory contributions of 8% of gross eligible compensation. State statutes require the employer to contribute 5% of employees' eligible compensation. Additionally, employers are required to contribute 0.99% for the retiree medical plan, 0.58% for occupational and death and disability benefits and 3% of employers average annual employee compensation of the health reimbursement arrangement (BRA). The employer effective contribution rate is between 19.57% and 22 %, with difference being allocated the defined benefit unfunded liability (DBUL). Plan members are 100% vested with their contributions. Members become vested in employers' contributions as follows: 2 years of service — 25% 3 years of service — 50% 4 years of service — 75% 5 years of service —100% 61 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 Plan provisions and contribution requirements and amendments are established by the Alaska Retirement Management Board (ARMB). Total contributions for the year ended June 30, 2009 are as follows: Employer Employee Defined contribution $ 6,163 9,861 Retiree medical plan 1,220 Occupational health and disability benefits 715 - Health reimbursement agreement (HRA) 4,502 - Actual contributions were ual to the annual required contributions. e9 q Deferred Compensation Plan The Kodiak Island Borough has two deferred compensation plans created and amended in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plans are available to all regular Borough employees. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. All amounts deferred under these plans are held in trusts that were established for the exclusive benefit of plan participants. Amounts contributed to the plans by participants during the year ended June 30, 2009, was $134,360. 1 1 [I The first plan is managed by the International Borough Managers Association Retirement Corporation. $60,043 was contributed to this plan during the year ended June 30, 2009. The Borough believes that the plan does not meet the criteria for inclusion as a fiduciary fund. The second plan is managed by the Hartford Insurance Company. $74,317 was contributed to this plan during the year ended June 30, 2009. The Borough believes that the plan does not meet the criteria for inclusion as a fiduciary fund. (a) Extraordinary Item The Alaska Public Employees Retirement System Plan (PERS) changed from an agent multiple employer defined benefit plan to a multiple employer cost sharing defined benefit plan effective July 1, 2008. This change eliminated each participating employers' pension and other employment benefit plan individual obligations. Since the plan is now a cost sharing plan all employers share in the obligation pool and pay the same percentage rate of salaries annually. Individual obligations by employer no longer exist. This resulted in an extraordinary gain for the year ended June 30, 2009 of $1,828,910. (13) Contingencies (a) General The Borough, in the normal course of its activities, is involved in various claims and pending litigation. After consultation with legal counsel, management estimates that these matters will be resolved without material adverse effect on the Borough's future financial position or results of operations. A 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH , Notes to Basic Financial Statements June 30, 2009 , (b) Grants Amounts received or receivable from grantor agencies are subject to audit and adjustment by the grantor agencies. Any disallowed claims, including amounts already collected, would become a liability of the General or other applicable funds. In management's opinion, disallowances, if any, will not be material. (c) Litigation The Borough is a member of a mandatory class action lawsuit which resulted in a verdict against Exxon Corporation in August 1994 in the amount of $5 billion for punitive damages that has since been reduced to $500 million plus interest by the United States Supreme Court. The interest issue is now on appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Borough received a payment of approximately $318,000 in 2009, and should expect a final payment of accrued interest in Fiscal Year 2010. (14) Subsequent Events Management have evaluated subsequent events through December 31, 2009, the date which the financial statements were available for issue. I 'J 1 ril 63 1 1 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 64 Budgetary Comparison Schedule 1 General Fund Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Variance with Final Budget - Budget Positive 2008 Original Final Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes: Real $ 7,980,000 8,051,980 8,029,453 (22,527) 7,846,642 Personal 1,102,500 1,097,520 1,092,850 (4,670) 1,053,918 Boat 26,000 51,000 24,017 (26,983) 25,079 Motor vehicle 225,000 250,000 274,462 24,462 252,811 ' Penalty and interest 175,000 200,000 132,471 (67,529) 178,081 Total property taxes 9,508,500 9,650,500 9,553,253 (97,247) 9,356,531 Intergovernmental: State sources: State Revenue Sharing 751,477 777,477 777,571 94 591,286 Tax Payer Relief - - - - 411,747 Raw fish tax 1,000,000 1,297,000 1,288,926 (8,074) 1,059,161 ' Fish revitalization 50,000 50,000 55,382 5,382 41,811 Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax 24,778 24,778 Electric Co -op tax 26,000 26,000 27,524 1,524 27,668 On behalf PERS payment - - 247,007 247,007 - ' Totalstatesources 1 ,827,477 2,1 50,477 2,421,188 270,711 2, 131,673 Federal sources: Payments in lieu of taxes Fish and Wildlife revenue sharing 800,000 350,075 1,300,000 350,075 1,775,015 262,694 475,015 (87,381) 805,001 340,067 Schools and Roads - Grants to States 2,727 2,727 Total federal sources 1,150,075 1,650,075 2,040,436 390,361 1,145,068 Total intergovernmental revenue 2,977,552 3,800,552 4,461,624 661,072 3,276,741 Severance taxes: Fish Mining 1,256,613 11,610 1,456,613 11,610 1,289,695 14,001 (166,918) 2,391 1,409,253 12,567 Logging 19,990 19,990 7,492 (12,498) 14,390 Total severance taxes 1,288,213 1,488,213 1,311,188 (177,025) 1,436,210 Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues: Building and trailer permits 45,000 70,000 52,002 (17,998) 46,097 Subdivision and zoning fees 4,500 4,500 6,075 1,575 4,900 1 Sale of copies 8,000 8,000 7,340 (660) 8,308 Total licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues 57,500 82,500 65,417 (17,083) 59,305 Investment income 300,000 300,000 292,825 (7,175) 544,926 ' Other 47,750 89,750 131,944 42,194 40,951 Total revenues 14,179,515 15,411,515 15,816,251 404,736 14,714,664 (continued) 64 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Budgetary Comparison Schedule General Fund Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Expenditures: General government: General and administration Borough assembly Borough manager Borough clerk Borough attorney Finance department Management information systems Assessing department Engineering /facilities department Total general government Public safety - animal control Community and economic development: Community development department Building official Economic development Total community and economic development Emergency preparedness Health and sanitation department Education, culture, and recreation Kodiak College and city libraries Primary and secondary education Total expenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Other financing uses: Transfers out Change in fund balance Fund balance, at beginning of year Fund balance, at end of the year See accompanying notes to required supplementary information. 65 1 P 11 2009 Variance with Final Budget - Budget Positive 2008 Original Final Actual (Negative) Actual S 297,600 297,600 246,765 50,835 212,466 183.440 186,440 161,128 25,312 155.597 358,600 362,970 407,768 (44,798) 284,585 411,510 442,744 464,767 (22,023) 372.932 130,000 130,000 66,585 63,415 155,352 691,640 704,960 692,596 12,364 671,824 588,533 601,740 487,354 114,386 467.042 440,760 449,200 486,325 (37,125) 423,104 158,715 165,193 181,046 (15,853) 106,920 3,260,798 3,340,847 3,194,334 146,513 2,849,822 82,500 84,125 84,125 - 72,380 749,780 758,864 691,604 67,260 699,567 147,765 153,778 90,016 63,762 118,209 75,000 75,000 43,500 31,500 46,289 972,545 987,642 825,120 162,522 864,065 8,800 8,800 12,488 (3,688) 5.713 233,000 233,000 232,699 301 232,699 81,000 229,600 161,571 68,029 183.747 93,000 93,000 87,000 6,000 - 10,020,184 9.936,184 9,956,618 (20,434) 9,123,412 14,751,827 14,913,198 14,553,955 359,243 13,331,838 (572.312) 498.317 1,262,296 45,493 1,382,826 (769.486) (1,368,486) (1,368,486) - (945.660) S (1,341,798) (870,169) (106,190) 763,979 437.166 3,230,479 2,793,313 S 3,124,289 3,230,479 See accompanying notes to required supplementary information. 65 1 P 11 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Special Revenue Fund — Facilities Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) See accompanying notes to required supplementary information. 66 2009 Variance wit Final Budget — Budget Positive 2008 Original Final Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Investment income $ 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,337,694 (662,306) 2,046,071 Expenditures: Contingencies 157,750 185,390 — 185,390 — Excess of revenues over expenditures 1,842,250 1,814,610 1,337,694 (476,916) 2,046,071 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers out (1,842,250) (1,814,610) (1,514,540) 300,070 (1,814,610) Change in fund balance $ — (176,846) (176,846) 231,461 Fund balance, at beginning of year 39,869,858 39,638,397 Fund balance, at end of year $ 39,693,012 39,869,858 See accompanying notes to required supplementary information. 66 1 I KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Notes to Required Supplementary Information — Budgetary Comparison Schedules I June 30, 2009 ' The Borough follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the fund financial statements: • The Borough Manager must submit to the Borough Assembly by April 30 a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. • Public hearings are conducted by the Borough Assembly to obtain citizen comments. • By June 10, the budget is legally enacted through passage of an ordinance by Borough Assembly action. If the Borough Assembly fails to pass an ordinance, the budget submitted by the Borough Manager becomes the adopted budget. • Amendments to the budget can occur anytime during the fiscal year through the Borough Assembly or administrative action. Generally, the following actions are required at the level of the particular change: — All new appropriations are authorized by an appropriation ordinance that amends the annual budget ordinance. — A resolution of the Borough Assembly is required to move (appropriate) amounts between departments and projects. — The administration is authorized and directed by the Borough Assembly to effect the necessary line item changes within the limits established by Items (1) and (2) above by project or department to properly monitor, account, and report receipts and expenditures. • Expenditures may not legally exceed appropriations at the following levels: Capital Projects Funds — project level, all other funds — department level. • All funds, except Capital Projects Funds, are budgeted on an annual basis encompassing a fiscal year. Budgets of Capital Projects Funds generally encompass the period from start-up to project completion, ' which is generally greater than one year. • Appropriations Iapse at year end to the extent that they have not been expended for all funds, except Capital Projects Funds, which lapse at project completion. • Budgets adopted by the Borough Assembly are in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. • The Borough published a separate 2008 budget document. That document may be obtained from the Kodiak Island Borough, Director of Finance, 710 Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, Alaska 99615. J 67 ADDITIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION 1 r 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Budgetary Comparison Schedule Debt Service Fund - Education and Health Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Revenues: Intergovernmental: State sources Investment income Premium on bonds Total revenues Expenditures: General government Debt service: Prinicpal Interest Debt issuance Total expenditures Deficiency of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Refunding bonds issued Payment to refunded bond escrow agent Net other financing sources (uses) Change in fund balance Fund balance (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balance (deficit), at end of year 2009 Variance with Original Final Budget – and Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 2,144,617 2,146,506 1,889 1,801,750 10,000 8,718 (1,282) 30,330 198,235 198,235 — 44,652 2,352,852 2,353,459 607 1,876,732 10,000 242 9,758 26,920 2,205,450 2,495,056 (289,606) 2,205,441 1,255,320 1,571,295 (315,975) 1,255,313 72,764 68,635 4,129 — 3,543,534 4,135,228 (591,694) 3,487,674 (1,190,682) (1,781,769) (591,087) (1,610,942) 1,923,036 1,923,036 — 1,661,460 6,740,000 6,740,000 — — (6,865,471) (6,865,467) (4) — 1,797,565 1,797,569 (4) — $ 606,883 15,800 (591,083) 50,518 (9,862) (60,380) $ 5,938 (9,862) NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Special Revenue See Special Revenue section of this report. Debt Service See Debt Service section of this report. Capital Projects See Capital Projects section of this report. NONMAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The Fire Protection Area No.1 Fund accounts for the activities related to fire suppression and fire prevention services to the citizens of the service area. The Womens Bay Fire Department Fund accounts for the activities related to fire suppression and fire preventior services to the citizens of the service area. The Kodiak Airport Fire District Fund accounts for the activities related to fire suppression and fire prevention services to the citizens of the service area. The Monashka Bay Road Service Area Fund accounts for the activities related to road services within the servicf area. The Service Area No. 1 Fund accounts for the activities related to maintenance service to roads within the district, including snow removal, ditching and grading. The Womens Bay Service Area Fund accounts for the activities related to maintenance service to roads within the service area, including snow and ice removal, ditching and culvert work. The Bay View Road Service Area Fund accounts for the activities related to road services within the service area. The Service Area No. 2 Fund accounts for the activities related to water and sewer services in the service area. This fund is in the design stage at present. The Coastal Management Fund accounts for State of Alaska and Federal grants related to the effects of coastal energy development impacts. Expenditures of these grants are for comprehensive plans, coastal sensitivity analysis . outer continental shelf impact analysis, ordinance update, and planning and zoning. The Child Care Assistance Program Fund accounts for a State of Alaska grant to finance day care for children of low income employed families. The Local Emergency Planning Committee (L.E.P.C.) Fund accounts for State of Alaska grants provided for regional emergency preparation, response, and mitigation planning. The Land Sales Fund accounts for the disposal of Borough owned lands. The proceeds of land disposals are generally used for the management of Borough lands and the repairs and maintenance of Borough school buildings The Buildings and Grounds Fund accounts for the operations and maintenance of certain buildings and grounds owned by the Borough which are jointly shared with the City of Kodiak, the Kodiak Island Borough School District, and certain nonprofit community organizations. The Woodland Acres Street Light Service Area Fund accounts for activities related to the provision of street lighting within the service area. The Trinity Islands Street Light Service Area Fund accounts for activities related to the provision of street lighting within the service area. The Kodiak Arts Council Fund accounts for activities related to the facilitation of the arts in the Kodiak community. (continued NONMAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS The Tourism Development Fund accounts for the collection of the Borough Transient Accommodation Tax (Bed Tax) and its subsequent transfer to the Kodiak Island Convention and Visitor Bureau. The Mission Lake Tide Gate Fund accounts for activities related to maintaining the tide gate for the residents of the service area. The Fern Fuller Trust Fund accounts for the distribution of funds to the beneficiaries of the trust. The Trinity Islands Paving Fund accounts for activities related to the provision of paving within the service area. 1 v li C Ci KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Combining Balance Sheet Nonmajor Governmental Funds June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information at June 30, 2008) Assets Equity in central treasury Receivables: State of Alaska Federal Government Property taxes Land sales contracts, due within one year Notes receivable Other Due from other funds Land sale contracts, due after one year Total Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable Retainages payable Customer deposits Due to other funds Unearned revenues Total liabilities Fund Balances: Unreserved: Designated for subsequent year expenditures Undesignated Total fund balances Total Special Capital Revenue Project $ 3,701,529 1,519,233 Totals 2009 2008 5,220,762 4,389,288 24,502 29,562 54,064 211,379 - 62,034 62,034 11,093 12,872 - 12,872 15,008 41,598 - 41,598 38,308 - - - 448,533 33,082 - 33,082 25,585 419,000 - 419,000 - 172,449 - 172,449 193,155 $ 4,405,032 1,610,829 6,015,861 5,332,349 $ 206,154 533,523 739,677 236,355 - 5,377 5,377 11,904 700 - 700 828 179,316 - 179,316 362,215 212,197 322,088 534,285 260,087 598,367 860,988 1,459,355 871,389 387,668 - 387,668 171,800 3,418,997 749,841 4,168,838 4,289,160 3,806,665 749,841 4,556,506 4,460,960 $ 4,405,032 1,610,829 6,015,861 5,332,349 69 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Nonmajor Governmental Funds Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for year ended June 30, 2008) Expenditures: General government Public safety Community and economic development Health and sanitation department Service district maintenance Capital improvements: Schools General Debt service Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Net other financing sources (uses) Change in fund balances Fund balances (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balances, at end of year Special Debt Capital Revenues: Property taxes and assessments ' Intergovernmental: Totals State sources Funds Federal sources Funds Land sale proceeds 2008 Licenses, permits, fees, ' and other local revenues 1,012,432 Investment income 20,180 Other 1,378,934 Total revenues KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Nonmajor Governmental Funds Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for year ended June 30, 2008) Expenditures: General government Public safety Community and economic development Health and sanitation department Service district maintenance Capital improvements: Schools General Debt service Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Net other financing sources (uses) Change in fund balances Fund balances (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balances, at end of year Special Debt Capital Revenue Service Project Totals Funds Fund Funds 2009 2008 $ 1,012,432 - - 1,012,432 897,946 20,180 - 1,378,934 1,399,114 427,014 129,561 - 952,319 1,081,880 1,204,816 30,561 - - 30,561 19,458 677,110 - - 677,110 558,125 119,678 880 20,178 140,736 234,769 88,562 - - 88,562 306,798 2,078,084 880 2,351,431 4,430,395 3,648,926 872,448 - - 872,448 941,802 376,701 - - 376,701 385,529 83,381 - - 83,381 59,138 101,048 - - 101,048 81,974 398,219 - - 398,219 374,320 - - 2,008,569 2,008,569 1,008,346 - - 1 ,277,106 1,277,106 677,865 7,113 - - 7,113 7,863 1,838,910 - 3,285,675 5,124,585 3,536,837 239,174 880 (934,244) (694,190) 112,089 259,975 - 3,028,281 3,288,256 205,150 (79,475) (170,530) (933,009) (1,183,014) (79,290) 180,500 (170,530) 2,095,272 2,105,242 125,860 419,674 (169,650) 1,161,028 1,411,052 282,699 3,386,991 169,650 (411,187) 3,145,454 3,411,601 $ 3,806,665 - 749,841 4,556,506 3,694,300 70 71 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information at June 30, 2008) Fire and Road Service Areas Fire Road , Fire Nomens Kodiak Monashka Protection Bay Fire Airport Fire Bay Road Service Assets Area No. I Department District Service Area Area No. I Equity in central treasury S 830,438 298,684 33 18,(54 105,165 ' Receivables: State of Alaska — — — Property taxes 4,975 1,708 20 479 3.200 Land sales contracts, due within one year — Other — — — _ Due from other funds — — — — 375.000 Land sale contracts, due afler one year — — _ — Total assets S 835,413 300,392 33,194 18,633 483.365 Liabilities and Fund Balances (Deficits) Liabilities: Accounts payable 18,717 20,765 — 525 76,419 Customer deposits — 550 — — — Due to other s 150 Unearned ed revenues Unearned — _ = _ , Total liabilities 18,867 21,315 — 525 76,419 Fund balances (deficits): Designated for subsequent year expenditures _ Undes(gnated 816,546 279,077 33.194 18,108 406,946 Total fund balances (deficits) 816,546 279,077 33,194 18,108 406,946 Total liabilities and fund balances (deficits) $ 835,413 300,392 33,194 18,633 483,365 , 71 r t 1 1 f r 1 72 Fire and Road Service Areas ' Road Federal and State Grant Programs Child Care Womens Bay Bay View Road Service Area Coastal Assistance ' Service Area 154,350 Service Area No. 2 Management Program L.E.P.C. Land Sales 3.292 5.431 2,337 27,117 2,678 1,140,761 10,340 5,053 9,109 - 2282 198 - - 41,598 250 - - - - - - 44,000 - - 172,449 156,632 3.490 5,431 37,457 7,390 11,787 1,399.058 19,178 350 - 3.499 121 11,410 6,420 10.000 8,000 15,000 - = - 212,197 19,178 10,350 3 8.121 26,410 218,617 - - 110,313 137,454 (6,860) 5,431 33,958 (731) (14,623) 1,070,128 137,454 (6,860) 5,431 33.958 (731) (14,623) 1,180,441 156,632 3,490 5,431 37,457 7,390 11,787 1,399,058 (Continued) t 1 1 f r 1 72 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet, (continued) June 30, 2009 73 1 1 t i 1 Street Lighting Districts Woodland Buildings Acres Street Trinity Islands and Light Service Street Light Kodiak Arts Tourism Assets Grounds Area Service Area Council Development Equity in central treasury $ 359,184 7,671 4,736 144 57,431 Receivables: State of Alaska — — — Property taxes — 10 — — — Land sales contracts, due within one year — — — — — Other 356 — — 10,856 21 Due from other funds — — — — — Land sale contracts, due after one year — — — — Total $ 359,540 7,681 4,736 11,000 79,051 Liabilities and Fund Balances (Deficits) Liabilities: Accounts payable 48,188 418 144 — — Customer deposits — — — 150 Due to other funds — — — 11,000 — Uneamed revenues — — — — Total liabilities 48,188 418 144 11,000 150 Fund balances (deficits): Unreserved: Designated for subsequent year expenditures 207,205 — — — — Undesignated 104,147 7,263 4,592 — 78,901 Total fund balances (deficits) 311,352 7,263 4,592 — 78.901 Total $ 359,540 7,681 4,736 11,000 79,051 73 1 1 t i 1 Mission Lake Fern Fuller Trinity Islands Totals Tide Gate Trust Paving 2009 2008 13,703 583,601 53,478 3,701,529 3,646,784 - 24.502 15,228 - - - 12,872 11,770 - 41.598 54.137 - - - 33,082 38.672 - - - 419,000 - - - - 172,449 176,641 13,703 583,601 53,478 4,405,032 3.943 - 206,154 102,917 - - - 700 800 135,166 179,316 224,349 - - 212,197 228,175 - 135,166 598,367 556,241 - 70,150 - 387,668 150,845 13,703 513.451 (81,688) 3,418,997 3,236,146 13,703 583,601 (81,688) 3,806,665 3,386,991 13,703 583,601 53,478 4,405,032 3,943,232 74 1 I 75 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nomnajor Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficits) Year ended June 30, 2009 (With summarized financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Fire and Road Service Areas Fire Road Fire womens Kodiak Monashka Protection Bay Fire Airport Fire Bay Road Area No. I Department District Service Area ' Revenues: Property taxes and assessments $ 423,587 68,858 13,427 51,747 Intergovernmental: State sources - - - - Federal sources - - - - Land sale proceeds - - - - Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues - 12,361 Investment income 28,412 9,022 1,244 1,232 Other 2,079 - - - Total revenues 454,078 90,241 14,671 52,979 Expenditures: General government - Public safety 296,586 59,907 28 - Community and economic development - - - - Health and sanitation department - - - - Service district maintenance - - - 53,164 Debt service - - - - Total expenditures 296,586 59,907 28 53,164 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 157,492 30,334 14,643 (185) Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in - 12,975 - - Transfers out - - (12,975) - Net other financing sources (uses) - 12,975 (12,975) - Change in fund balances 157,492 43,309 1,668 (185) Fund balances (deficits), at beginning of year 659,054 235,768 31,526 18,293 Fund balances (deficits), at end of year $ 816,546 279,077 33,194 18,108 I 75 1 C� 1 I 1 76 Fire and Road Service Areas Road Federal and State Grant Programs Service Womens Bay Bay View Road Service Coastal Child are Assistance Area No. 1 Service Area Service Area Area No. 2 Management Program L.E.P.C. Land Sales 292,079 105,911 7,162 = _ _ - 20,180 _ - - - - 28,513 101,048 - - - - - - - 30,561 - 15,017 25,000 - - 1 7,094 20 169 - - - 31,541 - - - - - - - 80 307,096 - 138,005 - 7,182 169 28,513 101,048 20,180 63,182 - - - - - 23,542 - - - - - 20,180 - - - - - 28,324 - - - 101,048 170,947 - 162,191 10,970 170,947 162,191 10,970 - 28,324 101,048 - 20,180 - 23,542 136,149 (24,186) (3,788) 169 189 - 39,640 136,149 (24,186) (3,788) 169 189 - - 39,640 270,797 161,640 (3,072) 5262 33,769 (731) (14,623) 1,140,801 406,946 137,454 (6,860) 5,431 33,958 (731) (14,623) 1,180,441 (continued) C� 1 I 1 76 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas — Kodiak Airport Fire District Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 81 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 12,440 13,427 987 12,794 Investment income 630 1,244 614 2,332 Total revenues 13,070 14,671 I,601 15,126 Expenditures: Public safety: Support goods and services 280 28 252 24 Excess of revenues over expenditures 12,790 14,643 1,853 15,102 Other financing uses: Transfers out: Womens Bay Fire Department Special Revenue Fund (12,790) (12,975) (185) (12,790) Change in fund balance $ — 1,668 1,668 2,312 Fund balance, at beginning of year 31,526 29,214 Fund balance, at end of year $ 33,194 31,526 81 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas — Monashka Bay Road Service Area Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 82 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 51,860 51,747 (113) 43,086 Investment income 730 1,232 502 3,923 Total revenues 52,590 52,979 389 47,009 Expenditures: Service district maintenance: Personnel services 600 900 (300) 519 Support goods and services 200 119 81 80 Snow removal /sanding 20,000 22,101 (2,101) 23,007 Road grading/ditching 6,000 27,419 (21,419) 1,240 Repairs and maintenance 25,790 2,625 23,165 42,307 Total expenditures 52,590 53,164 (574) 67,153 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ — (185) (185) (20,144) Fund balance, at beginning of year 18,293 38,437 Fund balance, at end of year $ 18,108 18,293 82 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas - Service Area No. I Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 83 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 269,700 292,079 22,379 225,707 Investment income - 15,017 15,017 24,540 Total revenues 269,700 307,096 37,396 250,247 Expenditures: Service district maintenance: Personnel services 8,650 7,413 1,237 7,776 Support goods and services 1,100 730 370 479 Snow removal /sanding 100,000 95,809 4,191 94,993 Road grading/ditching 84,950 48,981 35,969 20,078 Repairs and maintenance 75,000 18,014 56,986 43,346 Total expenditures 269,700 170,947 98,753 166,672 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ - 136,149 136,149 83,575 Fund balance, at beginning of year 270,797 187,222 Fund balance, at end of year $ 406,946 270,797 83 V�- r t r 1 84 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas - Womens Bay Road Service Area Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 101,057 105,911 4,854 104,365 Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues Investment income 20,000 3,000 25,000 7,094 5,000 4,094 24,000 16,710 Total revenues 124,057 138,005 13,948 145,075 Expenditures: Service district maintenance: Personnel services 850 2,172 (1,322) 1,140 Support goods and services 20,500 3,761 16,739 280 Snow removal /sanding 48,400 95,058 (46,658) 82,018 Road grading /ditching 37,307 12,905 24,402 15,622 Repairs and maintenance 32,000 48,295 (16,295) 31,319 Total expenditures 139,057 162,191 (23,134) 130,379 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ (15,000) (24,186) (9,186) 14,696 Fund balance, at beginning of year 161,640 146,944 Fund balance, at end of year $ 137,454 161,640 V�- r t r 1 84 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas — Bay View Road Service Area Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Deficit Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Revenues: Property taxes Investment income Total revenues Expenditures: Service district maintenance: Personnel services Support goods and services Snow removal/sanding Road grading/ditching Repairs and maintenance Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Fund deficit, at beginning of year Fund deficit, at end of year — Variance with (381) 563 Final Budget 12 Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 5,500 7,162 1,662 6,621 200 20 (180) 213 5,700 7,182 1,482 6,834 — 381 (381) 563 100 12 88 9 9,000 7.196 1,804 6,349 1,100 350 750 1,212 1,500 3,031 (1,531) 640 11,700 10,970 730 8,773 $ (6,000) (3,788) 2,212 (1,939) (3,072) (1,133) (3,072) 85 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fire and Road Service Areas — Service Area No. 2 Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Revenues: Investment income Expenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Fund balance, at beginning of year Fund balance, at end of year Final Budget $ 100 $ 100 86 Variance with Final Budget Positive 2008 Actual (Negative) Actual 169 69 362 169 69 362 5,262 4,900 $ 5,431 5,262 86 87 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Coastal Management Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental: Federal sources — grants $ 24,000 28,513 4,513 9,197 Expenditures: Community and economic development: Planning and zoning 24,000 28,324 (4,324) 9,130 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ — 189 189 67 Fund balance, at beginning of year 33,769 33,702 Fund balance, at end of year $ 33,958 33,769 87 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Child Care Assistance Program Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 88 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Intergovernmental: Federal sources — grants $ 102,048 101,048 (1,000) 82,026 Investment income — — — 477 Total revenues 102,048 101,048 (1,000) 82,503 Expenditures: Health and sanitation department: Personnel 91,088 84,057 7,031 66,015 Support goods and services 10,960 16,991 (6,031) 15,959 Total expenditures 102,048 101,048 1,000 81,974 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ — — — 529 Fund balance (deficit), at beginning of year (731) (1,260) Fund balance (deficit), at end of year $ (731) (731) 88 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds L.E.P.C. Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Deficit Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Revenues Intergovernmental: State sources — grants Expenditures: Public safety: Personnel services Professional services Support goods and services Total expenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Fund deficit, at beginning of year Fund deficit, at end of year Variance with Final Budget Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) 2008 $ 17,800 20,180 2,380 18,273 11,000 12,982 (1,982) 15,290 3,300 (3,764) 7,064 — 3,500 10,962 (7,462) 2,510 17,800 20,180 (2,380) 17,800 $ — — — 473 (14,623) (15,096) $ (14,623) (14,623) 89 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Land Sales Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 90 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Land sale proceeds $ 33,781 30,561 (3,220) 19,458 Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 Gravel sales 40,000 - (40,000) 23,834 Investment income 22,990 31,541 8,551 53,426 Other - 80 80 80 Total revenues 97,771 63,182 (34,589) 97,798 Expenditures: General government: Personnel services 26,494 12,003 14,491 11,500 Contracted services 4,550 - 4,550 4,233 Support goods and services 66,727 11,539 55,188 4,158 Total expenditures 97,771 23,542 74,229 19,891 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ - 39,640 39,640 77,907 Fund balance, at beginning of year 1,140,801 1,062,894 Fund balance, at end of year $ 1,180,441 1,140,801 90 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Buildings and Grounds Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Revenues: Intergovernmental: Rental income Investment income Other Total revenues Expenditures: General government: School buildings Borough building Mental health center Parks operation and maintenance Total expenditures Deficiency of revenues under expenditures Other financing sources: Transfers in: General Fund Facilities Special Revenue Fund Total other financing sources Change in fund balance Fund balance, at beginning of year Fund balance, at end of year 62,000 2009 185,000 185,000 247,000 247,000 Variance with 56,827 254,525 Final Budget 311,352 Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 429,810 565,531 135,721 436,284 8,600 6,199 (2,40I) 18,137 - 65 65 - 438,410 571,795 133,385 454,421 349,500 336,724 12,776 331,778 408,985 392,570 16,415 346,122 30,000 20,068 9,932 3,326 6,000 12,606 (6,606) 10,260 794,485 761,968 32,517 691,486 (356,075) (190,173) 165,902 (237,065) 62,000 62,000 185,000 185,000 247,000 247,000 $ (109,075) 56,827 254,525 $ 311,352 165,902 192,360 192,360 (44,705) 299,230 254,525 91 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Woodland Acres Street Light Service Area Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 92 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 8,320 8,397 77 — Investment income 100 276 176 547 Total revenues 8,420 8,673 253 2,555 Expenditures: General government: Support goods and services 8,420 5,215 3,205 5,600 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures $ — 3,458 3,458 (5,053) Fund balance, at beginning of year 3,805 8,858 Fund balance, at end of year $ 7,263 3,805 92 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Trinity Islands Street Light Service Area Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Revenues: Property taxes Income from investments Total revenues Expenditures: General government: Support goods and services Total expenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Fund balance, at beginning of year Fund balance, at end of year 93 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 3,860 3,873 13 3,871 60 135 75 128 3,920 4,008 88 3,999 3,920 1,809 2,111 1,957 3,920 1,809 2,111 1,957 $ — 2,199 2,199 2,042 2,393 351 $ 4,592 2,393 93 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Kodiak Arts Council Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance (Deficit) Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Revenues: Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues: Reimbursement from Kodiak Arts Council Expenditures: General government: Personnel services Fringe benefits Support goods and services Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Fund balance (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balance (deficit), at end of year Variance with Final Budget Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) 2008 $ 68,360 73,218 4,858 62,795 46,410 51,568 (5,158) 46,911 21,950 21,651 299 20,972 (1,969) 1,969 464 68,360 71,250 (2,890) 68,347 $ — 1,968 1,968 (5,552) (1,968) 3,584 $ — (1 94 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Tourism Development Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 95 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Investment income $ 980 1,607 627 1,292 Transient accommodations tax 70,000 86,338 16,338 79,182 Total revenues 70,980 87,945 16,965 80,474 Expenditures: Community and economic development: Contributions 55,000 55,000 — 50,000 Support goods and services 15,980 57 15,923 8 Total expenditures 70,980 55,057 15,923 50,008 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ — 32,888 1,042 30,466 Fund balance, at beginning of year 46,013 15,547 Fund balance, at end of year $ 78,901 46,013 95 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Mission Lake Tide Gate Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 96 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Property taxes $ 3,470 3,675 205 3,473 Investment income 230 363 133 517 Total revenues 3,700 4,038 338 3,990 Expenditures: Service district maintenance: Personnel services 1,000 930 70 872 Professional services 2,000 — 2,000 370 Support goods and services 700 17 683 101 Total expenditures 3,700 947 2,753 1,343 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ — 3,091 3,091 2,647 Fund balance, at beginning of year 10,612 7,965 Fund balance, at end of year $ 13,703 10,612 96 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Fern Fuller Trust Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Revenues: Investment income Fuller Trust proceeds Total revenues Expenditures: General government: Distributions to beneficiaries Support goods and services Total expenditures Excess of revenues over expenditures Other financing uses: Transfers out: Hospital Facilities Enterprise Fund Change in fund balance Fund balance, at beginning of year Fund balance, at end of year 97 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 13,230 15,477 2,247 32,272 — — — 23,191 13,230 15,477 2,247 55,463 8,500 8,500 — 5,500 — 164 (164) 709 8,500 8,664 (164) 6,209 4,730 6,813 2,083 49,254 (66,500) (66,500) — (66,500) $ (61,770) (59,687) 2,083 (17,246) 643,288 660,534 $ 583,601 643,288 97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Trinity Islands Paving Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Deficit Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 98 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Special assessments $ 19,160 33,716 14,556 35,657 Investment income 900 1,870 970 2,257 Total revenues 20,060 35,586 15,526 37,914 Expenditures: Debt service: Support goods and services 13,110 164 12,946 85 Interest 6,950 6,949 1 7,778 Total expenditures 20,060 7,113 12,947 7,863 Excess of revenues over expenditures $ — 28,473 28,473 30,051 Fund deficit, at beginning of year (110,16]) (140,212) Fund deficit, at end of year $ (81,688) (110,161) 98 1 1 1 1 [1 I F1 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Debt Service Funds are used to account for the payment of principal, interest and related fees on all bonded debt except for special assessment bonded debt accounted for in proprietary funds. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Equity in central treasury KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Debt Service Fund Other Balance Sheets June 30, 2009 (With financial information at June 30, 2008) Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Total liabilities Fund balance: Unreserved 2009 2008 169,650 169,650 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Debt Service Fund Other Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information at June 30, 2008) 100 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Revenues: Investment income $ — 880 880 8,180 Expenditures — — — — Excess of revenues over expenditures — 880 880 8,180 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers out: Education and Health Debt Service Fund (10,000) (10,000) — — Various Borough Capital Projects Fund (160,530) (160,530) Net other financing sources (uses) (170,530) (170,530) — — Change in fund balance $ (170,530) (169,650) 880 8,180 Fund balance, at beginning of year 169,650 161,470 Fund balance, at end of year $ — 100 NONMAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS The Various Borough Projects Fund accounts for general government construction projects not accounted for in other funds. The State Capital Grants Fund accounts for capital impro% projects relating to grants received from the State of Alaska. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Capital Project Funds Combining Balance Sheet June 30, 2009 (With financial information at June 30, 2008) 101 Various State Borough Capital Assets Projects Grants 2009 2008 Equity in central treasury S 1,360,381 158,852 1,519,233 7,927 Receivables: State of Alaska - 29,562 29,562 237,017 Federal government - 62,034 62,034 169,414 Total $ 1,360,381 250,448 1,610,829 414,358 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts payable 506,596 26,927 533,523 213,471 Retainages payable 2,846 2,531 5,377 17,978 Due to other funds - - - 90,000 Unearned revenues 322,088 - 322,088 - Total liabilities 831,530 29,458 860,988 321,449 Fund balances: Unreserved - Undesignated 528,851 220,990 749,841 92,909 Total S 1,360,381 250,448 1,610,829 414,358 101 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Nonmajor Capital Project Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Revenues: Intergovernmental: State sources Federal sources Investment income Other Total revenues Expenditures: General government: General and administration Capital improvements: Schools General Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources: Transfers in Transfers out Net other financing sources (uses) Change in fund balances Fund balances (deficit), at beginning of year Fund balances, at end of year Various State Borough Capital Projects Grants 2009 2008 $ 771,408 607,526 1,378,934 408,741 550,489 401,830 952,319 1,113,593 7,582 12,596 20,178 535 — — — 200,000 1,329,479 1,021,952 2,351,431 1,722,869 — — — 148,312 1,719,484 289,085 2,008,569 1,008,346 672,320 604,786 1,277,106 677,865 2,391,804 893,871 3,285,675 1,834,523 (1,062,325) 128,081 (934,244) (111,654) 3,028,281 — 3,028,281 — (933,009) — (933,009) — 2,095,272 — 2,095,272 — 1,032,947 128,081 1,161,028 (111,654) (504,096) 92,909 (411,187) 204,563 $ 528,851 220,990 749,841 92,909 102 ENTERPRISE FUNDS The Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Fund accounts for the collection and disposal of solid waste and recycling services for the Kodiak Island Borough. The Hospital Facilities Fund accounts for rents on the Borough -owned hospital; hospital related state revenue sharing; and other hospital related revenue. In turn, it purchases hospital equipment and makes debt service payments on hospital related debt. The Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Fund accounts for rents and expenses on the Borough -owned Kodiak Fisheries Research Center. The three tenants: NOAA, Alaska Department of Fish & Game and University of Alaska, Fairbanks pay lease funds to participate in this multi- agency research facility committed to the preservation of the North Pacific marine ecosystem and resources. The 911 Service Fund accounts for funds collected from phone charges and pays for a 911 emergency system. 1 1 f r Operating revenues: Solid waste collection Solid waste disposal Other KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Enterprise Funds Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) Total operating revenues Operating expenses: Personnel services Solid waste collection Refuse disposal Contracted services Maintenance and repairs Landfill closure and postclosure costs Depreciation General and administration Recycling services Contributions Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Other income : Investment income Income (loss) before transfers Other financing sources: Transfers in ' Income (loss) before extraordinary item ' Extraordinary item Variance with Change in net assets Net assets, at beginning of year Final Budget Net assets, at end of year Final t 103 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual $ 2,838,920 2,559,903 (279,017) 2,839,830 970,300 1,044,092 73,792 1,071,941 - - - 1,920 3,809,220 3,603,995 (205,225) 3,913,691 728,736 726,967 1,769 938,916 1,584,200 1,534,673 49,527 1,257,731 320,000 276,878 43,122 346,396 346,000 187,969 158,031 446,764 125,500 34,483 91,017 77,960 240,000 348,634 (108,634) 819,143 348,326 270,153 78,173 265,885 271,243 227,757 43,486 231,631 200,000 233,768 (33,768) 231,085 12,000 10,876 1,124 13,315 4,176,005 3,852,158 323,847 4,628,826 (366,785) (248,163) 118,622 (715,135) 150,000 178,651 28,651 247,788 (216,785 ) (69,512) 147,273 (467,347 12,000 6,450 (6,450) 6,450 (204,785) (63,062) 140,823 (460,897) - 336,458 336,458 - $ (204,785) 273,396 478,181 (460,897) 4,354,676 4,815,573 $ 4,628,072 4,354,676 103 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Enterprise Funds Hospital Facilities Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Operating revenues: Lease income Operating expenses: Personnel services Maintenance and repairs Depreciation General and administration Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Other income (expense): Contribution to Providence Hospital CHC reimbursements Investment income Interest expense Income (loss) before transfers Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out Net other financing sources (uses) Change in net assets Net assets, at beginning of year Net assets, at end of year Variance with Final Budget Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) 1 i 1 i 1 i $ 720,000 720,000 — 720,000 5,000 5,386 (386) 5,871 5,000 — 5,000 5,825 1,276,560 929,555 347,005 988,579 14,500 842 13,658 12,949 1,301,060 935,783 365,277 1,013,224 (581,060) (215,783) 365,277 (293,224) (108,000) (108,000) — (57,141) — 2,855,835 2,855,835 5,330 10,413 5,083 21,999 (51,750) (51,752) (2) (54,285) (735,480) 2,490,713 3,226,193 (382,651) 66,500 759,040 692,540 66,500 (239,712) — 239,712 (200,000) (173,212) 759,040 932,252 (133,500) $ (908,692) 3,249,753 4,158,445 (516,151) 16,973,988 17,490,139 $ 20,223,741 16,973,988 I I 1 104 1 1 1 105 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Enterprise Funds Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 1 2009 Variance with Final Budget Final Positive 2008 Budget Actual (Negative) Actual Operating revenues: Lease income $ 1,597,031 1,598,260 1,229 1,616,992 Other - 50 50 - Total operating revenues 1,597,031 1,598,310 1,279 1,616,992 Operating expenses: ' Personnel services 314,210 298,613 15,597 334,442 Depreciation 744,294 713,144 31,150 726,745 General and administration: Cleaning and janitorial 41,300 50,131 (8,831) 49,015 Heating 197,000 189,642 7,358 216,285 Electrical 210,000 171,266 38,734 182,849 Plumbing 193,000 64,603 128,397 33,871 Air conditioning 16,000 1,267 14,733 6,028 Elevators 2,500 2,797 (297) 2,337 Miscellaneous 27,200 91,641 (64,441) 73,797 Total operating expenses 1,745,504 1,583,104 162,400 1,625,369 Operating income (loss) (148,473) 15,206 163,679 (8,377) Other income (expense): Investment income ' 66,780 84,871 18,091 161,933 Interest expense (377,300) (377,300) (402,063) Income (loss) ' before extraordinary item (458,993) (277,223) 181,770 (248,507) Extraordinary item - 96,230 96,230 - t Change in net assets $ (458,993) (180,993) 278,000 (248,507) Net assets, at beginning of year 10,525,219 10,773,726 Net assets, at end of year $ 10,344,226 10,525,219 1 1 105 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Enterprise Funds 911 Services Fund Schedule of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets (Deficit) Budget and Actual Year ended June 30, 2009 (With financial information for the year ended June 30, 2008) 2009 Operating revenues: Customer charges Operating expenses: Personnel services Miscellaneous Telephone services Total operating expenses Operating income (loss) Other income: Investment income Change in net assets Net assets (deficit), at beginning of year Net assets, at end of year Variance with Final Budget Final Positive Budget Actual (Negative) 2008 Actual $ 69,000 52,654 (16,346) 54,925 28,800 3,000 25,800 3,000 — 422 (422) 190 41,320 39,621 1,699 104,790 70,120 43,043 27,077 107,980 (1,120) 9,611 10,731 (53,055) 1,320 $ 200 38 9,649 (9,649) (1,282) 2,444 9,449 (50,611) 40,962 (9,649) 1 F 1 1 106 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES P-J KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH SUMMARY OF BONDED DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY June 30, 2009 Annual principal and interest requirements on General Obligation Refunding and Construction Bonds. Year Principal Interest 2010 $ 2,680,000 $ 1,349,623 $ 4,029,623 2011 2,745,000 1,286,510 4,031,510 2012 2,500,000 1,168,195 3,668,195 2013 2,595,000 1,066,407 3,661,407 2014 2,710,000 960,432 3,670,432 2015 1,315,000 848,432 2,163,432 2016 1,370,000 792,082 2,162,082 2017 1,425,000 732,912 2,157,912 2018 1,485,000 674,198 2,159,198 2019 1,550,000 611,218 2,161,218 2020 1,620,000 543,323 2,163,323 2021 1,685,000 470,899 2,155,899 2022 1,760,000 395,475 2,155,475 2023 1,845,000 313,442 2,158,442 2024 1,930,000 224,255 2,154,255 2025 1,330,000 218,360 1,548,360 2026 540,000 84,460 624,460 2027 565,000 58,000 623,000 2028 595,000 29,750 624,750 $ 32,245,000 $ 11,827,973 $ 44,072,973 Total 107 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2000 SERIES E Principal RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 Fiscal 2000 E BOND ISSUE due This issue, dated December 12, 2000, was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & due Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the 2000 Series E Bond. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rate rendered by bond council, Wohlforth, Vassar, Johnson & Brecht of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was February 01 issued to repair the high school roof. Total 2010 Interest Principal Interest Fiscal Interest due due due year rate August 01 February 01 February 01 Total 2010 5.00% $ 8,875.00 $ 175,000 $ 8,875 $ 192,750 2011 5.00% 4,500 180,000 4,500 189,000 $ 13,375 $ 355,000 $ 13,375 $ 381,750 108 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2000 SERIES F RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 2000 F BOND ISSUE This issue, dated December 12, 2000, was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the 2000 Series F Bond. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rendered by bond council, Wohlforth, Vassar, Johnson & Brecht of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was issued to upgrade Peterson Elementary. Interest Principal Interest Fiscal Interest due due due year rate August 01 February 01 February 01 Total 2010 7.10% $ 11,045 $ 150,000 $ 11,045 $ 172,090 2011 7.15% 5,720 160,000 5,720 171,440 $ 16,765 $ 310,000 $ 16,765 $ 343,530 1 1 ' 109 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2004 SERIES C RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 2004 C BOND ISSUE This issue, dated July 7, 2004 was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the 2004 Series C Bond. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rendered by bond council, Wohlforth, Vassar, Johnson & Brecht of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was issued to fund planning, design, and construction of capital improvements to the Larsen Bay School, Kodiak Middle School and Kodiak High School. The proceeds will also be used to Principal due Interest due Interest due Fiscal year Interest rate July 01 2010 4.250% $ 163,573 2011 4.250% 155,817 2012 4.000% 147,636 2013 4.000% 139,136 2014 4.000% 130,836 2015 4.100% 122,136 2016 4.250% 113,136 2017 4.300% 103,501 2018 4.400% 93,194 2019 4.500% 82,229 2020 4.500% 70,569 2021 4.625% 58,082 2022 4.750% 45,032 2023 4.800% 31,041 2024 4.800% 15,960 $ 7,485,000 $ 1,471,878 $ 1,471,878 Principal due Interest due July 01 January 01 Total $ 365,000 $ 163,573 $ 692,146 385,000 155,817 696,634 400,000 147,636 695,272 415,000 139,136 693,272 435,000 130,836 696,672 450,000 122,136 694,272 470,000 113,136 696,272 485,000 103,501 692,002 510,000 93,194 696,388 530,000 82,229 694,458 555,000 70,569 696,138 580,000 58,082 696,164 605,000 45,032 695,064 635,000 31,041 697,082 665,000 15,960 696,920 $ 7,485,000 $ 1,471,878 $ 10,428,756 1 1 i II 1 mul w 110 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH I I 1 I III GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2004 SERIES D RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 2004 D BOND ISSUE This issue, dated December 1, 2004, was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the 2004 Series D Bond. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rendered by bond council, Wohlforth, Vassar, Johnson & Brecht of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was issued to fund the acquisition and construction of school capital improvements in the Borough, including a new school pool and the Kodiak High School Voc Ed /Classroom reclamation. Interest due Principal due Interest due May Fiscal year Interest rate November 01 November 01 01 Total 2010 3.00% $ 204,588 $ 445,000 $ 197,913 $ 847,501 2011 3.50% 197,913 460,000 189,863 847,776 2012 3.50% 189,863 475,000 181,550 846,413 2013 3.50% 181,550 490,000 172,975 844,525 2014 4.00% 172,975 510,000 162,775 845,750 2015 4.00% 162,775 530,000 152,175 844,950 2016 4.00% 152,175 550,000 141,175 843,350 2017 4.00% 141,175 570,000 129,775 840,950 2018 4.00% 129,775 595,000 117,875 842,650 2019 4.50% 117,875 620,000 103,925 841,800 2020 4.50% 103,925 650,000 89,300 843,225 2021 4.50% 89,300 675,000 74,113 838,413 2022 4.50% 74,113 705,000 58,250 837,363 2023 5.00% 58,250 740,000 39,750 838,000 2024 5.00% 39,750 775,000 20,375 835,125 2025 5.00% 109,180 815,000 - 924,180 $ 2,125,182 $ 9,605,000 $ 1,831,789 $ 13,561,971 I I 1 I III KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH I GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2008 SERIES A RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 2008 A BOND ISSUE This issue, dated April 15, 2008, was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the 2008 Series One Bond. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rendered by bond council, Birch, Horton, Bittner and Cherot of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was issued to fund the acquisition and construction of school capital improvements in the Borough, including a new school pool. Interest due Principal due Interest due Fiscal year Interest rate October 01 April 01 April 01 Total 2010 5.00% S 180,730 $ 260,000 $ 180,730 $ 621,460 2011 5.00% 174,230 275,000 174,230 623,460 2012 5.00% 167,355 290,000 167,355 624,710 2013 2014 5.00% 5.00% 160,105 152,605 300,000 320,000 160,105 152,605 620,210 625,210 ' 2015 5.00% 144,605 335,000 144,605 624,210 2016 5.00% 136,230 350,000 136,230 622,460 2017 4.00% 127,480 370,000 127,480 624,960 2018 4.00% 120,080 380,000 120,080 620,160 2019 4.00% 112,480 400,000 112,480 624,960 2020 4.25% 104,480 415,000 104,480 623,960 2021 4.25% 95,661 430,000 95,661 621,322 2022 4.38% 86,524 450,000 86,524 623,048 2023 4.50% 76,680 470,000 76,680 623,360 2024 4.70% 66,105 490,000 66,105 622,210 2025 4.80% 54,590 515,000 54,590 624,180 2026 4.90% 42,230 540,000 42,230 624,460 2027 5.00% 29,000 565,000 29,000 623,000 2028 5.00% 14,875 595,000 14,875 624,750 $ 2,046,045 S 7,750,000 $ 2,046,045 $ 11,842,090 112 1 1 t 1 t f] 1 1 F 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND, 2009 SERIES A RETIREMENT SCHEDULE June 30, 2009 2009 BOND ISSUE This issue, dated April 9, 2009, was issued under a book entry system registered in the name of Cede & Company, as Nominee of the Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, the securities depository for the General Obligation Bond, 2009 Series A. This issue was marketed by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank. Legal opinion was rendered by bond council, Birch, Horton, Bitmer and Cherot of Anchorage, Alaska. This bond was issued to refund the 1998 Series A Bond issue. Total $ 1,503,676 1,503,200 1,501,800 1,503,400 1,502,800 $ 7,514,876 1 113 Interest due Principal due Interest due Fiscal year Interest rate August 1 February I February 1 2010 1.32% $ 83,876 $ 1,285,000 $ 134,800 2011 2.09% 109,100 1,285,000 109,100 2012 2.54% 83,400 1,335,000 83,400 2013 3.08% 56,700 1,390,000 56,700 2014 3.54% 28,900 1,445,000 28,900 $ 361,976 $ 6,740,000 $ 412,900 Total $ 1,503,676 1,503,200 1,501,800 1,503,400 1,502,800 $ 7,514,876 1 113 I 1 t STATISTICAL SECTION Statistical Tables provide report users with a better historical perspective in assessing current financial status and trends of the Borough. I 1 m m ! A KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Net Assets by Component Last Five Fiscal Years (accrual basis of accounting) Governmental activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Unrestricted Total governmental activities net assets Business -type activities: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Unrestricted Total business -type activities net assets Primary government: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Unrestricted Total primary government net assets Source: Borough general ledger Fiscal Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 $ 61,154,204 $ 62,716,326 $ 73,425,394 $ 25,127,779 $ 49,534,766 45,052,197 45,653,357 37,640,716 89,853,794 70,140,406 $ 106,206, $ 108,369,683 $ 111,066,110 $ 114,981 $ 119,675,172 $ 39,878,785 (7,263,950) $ 32,614,835 $ 101,032,989 37,788,247 $ 138,821,236 $ 38,588,510 (6,133,853) $ 32,454,657 $ 101,304,836 39,519,504 $ 140,824,340 $ 38,623,762 (5,503,362) $ 33,120,400 $ 34,706,597 (2,862,363) $ 31,844,234 $ 36,623,290 (1,427,251) $ 35,196,039 $ 112,049,156 32,137,354 $ 144,186,510 The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 5 years of data. $ 59,834,376 86,991,431 $ 146,825,807 $ 86,158,056 68,713,155 $ 154,871,211 114 it KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Changes in Net Assets Last Five Fiscal Years (accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Expenses Governmental activities: General government $ 7,133,461 S 3,984,390 $ 4,755,754 $ 4,226,759 S 3.723,964 Public safety - 509.697 579,710 Emergency preparedness 25,850 8,598 10,384 13,841 14,988 Community and economic development 509,680 784,002 786,614 1.105,156 908,501 Health and sanitation 387,619 403.866 414,144 449,792 371,673 Education, culture, and recreation 185.993 164,053 161,247 183,747 248,571 Service district maintenance 347,934 336,385 362,189 378,661 398,2)9 Education, culture, and recreation 10,207,757 10,831,588 10,788,188 11 .524,160 12 Interest on long -term debt 1,101,598 1,700,089 1,290.216 1,270,423 1.408,045 Total governmental activities expenses 19.899,892 18,212,971 18,568.736 19.662,236 20.007,800 Business -type activities: Municipal solid waste collection and disposal 3,362,348 3,446,453 2,888,821 4.628,826 3,852,158 Hospital facilities 1,34087 1,304,583 1,297.419 1.124,650 1,095,535 Kodiak fisheries research center 1.878,788 1,856,875 1,889,750 2.027.432 1.960,404 911 services 69.178 57,194 64,140 107,980 43,043 Total business-type activities expenses 6,655,301 6,665,105 6,140,130 7.888,888 6,951,140 Total primary goverment expenses S 26,555,193 S 24,878,076 $ 24.708,866 $ 27. 551,124 S 26,958,940 Program Revenues Governmental activities: Charges for services: General government S 367.530 $ 311.802 S 1.058,330 $ 436,284 S 705,166 Public safety - - - - 12,361 Community and economic development 21,886 68.867 148,682 - Health and sanitation Education, culture, and recreation 56,704 - 108,218 - - 7,370 - - Service district maintenance 20.000 20,000 20,015 28,345 2500 Primary and secondary education - 95,025 - - - Operating grants and contributions 721,453 1,240,547 1.93507 1,911,246 2.543,254 Capital grants 2,917,160 298.852 184,922 1.926,465 2,331,253 Total governmental activities program revenues 4,104.733 2,074.444 3,267,821 4,458,392 5,617,034 Business -type activities: Charges for services: Municipal solid waste collection and disposal 3,141,856 3,665.289 3,932,985 3,911,771 3,603,995 Hospital facilities 1,153 1,153„333 1,081.110 720,000 3,575,835 Kodiak fisheries research center 1,566,686 1,572.474 1.581,850 1,614,532 1,598.260 911 services 26,721 65,614 62,698 54.925 52,654 Total business -type activities program revenues 5,888,596 6,456.710 6,658,643 6,301.228 8.830,744 Total primary government program revenues S 9,993,329 $ 8,531,154 $ 9,926.464 $ 10.759,620 $ 14,447,778 Net(expense) /revenue Governmental activities S (15,795,159) S (16.138,527) S ()5,300,915) $ (15.203 $ (14,390,766) Business -type activities (766,705) (208,395) 518,513 (1387,660) 1,879,604 Total primary government net expense S (16.561.864) $ (16,346,922) $ (14,782,402) S (16,791,504) S (12.511,162) General Revenues and Other Changes in Net Assets Governmental activities: Taxes: Property taxes $ 9.063,729 S 9,807,551 $ 9,754,916 S 10.118,602 $ 10.592,258 Severance taxes 1,005,539 1,186,908 1,316,689 1,436,210 1,311,188 Unrestricted grants and contributions 2,384 3,482,351 3,242,740 3,144,750 4,214,617 Land sales - - - - 26,369 Investment earnings 1,750 321 2,798,391 3,745,990 3.912.145 2.082,615 Other 55,692 779,328 (225.636) 380.550 226,586 Transfers 170.602 247,280 162,643 127,050 (765,490) Extraordinary item - - - - 1,396,222 Total governmental activities $ 14,430,421 S 18,301,809 $ 17,997.342 $ 19,119,307 $ 19,084,365 Business -type activities: Investment earnings 70,812 161,892 274,126 434,164 273,973 Other - 391,895 35,747 4,380 50 Transfers (170,602) (247,280) (162,643) (127,050) 765,490 Extraordinary item 432,688 Total business -type activities (99,790) 306 147,230 311,494 1,472,201 Total primary goverment S 14,330.631 $ 18,608,316 S 18.144,572 $ 19,430,801 S 20,556,566 Change in Net Assets ' Governmental activities $ (1,364,738) S 2.163,282 $ 2,696,427 S 3,915,463 $ 4,693,599 Business -type activities (866,495) 98,112 665,743 (1,276.166) 3,351,805 Total primary government S (2,231,233) S 2,261,394 $ 3,362,170 $ 2,639,297 $ 8,045.404 The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 5 years of data. 115 1 1 t 1 1 1 116 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Fund Balances of Governmental Funds Last Five Fiscal Years >� (modified accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 General fund Reserved $ - $ - $ 554,975 $ 1,341,798 $ 1,261,581 Unreserved Total general fund $ 1,813,013 2,026,113 1,813,013 $ 2,026,113 $ 2,238,338 $ 1,888,681 $ 1,862,708 3,124,289 2,793,313 3,230,479 All other governmental funds Reserved $ 8 $ 7,742,903 $ 7,367,644 $ 6,969,951 $ 6,206,906 Unreserved, reported in: Special revenue funds 34,055,115 36,837,895 35,316,321 36,286,898 37,292,771 Debt service funds (189,824) 76,898 101,090 159,788 5,938 Capital projects funds 21,412,256 20,810,819 21,711,585 25,805,778 12,516,511 Total all other governmental funds $ 63,368,369 $ 65,468,515 $ 64,496,640 $ 69,222,415 $ 56,022,126 The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 5 years of data. i 1 1 t 1 1 1 116 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds Last Six Fiscal Years (modified accrual basis of accounting) The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 6 years of data 117 Fiscal Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Revenues Taxes S 8,016,323 S 9,063,729 S 9,833,846 S 9,750,682 10,254,477 10,565,685 Intergovernmental: State sources 2,121,420 2,169,803 3,368,491 4,012,647 4.428,472 5,710,190 Federal sources 1,245,337 3,853,348 1,766,926 1 2.553,990 3,378,934 Land sale proceeds 9,206 22,738 177,164 47,087 19,458 30,561 Severance taxes 799,693 1,005,539 1,186,908 1,316,689 1,436,210 1,311,188 Licenses, permits, fees, and other local revenues 764,913 692,540 820,286 690,962 658,381 742,527 Other revenues 222,837 75,841 125,040 633,925 353,850 418,741 Investment earnings 866,143 1,772,893 2,803,466 3,751,609 3,918,008 2.088,915 Total revenues 14,045,872 18,656,431 20,082,127 21,621,004 23,622.846 24,246,741 Expenditures General government 2,118,166 2,713,633 3,950,927 4,504,052 3.818,544 4,067,024 Fire services 864,703 425,506 - - 385,529 460.826 Emergency preparedness 48,755 23,521 6,098 7,884 5,713 12,488 Community and economic development 536,111 509,680 784,002 786,614 923,203 908,501 Health and sanitation department 331,884 329,738 363,520 373,132 387,053 333,747 Education. culture, and recreation 217,759 185,993 161,633 158,161 183,747 248,571 Maintenance and operations 567,094 698,119 - - - - Service district maintenance 425,712 347,934 336,385 498,539 374,320 398,219 Primary and secondary education 7,721,706 7,973,035 8,430,840 8,387,440 9323,412 9 Fern Fuller trust 24,500 22,547 - - - - Capital outlay: Schools 131,324 68,109 464,142 1,436,639 7,029,628 14,857,064 General 656,423 2,972,174 332,398 373,038 887,189 1,277,106 Debt service: Principal 1,260,167 1,784,859 1,814,553 2,100,361 2205,441 2,495,056 Interest 644,046 984,766 1,584,763 1,336,349 1.263,176 1,578,408 Other charges -bond issuance costs - 43,661 - - - 68,635 Total expenditures 15,548,350 19,083,275 18,229,261 19,962,209 26,586,955 36,662,263 Excess ofrevenues over (under) expenditures (1,502,478) (426,844) 1,852,866 1,658,795 (1964,109) (12,415,522) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Proceeds from sales of bonds - 20,350,000 - - 8,000.000 - Bond premium - 121,590 - - - - Refunding bonds issued - - - - 6.740.000 Payment to refunded bond escrow agent (6,865.467) Transfers in 3,605,614 1,800,212 1,751,182 2,626,853 2.966,610 6,144.301 Transfers out (1,961,054) (1,629,610) (1,503,902) (2,464,210) (2,839,560) (6,909,791) Total other financing sources(uses) 1,644,560 20,642,192 247,280 162 8,127,050 (890,957) Net change in fund balances S 142,082 S 20,215,348 S 2,100,146 S 1,821,438 5,162,941 (13,306,479) Debt service as a percentage of noncapital N/A 21.26% 24.22 % 23.35 % 22.82 % 25.28 % expenditures The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 6 years of data 117 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH General Revenues by Source ) Last Ten Fiscal Years (a) Includes general fund only. Source: Borough general ledger 118 Licenses, later - Fiscal Permits Governmental Investment Operating Mitcdlaneous Year Taxes and Fees Revenue Income Tramfers Revenue Total 2000 8,057,781 92,609 1,770,038 358,351 129,829 — 10,408,608 2001 8,135,184 95,129 2,135,483 583,633 18,154 44,945 11.012,528 2002 8,017.344 95,857 3,397,240 294,675 200,000 140,901 12,146,017 2003 8,028,513 153,727 2,681460 171,532 1,000,000 — 12.037,232 2004 8,165326 187,898 2,010,431 105,812 850.000 — 11.319.467 2005 9,378,816 161,621 1,925.405 265,392 — — 11,731,234 2006 10,257,023 171,962 2.369,185 469,913 — — 13,268,083 2007 10,218,016 78,720 3,325,899 399,149 — 82,604 14,104,388 2008 10,792,741 100,256 3,276.741 544.926 — — 14.714,664 2009 10,864,441 65,417 4.461.624 292,825 — 131,944 15.816,251 (a) Includes general fund only. Source: Borough general ledger 118 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property Last Ten Fiscal Years Last Ten Years Assessed Values $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $0 119 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Ratio of Total Total Assessed to Fiscal Real Property Personal Property Total Direct Total Year Ended Assessed Full Value Assessed Full Value Assessed Full Value Tax Full Value June 30, Value Determination Value Determination Value Determination Rate Determination 2000 594,870,287 613,787,700 120,828.748 322,947,400 715,699,035 936,735,100 9.52 76.40 2001 626,906,341 641,419,200 121.849,192 336,548,600 748,755,533 977,967,800 10.03 76.56 2002 635,931,458 654,299,600 116,117,602 323,479.600 752,049,060 977,779,200 10.04 76.91 2003 642,995,612 679.949.700 117,456,245 323,755.200 760.451,857 1,003,704,900 10.07 75.76 2004 660,040,861 687.078,300 110,941,506 307,988.900 770M2,367 995,067,200 10.00 77.48 2005 678,425,914 731,267.000 105,481,537 300,735.600 783.907.451 1,032,002.600 11.03 75.96 2006 692,572.845 786,373,800 106,206,504 309,114,600 798,779,349 1,095,488.400 12.04 72.92 2007 710,848,299 836,778,900 94,833,515 297,380,200 805,687,814 1,134.159,100 11.47 71.04 2008 734,527.929 941.403.800 100,997.608 298,543.700 835,525,537 1.239.947.500 11.68 67.38 2009 765,152.958 817,641,308 105.320.027 233,623,664 870,472,985 1,051.264.972 11.61 82.80 Sources: Borough assessment and tax records and State full value determination letter Note: Property in Kodiak Island Bourough is reassesed once every three years.Property is assessed at actual value; therefore, the assessed values are equal to actual value.Tax rates are per $1,000 of assessed value. Full value determination includes all exempted property located in the borough. Last Ten Years Assessed Values $1,000,000,000 $800,000,000 $600,000,000 $400,000,000 $200,000,000 $0 119 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1 1 1 � I 1 1 1 1 1 -� r, r, KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Direct and Overlapping Property Tax Rates and Contributions to the School District (per S) 000 of Assessed Value) Last Ten Fiscal Years Direct Rate Overlapping Rates Woodland' Trinity' Missiod Fiscal Contributions to the School District Acres islaads Lake Millage Year Value Contribution Equivakat 20W 715,699,035 Year Borough City Street Street Tide 2002 Road Services Areas' 6,331,440 8.42 Fire Areas' 760,451,857 Ended Basic of Lighting Lighting Gate Mouashka Service Bay View Womeas Service Womens 8,632,440 June 30, Rate Kodiak Area Area Area Bay District l Road Bay Area No. f Bay Airport 2000 9.25 2.00 - - - 1.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 - 2001 9.25 2.00 - - - 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 115 - 2002 9.25 2.00 - - - 1.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 - 2003 9.25 2.00 - - - 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 - - 2004 915 2.00 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 - 2005 10.25 2.00 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 115 2006 11.00 2.00 - 0.50 1.00 2.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 115 2007 10.50 2.00 - 0.50 1.00 2.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 2008 10.50 2.00 - 0.50 1.00 2.50 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 2009 10.50 2.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 2,50 1.50 1.00 2.00 1_50 1.25 1.25 Note: The maximum mill rate allowed by State code is 30 mills ' Overlapping rates are those of local governments that apph to property owners within the City of Kodiak ' Overlapping rates are those which apply to property owners located within special taxing districts in the Borough.They do not apply to every property owner in the Borough. 120 Contributions to the School District Fiscal Assessed Amount of Millage Year Value Contribution Equivakat 20W 715,699,035 5,556.310 7.76 2001 748.755,533 5.966,420 7.97 2002 752.049,060 6,331,440 8.42 2003 760,451,857 7,581,989 9.97 2004 770,982,367 7,995,040 10.37 2005 783.907,451 8,332,440 10.63 2006 798,779,349 8,632,440 10.81 2007 805,681,814 8,671160 10.76 2008 835,525.537 9420,412 11.27 2009 870472,985 10,243,618 11.77 Source: Borough ordinance and assessment Note: The maximum mill rate allowed by State code is 30 mills ' Overlapping rates are those of local governments that apph to property owners within the City of Kodiak ' Overlapping rates are those which apply to property owners located within special taxing districts in the Borough.They do not apply to every property owner in the Borough. 120 Horizon Lines of Alaska LLC(a) 9,059,159 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH 8,898.859 Leisnoi 6,801.735 North Pacific Seafoods(b) 11,121.991 Principal Property Tax Payers Western Alaska Fisheries 13,548,984 Safeway /MBPA 9,034,762 Current Year and Ten Years Ago 10.2% S 109,008,224 2009 2000 Percentage Percentage Taxable of Total Borough Taxable of Total Borough Assessed Assessed Assessed Assessed Taxpayer Value Rank Value Value Rank Value Ocean Beauty Seafoods Inc S 16,237.441 1 1.6% S 10,270,641 6 1.4% Westward Seafoods, Inc 11.852.090 2 1.2% Alaska Communications Systems (c) 11,645,093 3 1.2% 11,728.531 4 1.6% f99f,479,tM5 Toiat Assessed Values 2009 International Seafoods of AK 10,879,502 4 1.1% 16,796,047 1 2.3% Wal -Mart Real Est Bus Trust 9.987,787 5 1.0% Brechan Enterprises Inc 9,569,530 6 1.0% Trident Seafoods Corp 9,028,842 7 0.9% 11,747.515 3 1.6% Mill Bay PLua Assoc LTD 8,648,400 8 0.9% f7[5,699,075 Total Assessed Values 2000 GCI 7,563,488 9 0.8% Koncwr 6,797,500 10 0.7% Horizon Lines of Alaska LLC(a) 9,059,159 Kodiak Fishmeal Co 8,898.859 Leisnoi 6,801.735 North Pacific Seafoods(b) 11,121.991 Tyson Seafoods Western Alaska Fisheries 13,548,984 Safeway /MBPA 9,034,762 Total S 102,209.673 10.2% S 109,008,224 Source: Borough tax records. (a) In 1999 company name was CSX Lines LLC (b) Alaska Pacific Seafoods combined with North Pacific Seafoods in 2006. It was ranked in 5th place in 2000 (c) In 2000 company name was T.U. of the Northland. 7 1.3% 9 1.2% 10 1.0% 5 1.6% 2 1.9% 8 1.3% 15.2% 121 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Property Tax Levies and Collections Last Ten Fiscal Years Source: Borough general ledger 122 Collected within the Fiscal Year Taxes Levied Fiscal Year of the Levy Collections Total Collections to Date Ended for the Percentage in Subsequent Percentage June 30, Fiscal Year Amount of Levy Years Amount of Levy 2000 7,743,649 7,507,018 96.9 175,066 7,682,084 991 2001 8,164,127 7,912,859 96.9 204,458 8,117,317 99.4 2002 8,411,173 8,313,881 98.8 362,377 8,676,258 103.2 2003 8,395,117 8,167,437 97.3 178,885 8,346,322 99.4 2004 8,462,404 8,125,629 96.0 69,831 8,195,460 96.8 2005 8,785,412 8,139,198 92.6 521,516 8,660,714 98.6 2006 10,166,967 9,901,965 97.4 292,820 10,194,785 100.3 2007 9,957,089 9,797,780 98.4 96,675 9,894,455 99.4 2008 10,342,728 10,257,340 99.2 33,122 10,290,462 99.5 2009 10,196,998 10,013,911 98.2 — 10,013,911 98.2 Source: Borough general ledger 122 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Ratios of Net General Bonded Debt Outstanding Last Ten Fiscal Years 123 a 1 t j Less Debt Net General Net General , Fiscal Assessed Gross Service Bonded Per Debt Per Year Population Value Bonded Debt Fund Debt Capita Assessed Value 2000 13,989 (a) 715,699,035 17,025,000 272,651 16,752,349 1,198 2.34% 2001 13,913 (a) 748,755,533 17,690,000 344,942 17,345,058 1,247 2.32% 2002 13,566 (a) 752,049,060 16.615,000 448,065 16,166,935 1,192 2.15% 2003 13,645 (a) 760,451,857 15,620,000 17,879 15,602,121 1,143 2.05% 2004 13,959 (a) 770,982,367 14385,000 33,915 14,351,085 1,028 1.86 %. 2005 13,538 (b) 783,907,451 32,965,000 (348,233) - 33,313,233 2,461 4.25% 2006 13,638 (c) 798,779,349 31.155,000 (81,511) 31,236,511 2,290 3.91% ' 2007 13,506 (a) 805,681,814 29.060,000 (60,380) 29,120,380 2,156 3.61% 2008 13,568 (a) 835,525,537 34,860,000 (9,862) 34,869,862 2,570 4.17% 2009 13,373 (a) 870,472,985 32.245,000 5,938 32,239,062 2,411 3.70% Sources: Information obtained from assessment records and Borough general ledger except as otherwise noted. (a) Information obtained from State of Alaska, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Certified Population for Revenue Sharing Program. (b) Information obtained from State of Alaska, Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development, Community Database. (c) Information obtained from State of Alaska, Department of Labor, Economic Information. Note: Detail regarding the borough's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. All outstanding debt is General Bonded Debt. 123 a 1 t j 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Computation of Direct and Overlapping Debt June 30, 2009 (a) Gross debt outstanding less applicable amounts in the Debt Service Funds. (b) Determined by ratio of assessed valuation of property subject to taxation in overlapping unit to valuation of property subject to taxation in reporting unit. (c) Per Alaska Statute 29.45.090 there is a limit of 30 mills for ad valorem taxes. Per Alaska Statute 29.45. 100 the limitation on maximum mill rate does not apply to taxes Ievied to pay bonds. Sources: Borough general ledger and City of Kodiak records. 124 Percentage Kodiak Island Net Debt Applicable to this Borough Outstanding Governmental Share of (a) Unit (b) Debt (c) Kodiak Island Borough: General obligation bonds $ 32,450,000 100% $ 32,450,000 City of Kodiak: General obligation bonds 7,865,000 100% 7,865,000 Total $ 40,315,000 $ 40,315,000 (a) Gross debt outstanding less applicable amounts in the Debt Service Funds. (b) Determined by ratio of assessed valuation of property subject to taxation in overlapping unit to valuation of property subject to taxation in reporting unit. (c) Per Alaska Statute 29.45.090 there is a limit of 30 mills for ad valorem taxes. Per Alaska Statute 29.45. 100 the limitation on maximum mill rate does not apply to taxes Ievied to pay bonds. Sources: Borough general ledger and City of Kodiak records. 124 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Legal Debt Margin Information Last Five Fiscal Years 2005 2006 2007 2008 Assessed value $ 783,907,451 798,779,349 805,681,814 835,525,537 Plus exempt property 32,491,840 45,783,490 49,539,000 50,194,170 Total $ 816,399,291 844,562,839 855,220,814 885,719,707 The State of Alaska does not mandate a debt limit to its municipalities and political subdivisions. Debt capacity is ultimately determined by the voters and the marketplace. Source: Borough assessment records (certified tax rolls). 125 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Governmental Expenditures and Transfers Last Ten Fiscal Years (a) Serial maturities in the case of serial bonds; annual Debt Service Fund requirements in the case of term bonds. Sources: Borough general ledger and debt documents. 126 Total general Ratio of governmental debt service Fiscal Interest Total debt expenditures to general year Principal (a) and fees service and transfers expenditures 2000 1,905,833 858,164 2,763,997 9,827,488 28.1 2001 2,015,834 746,994 2,762,828 10,735,365 25.7 2002 1,095,833 853,543 1,949,376 10,726,858 18.2 2003 1,140,833 803,224 1,944,057 13,071,957 14.9 2004 1,255,833 667,744 1,923,577 11,014,093 17.5 2005 1,780,417 983,195 2,763,612 12,027,717 23.0 2006 1,814,553 1,583,488 3,398,041 13,054,983 26.0 2007 2,100,361 1,329,456 3,429,817 13,337,188 25.7 2008 2,205,441 1,255,313 3,460,754 14,277,498 24.2 2009 2,495,056 1,571,295 4,066,351 15,675,434 25.9 (a) Serial maturities in the case of serial bonds; annual Debt Service Fund requirements in the case of term bonds. Sources: Borough general ledger and debt documents. 126 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Ratios of Outstanding Debt by Type Last Ten Fiscal Years Fiscal Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 General Obligation Bonds 17,025,000 17,690,000 16,615,000 15,620,000 14,385,000 32,965,000 31,155,000 29,060,000 34,860,000 32,245,000 Note: Detail regarding the borough's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. All general obligation bonds are related to Governmental Activities, all notes payable are related to business type activities. * Information not available at report time. 127 Total Percent of Notes Primary Personal Per Payable Government Income Capita 2,823,480 19,848,480 5.32% 1,419 2,531,150 20,221,150 5.29% 1,453 1,911,221 18,526,221 4.88% 1,308 1,241,254 16,861,254 4.29% 1,215 1,262,123 15,647,123 3.78% 1,133 1,270,210 34,235,210 7.72% 2,542 1,582,188 32,737,188 6.96% 2,400 1,636,924 30,696,924 6.23% 2,273 1,768,660 36,628,660 * 2,700 1,864,503 34,109,503 * 2,551 Note: Detail regarding the borough's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial statements. All general obligation bonds are related to Governmental Activities, all notes payable are related to business type activities. * Information not available at report time. 127 I KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Sources: (a) State of Alaska, DCRA certified population. (b) State of Alaska Department of education using www.eed. state .ak.us /stats /OuickFacts/ADMpdf. (c) Department of Labor using www.almis.labor.state.us. (d) Per Capita Personal Income and Personal Income figures are not yet available for 2007 to 2008. 1 1 G 1 Demographic and Economic Statistics Last Ten Fiscal Years Per Capita Percentage Fiscal Personal Personal School Unemployment ' Year Population (a) Income (c) Income (c) Enrollment (b) Rate (c) 2000 13,989 373,164,000 26,695 2,810 13.4 2001 13,913 382,227,000 27,914 2,774 10.9 2002 13,566 379,370,000 27,901 2,821 18.2 2003 13,645 393,263,000 29,671 2,750 10.3 2004 13,959 414,367,000 31,597 2,677 10.6 2005 13,538 443,361,000 34,199 2,678 9.5 2006 13,638 470,180,000 36,190 2,718 6.7 2007 2008 13,506 13,568 492,637,000 37,951 NA (d) 2,636 2,671 6.2 9.3 - 2009 13,373 NA (d) 2,598 8.2 Sources: (a) State of Alaska, DCRA certified population. (b) State of Alaska Department of education using www.eed. state .ak.us /stats /OuickFacts/ADMpdf. (c) Department of Labor using www.almis.labor.state.us. (d) Per Capita Personal Income and Personal Income figures are not yet available for 2007 to 2008. 1 1 G 1 128 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Average Monthly Employment & Earnings Last Three Fiscal Years 'Data from htto: / /almis.labor.state.ak.us Note: No principal employer data available from Department of Labor. Note: No data available before 2005. 129 Fiscal Year 2005 Fiscal Year 2006 Fiscal Year 2007 Average Average Average Average Average Average Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Employment Earnings Employment Earnings Employment Earnings Total Industries 5,381 $ 2,871 5,553 $ 2,926 5,616 $ 3,060 Private Ownership 4,042 2,757 4,191 2,803 4,160 2,979 Total Government 1,339 3,214 1,361 3,306 1,456 3,291 Private Goods - Producing 1,659 3,489 1,691 3,382 1,631 3,555 Private Service- Providing 2,384 2,245 2,500 2,412 2,529 2,608 Number of Business by Company Size 2006' Number Number Number Business Size of Businesses of Businesses of Businesses 250 to 499 employees 2 4 4 100 to 249 employees 10 8 8 50 to 99 employees 9 9 9 20 to 49 employees 24 27 27 10 to 19 employees 59 58 58 'Data from htto: / /almis.labor.state.ak.us Note: No principal employer data available from Department of Labor. Note: No data available before 2005. 129 M= M M == r= M ■r M M r M= i r M KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA Last Ten Fiscal Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Land area - square miles 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 Miles of improved street 25.4 25.4 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 21.6 Building permits Permits issued 210 231 220 213 223 205 Value of buildings (thousands) 11,806 12,882 11,934 14,623 17,658 12,689 Fire Protection: 4 1 1 1 1 1 Number of fire stations 2 2 2 2 2 2 Number of employees I 1 1 l I 1 Police Protection: none 2,718 2,636 2,671 2,598 41 43 (provided by the City of Kodiak within the city limits and by the State of Alaska outside the city boundaries.) 43 9,300 9,417 9,587 Recreation: 2,200 2,407 2, 105 2,477 24% 26% Parks (number of acres) 224 224 223 223 223 223 Facilities: Number of playgrounds 16 16 15 15 15 15 Number of swimming pools I 1 1 1 I 1 Public Education: Number of schools: Kodiak Area Elementary 4 4 4 4 4 4 Kodiak Area Middle School I I 1 1 1 I Kodiak Area High School 1 1 1 1 I I Village Schools (a) 8 8 7 7 7 7 Number of support personnel (b) 158 143.27 136.76 136.76 200.99 146.25 Number of teachers (d) 200 178.6 184.3 172.5 227.14 216.89 Number of students 2,810 2,774 2,821 2,750 2,677 2,678 Number of Municipal Employees 37 37 39 39 41 41 Elections: Number of registered voters 10,100 10,421 10,085 10,101 9,671 9,282 Number voting in last election 3,861 2,521 2,914 2,181 2,599 2,181 Percent of registered voters 38% 24% 29% 22% 27% 23% Sources: Borough Departments, Kodiak Island Borough School District and City of Kodiak (a) The majority of Village Schools are grades K -12. (c) In FY96 this was changed to full time equivalents. (b) All non- teaching employees. (d) School district personnel figures include staffing from the General Fund and Grants. Grant staffing varies from year to year depending on the number of grants received. 130 222 190 190 192 11,928 12,058 33,145 15,007 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 223 223 223 223 15 15 15 15 1 I 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 6 7 150.62 202.4 204.8 217.30 205.63 208.52 217.78 202.62 2,718 2,636 2,671 2,598 41 43 43 43 9,300 9,417 9,587 9,599 2,200 2,407 2, 105 2,477 24% 26% 22% 26% KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Property Value, Construction, and Bank Deposits Last Ten Fiscal Years Construction *Assessed value. Sources: Borough assessing records and City of Kodiak building department and FDIC. Property Value* Commercial Commercial Residential 172,709,507 Fiscal No. of 193,882,996 No. of 2,475,199,399 Deposits in year permits Value permits Value local banks 2000 54 2,720,259 156 9,086,074 111,670,000 2001 33 1,379,673 198 11,501,804 117,503,000 2002 30 1,494,337 190 10,439,985 123,221,000 2003 47 2,915,740 166 11,707,269 120,352,000 2004 44 2,859,775 179 14,798,679 130,325,000 2005 47 2,097,983 158 10,590,784 133,370,000 2006 30 1,555,718 192 10,372,416 141,434,000 2007 42 3,277,292 148 8,780,900 140,915,000 2008 53 25,269,361 129 7,875,188 139,416,000 2009 50 34,081,887 147 7 175,141,000 *Assessed value. Sources: Borough assessing records and City of Kodiak building department and FDIC. Property Value* Commercial Residential Nontaxable 172,709,507 422,160,780 2,475,199,399 193,882,996 433,023,355 2,475,199,399 199,689,615 443,305,997 1,994,297,545 206,386,964 463,419,197 1,996,235,045 207,611,182 480,581,831 1,736,191,891 210,328,700 482,244,145 1,666,526,546 213,258,488 497,589,811 1,663,156,146 227,514,405 507,013,524 1,664,332,146 275,369,008 542,272,300 1,667,147,195 215,695,225 589,494,919 1,667,462,695 131 1 1 1 1 L 1 1 7 L KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Full -Time Equivalent Borough Employees by Function/Program Last Five Fiscal Years Full -time Equivalent Employees as of June 30 Function General Government Community and Economic Development Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Kodiak Fisheries Research Center Total 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 22 23 24 27 31 6 6 5 5 5 8 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 38 38 38 41 45 Source: Borough Finance Department The Kodiak Island Borough implemented GASB 34 in Fiscal Year 2005. That is why there is only 5 years of data. 132 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Operating Indicators by Function Last Ten Fiscal Years as of June 30 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Function 9,300 9,417 9,587 9,599 2,181 General Government 2,407 2,105 2,477 23% 24% Elections 22% 26% 2 2 2 Number of registered voters 10,100 10,421 10,085 10,101 9,671 Number voting in last election 3,861 2,521 2,914 2,181 2,599 Percent of registered voters 38% 24% 29% 22% 27% Public Safety 2,636 2,671 2,598 217 206 Number of fire stations 2 2 2 2 2 Number of employees 1 1 1 1 1 Community and economic development 11,557 11,444 10,831 10,843 10,212 Zoning compliance permits issued 140 160 162 145 156 Junk cars removed 300 320 320 145 188 Primary and secondary education Number of students 2,810 2,774 2,821 2,750 2,677 Number of teachers 200 179 184 173 227 Number of support personnel 158 143 137 137 201 Solid waste disposal Total solid waste disposal in tons 17,000 18,281 19,211 16,821 17,303 Baled waste in tons 12,500 16,871 18,074 11,675 11,353 Scrap metal in tons 1,400 1,411 1,137 1,516 888 Asbestous, cubic yards 800 188 900 667 276 Source: Borough Finance Department 9,282 9,300 9,417 9,587 9,599 2,181 2,200 2,407 2,105 2,477 23% 24% 26% 22% 26% 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 187 150 212 214 203 125 100 58 261 83 2,678 2,718 2,636 2,671 2,598 217 206 209 218 203 146 151 202 205 217 17,253 16,290 16,997 14,730 14,429 11,557 11,444 10,831 10,843 10,212 1,162 416 282 360 205 300 73 166 112 324 133 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Capital Asset Statistics by Function/Program Last Ten Fiscal Years Culture, Parks and Recreation Parks (number of acres) Facilities: Number of Swimming Pools Number of playgrounds Kodiak Island Research Facilities (marine research) Dorm facility (6 apartmernss) Sources Supplied by Kodiak Island Borough Department Heads Nate: No capital asset indicators are available for the library function A desription of the Kodiak Island Borough's Capithzation and Depreciation policy is included in the Notes To The Basic Financial Statements 224 224 223 223 223 as of June 30 2004 223 223 223 223 1 16 1 1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 Fuasfi�l GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES Number of buil dings (teachery housing,schools and office buildings) 20 20 19 19 14 14 20 14 18 18 Vehicles 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 13 Roads Streets (miles) 25.4 25,4 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 25.6 . 25.6 Land area - square miles 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 7,130 Police: none (provided by the City of Kodiak within the city l nits and by the State of Alaska outside the city boundaries) Fire and Emergency Services Number of fire stations 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Number of Emergency response vehicles 7 7 7 7 8 10 11 11 12 11 Emergency Tsunami Shelters I I i 1 1 I I I I l BUSINESS - TYPE ACTIVITES Municipal Solid Waste Collection Trucks 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Number of Baler Facilities (Landfills) 1 I I 1 I I I I I I Cotnmunity Health & Public Services Mental Health Facilities Hospital Culture, Parks and Recreation Parks (number of acres) Facilities: Number of Swimming Pools Number of playgrounds Kodiak Island Research Facilities (marine research) Dorm facility (6 apartmernss) Sources Supplied by Kodiak Island Borough Department Heads Nate: No capital asset indicators are available for the library function A desription of the Kodiak Island Borough's Capithzation and Depreciation policy is included in the Notes To The Basic Financial Statements 224 224 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 1 16 1 1 1 16 1 I 1 16 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 IS 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 15 1 1 1 15 1 1 134