BROOKERS LAGOON LT 13 - Code EnforcementJUN-22-2003 07:45P FROM: F-Tviri re-rd- itrief '486 'b7ele7 TO:4869396 CriF CC41)5 CAE 1ji / rs WI -Pon 4-11Y e,rf's 047 err Rets;ecri, fercc./ 6111 P:1/17 JUN -22 -2003 07:45P FROM: TO:4859396 DEPARTMCNT OF THE ARMY u.s. ARMY .ENGI R Dla'1'RICT. AI area P.O. u0x 898 TO ,1A6tir Reevier- `- ELNICaDaRFAr5.AIASKA mesa5-6e98 atvey 6raach ORM 2 2 2001 Dear nopliianti P:2/17 qua Thank you for requesting a Department of the Army) permit applieatian. Please review the enclosed.bgeklet•fez information and g:siden e•in preparing your application.. Also enclosed is a State of Alaska Coastal Prejeet guestidnnpire_ If your prO jeet lies within the coastal• zone, complete the queStionnaire And mail the original to the Division of GovestDatal Coordin boon and send a copy to 112 along with your DA applicetien. The FA4 regulatory Program I6 one of the Oldest in the Federal government. Initially, ire vole purpose was to protect and maintain navigation. Time, _changing public need, evolving policy, case law, and race statu>:ery eendyttes have changed tine complexion of the program. Zn geaarel, authorisation from the 0.S. Army Corps of Engineers is mired under Section IU of the•Rivers and Barbera Act of 1$39 for My project that involves the placement of StrnetnieS iA. Pr work affecting, a navigable vates$ody. Else, pursuant to Section 404 of tbo Clean Water Xct you must Obtain a permit prior to placing dredged or fill m.te.i At into waters Of the United States, Including wetlands. -A CA permit is required regardless of whether the applicant is a private or governmentsentity, uhather.the site La public et private property, or whether the purpose of the peetpossed wank is paint i c. private, or ciggun'rCidj -. - rt The objective of the Cliasz Water A C C is to restore and maintain ehe o e , Physical, and biological integrity, of the nation's waters. ' W*t.landsc perform many functions that are important to society, such as improving water Quality, re:chargin gro awater, Providing Natural flood Control, and supporting a wide' variety of fish, wildlife, and. plants. During the past ten years alone, the Alaska District has evaluated over 10,000 requisite for authorization. While most' applicants receive a DA permit ( <1.0% were denied), it is the xeSponsibility or my staff to ensure that unnecessary impacts are avoided, and unavoidable impacts are minimised and mitigated to the extent appropti.te and, practicable.. We fully recognise that all wetlands 4s ‘ not the same and should not be regulated the seine vey. . Tn this regard, it is our goal to protect ?4a &ka's aquatic resourCea in a manner that is fair, flexible. and effective. {_ we appreciate your coopezatiei with our imam. Please dirsat any questions or concerns to us via nail at the above address, by telephone at 9�1 73-2712, - toll free in Alaska st j )01 478 -2712L by t iQD7 75S�S5 r Visit us at ' either of our offices 6-Fi ceRUozad maps) . Fax a r; ^pal information on the Regulatory Program, visit our web site et www.poe.umase.arny.mil/reg. !e •%u VAiln :1"C‘ qa - SIB. t d Go1)q e #55,00 A 5g 4/14 rt arfief w,J{' , l:- ' it feria}+ - - Lakry I,, Reeder . Regulatory Branch Enclosures C. u.,r ' 9,6". e +gTiYj C tit er. sue' 'r er *' {,Q,r .,dL,& Sincerely, ,TUN -21 -200:1 SAT 11:24AM ID: PAGE :1 JUN-22-2003 07:45P FROM: 08/22/03 04!01 FAL .1) • _ SV4TE OF liArA8 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OFFICE OF likatiGEIVENT AND BUDGET 2;tMON OF GOVEIWMENTAL COORDMATION loMM174682682".2MIlitst rournrit, &rite 1060 ANCACIFIMIA, Alma WWI MOW 20.74To AIX OM 251i0-2901 0 Ggarreacroacg 2419 AWN, 5R600 P.O. Box 110030 Ara,Aiuka 001- MM . PHCIN 4045E2 FAX; earM 465'075. TO:4269396 roarnave.swx.E• P:3/17 41111 *0 AN 13 ?Imre omfgero;VS OFFC 411 WE:74111AvEit5 Sage 2-C Anctralsgs, AK 09501-2343 PROM& 2714317 FAX POO 232-0012 ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM CONSISTENCY REVIM DISIRUCITONS COASTAL PEtOIECT QUESTIONNAIRE (CPQ) Deur Applicant or Federal Project Proponent The State of Alaska uses a multiple agency coordinated system for ravilping and processing all resocaso•roliaad pormfts which are requited for proposed projects in Of affecting coastal areas of Alaska. Maki syssera, celled "project ctmsisteney review,* is bated on the Align Coastal Management Program (ACMP) and is deed to improve management of Alaalra'a coastal land and water uses. Project proposals are reviewed to determine the prtiotts consistency with the standards of the ACM? and affirmable policies of approved district coastal managemem programs. Participams in the State's review Roams include; You, the applicanq State resource agencies (Alaska Departments of Exivironmental Conservation (DEC). Fish and Game (DFG), cod Natural RetiOtateR (DNR)); The Divon of Govetomental CAgedhsadon (DOC); _ The affected local twastal communitn and . • Juno Other imerosted members 011ie public. . 4 mli-uOt :our answers to this Coastal Project Questionosizt (CPQ) will dim= &EIS and fAcrid Pcgaddinli feqUirtznacti as well as which Stare agency will coordinate the conaisieacy =km: &mho CPQ identifies permits scut:elm to a consistency review. You may need adirtiannit flout tuber agencies or local govalmwasta ta proceed with your activity. UGC will cocadinno the review if: The projeet is a fedeal activity; The project requires a federal ffYvan11)241 approval; or The project requires permits from more than one State agency. All her moil's' yrs will be coordinated by the State agency resporaic for isani"those pezmita. lawried 3E9 . Nip I - ■■• JUN-21-2003 SAT 11:24AM 1t: PAGE:2. E O L� o- In V.0 N D mrn mw m CU N N Z I, h Arcac .' ; , Ocean (l land Ihln Con Ialhas 1Ii rid fu1111iCa &Zino 0111 11100.161 daa+Mday Itushlipel MA* 110114111 N44111, ia1 r iel:i km ram es wi eh IIIIIM111110111 11111NAI a�naf from Y aeurtti M. 40g q111 ..ita r e. ti 06/22/03 0401 FAI QOT iit=q,MM Tr): 2_,,:d 96269E17:01 PAGE:4 :WONJ d9t7:LO £002-22-Nflf ti i IR in Us 73 • I :g ',1 it :i1 L.w mommoont L Tres-It-4%s Et' +w tti• tat. SCR teal bey" { V Mid k Ls v i 614 Uwe. t 47w 1,4T t JUN-21 -2 SAT 11:25d'1 ID T .a: 966981 :01 t+3 rt-ra1 MILE Ufa C U' fts avoStiestt Ad, jetrok*Wr 0 6 • td -47 PAGE :5 :WO83 d97 :2,0 £002 -2B •'!Pi9) c (c-y 4.1.4sA ‘4•444113 gam/ TVis $t-t !it 11; ,1 :11 111 11114-P1-.W A SPIT 11:25AM ID: LT/4:d 962698V:01 $1 .54tatr kMJ e ',UR I Ahacik ,64.• s" ktihrac47 eatteD; soffaisk. Nap Je 4 WOO (40161 aw tow - 2 2,- - • oy PAGE:6 :WOdd d917:40 2002-22-Nnf 06/22/03 04:01 FAX 07 ICATION FOR OSIPAMMENY 0 ' THE ARMY PERMIT DM5 APPROVM. ND. 07104113 (33 CFR 325; December 01, 2G04 The public repodiee twirl for fhb Ooaeenoe of Inionee cue . entfmatod is mow, 10 Dour pat ia9pmrap. awn* the =bray of appreadi es dttaild neee e e pare er us TM rafmatin doss ow emeefhp lnsonadone, seedrea mg mom/ drub ihm.tvo, sowing and flialralrato e,o data neolcd. imgriAntirIO Erld itivrcing the aolleodon ai InfOff mdidn. Iaartd Continents regarding ihlo Waist Oefrtnele d my other evade/ 4mis colegfiel d . filonnetion, Inducing suggeetiona rod =Wing this bunko, to Do mnarrt of Oeiense, Wesei:Von Headtptenem Sgrvlpe Cdrecionde of h forma ion Opa''tie:ma and Rope ito 7216 Aeoroon Dodo Mime. PRO 1001. Adhltoe, VA 22202 -480t add to dma Mee of Motagemieslt and Oudge t Papanork RaelttXbmt Reject 01710410011 Nhah:yty. ti DC mat Rmpcmdn,ea =haw is aaeue mat nad.tda ildrp new oama - promeston of is% Na permit seal I.a lancet at wry — Qtr Maio to comply nth a aodeolon of hmkrnnadlon a a mss nit eiaolay a Gummy WO Liao =ski marbar. •. !tom DO N1ETT RETURN yomu loon to ahem of ewe addresses Carnaoled apoWcodena must be bad ntitiad to the Mafia 61d wr hmraty lug don ova( ova location or the OtOpeeed aetMey. PRIVACY ACt STATEMENT Antiori6mo Mora Ind Plam6ime Act. Snmiai 10.33 USG 4o Clean water Attu Smfbrt404, 99 UM 1544; Mullis PPCtanfoI' Liarastdt, and ISMOISMINMACkSOCOM 111:1. gm UGC 141& Peookial Puma= IninnoYen tlrgrided an lids iron all to Wed in i vaittaktgtfie apilledon rfir Mink Rtrmaw We= This laonnedon rnoy he leaded with ttma [iapiet mment it J MIN and clear federal, dale. end Iorad gove neent agendum sek of .aquaatid dojnmtan s wM3ary, Innvoo @r. Inferno:On is not molded, in pmm ippaa0on canted ha prteasadd taw en ■ writ OS baled. Cltm art or MOO Outgo or grad mfnodunibki mks MO; Mgrs the hX0ron erld CliVader of the propaaed adi* meet he MAW t8 iota anpile (tlee d' Ric mm ill irrllaesj and ha aih it fp p Rua DMA:: £—. l imp ju adadan wee tea toot atoms iaap aaq That is ruts _. ...., . in ul w13 na robenott. 1. APAi.IC'A7 ON NO_ 12. FIELD 042Fo Cow I a. OATE m DATEAPW1CAMON C7ONFIATS0 s !BELOW TD - • S. APPLICANTS NAME 4.14- e• • A“.. Ca,�/cJ< 8. AUWHDALTED AGENTS NAME AND TiTLE (kl agent 1a no main 11,436-49— 2. A R,e - o- AC ohs AUDHIISS la sa• itf4r 5-5 a4 f~ u' , dig - c -1 ADD , A m. is tole 56 /J9 /C ' P' q «4 . Aix— 1,03 7_ APPUGAN S PHONE NIIMINIFIS WITH ARIA CODE a. Anwar= a . "e 1 — cif e)n6 - 17 f LL Baaioap trr 10. AGENT'S PHONE NUMIIIP4S WTFH AN A COO u_ Residence f — 9,p 7-- 448.4 •• 7 /017 12. Roane= t✓' - - _11 . $TATEMEi T OF AM ORLTATION boape *,lw 59;4 .n the proaaaeing d dee epnlinsoan and to APPLICANTS SIGNATURE LOCAT1OM ono o!'.$r onernQ1 t* mum= Af:iWTI 'TEL 12. rii0JEGT NPI URTITLE (ma 13. Min Cr WA1Z'RDODY, W KNOWN (r KaidSfM $PW 60--PerKf f LAGeel 13. LOCATION O FFleelEOT f T3 K A 78. 011CP umiA110 g1 ##! ESDRta*TIONS, IF IG1OWN few I'4 SEct. rte) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (t Mice iii HIA1(.4 eDtor di DI PIA Li r 3 xr 4n Air '1L 4 r bap rnN fists .i0i .B :d T ii:2611M ID: 96269Bt :01 MON OF REP 94 IS PPropenoiln f0 PACE: 7 :WOJJ d917:L0 £002T22 -Nor ai.typaa }r$M ra97 o�asna +s z °1f `Yp `is)itLi- ,$IR ?IAr sTF t fib91 22. % urnoa Ar m *Mee os We a % or Dlhcr Watais Mod {sea tortorOgclad 44, of q e,oe 0E- • Mcb 40 4r FAL fNc 15 7,4. j Ma ST or fie. Tilstflf 4s 7% tt. at ; ' I wroth AAA d te ria IMai7'f"� 221,10 Any FORM a! Re Welt Maly Gom Joie? Yee --- • mumodadm et ecedirdne lommi y v'emn'. 6eor1.+'. ,eat, who.• asa- 4 • 3414) FAY "4 It 4/M14 f 4t 9 9 5-11%° IF YES, CIESLIU3Eltit S #Plt'1'ES to+he oirsomody (tr mons Sad a�nr Mond nom Maas ate e ar 1�.1: d`. PAX [IIL" ciry �Otte& ..- Ikt Car �! e a. e.t( 4• I't P,,e. +! '3'S 04 ec•.omo, Alt . *War. X+tal Sir; SW *me meerrama Yee Itilpieseect ge. a ammo � a o b w� eye took °9 mmo a d. °e'aireee a is ee� ttw augdeh,b I� � UM wend MI ele art Mulhortaxi to +�de,upp4axnr, OF dilitiaANT (53 _ C' ddrE f'�• PAGE: WOE *9""c oavament In otaok 11 has boen Soso out be soled by ope moon 'Au dosinto to an" f ( nrOoaeq oa may lx) aanea +r. auk midair, bedew tattoos or tniidagord of Mato a rimmme . e re r „op er tb, a +m mum thejaktItibm (Mk a" ar no old* a wae c to caalrr ernb►a. r more n *MOW non time yq, rom or IMP/. MIS ototarte or UN-21-2003 SAT fl _ 26AN ID: 96269$ :D1 • OG/22/03 04:01 FA.S 1409 Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement Sean =scar all questions. To avoid a dclay in processing, tI .glegikedul ted so mat deft= Maps and plan drawings monk included 44n Fiironp1etepade witbarid II APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. j�It ctt:A Ali Nina arApplloant P )ax 4.6fff ?A1( ..34 CIO a4' . Chyraxut KO .014K.2. Ji4j ^ `l .5P' X7=7 — 116,14 — Fax Numizr SAME - .F 1Aaaiese (or rc5Pmzeile rayline rite o.0 mice Adr4,60.7Ak. 419419 Dmtheftale 6-44 ANC Fax Number • PROJECT INFORMATION 1. This activity is a: al new project i] modification ar addition to an axiatftig roject If a modem do you =randy have any State. federal oar local approvals • related to this Niue: A proved m to any fans of mrtboriataia r. If' j cs," please list AppmwAT* qtr 11+0 arrowsor Yes No Li 2. If a rtmdi catinn, has this Project ever been reviewed by the State of Ala ks Under the JAM'?.. .....O 0 Previous Slate LU- Number: Al ___ Previous prom Name: s PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Provide a brief description of your crAt1te project and ALL associated futilities and land use conversions. Attach T SB >r Lr r 6R eiSight/ a AWO V1- Proposed staring date �' PI4i� T I �r ceding 405 f s, off - 2. Mach the • a oftiti project, all associand facihtrea,_and lend use caavolmaos, ets:. cospecific, including nods reads, h pre carotid= = depicting property b wbormdasy pawned ,5omptdioa of mater adivfdias iir ect. Nosy: Iftbc jest 1s a • au that Wald Slabte wrier► ofIlle p Pr' identify cxi ng as well se proposed dams on die site plan. .;ear 1033 S T 11: P7 M ID: LT, @T :d 96£6980 :01 I.1 PRra`£; 9 :Wad dLt' : LO 200 8- 28 -Nflf 00/22/03 04:01 ITA I 1%15.4:CT LOCATION Q10 1. Atta b e copy of a topcislsiral and viten' by map clearly indic ng the Isandinn Of the jec t. Flue itadadc A map title and =mfg. 2. The proje ct is Wand In which region (see attached uiep) CI Narti/era ilk Southeentrell © Soffit Ci within or modeled with the TransrAltsts Fiprike corridor 3. Location of project (Iochidathe mime oftlteneatzstlaad fesMan Qr b dy of 1 r. dti lobo project loaned in a coastal district? Yea 10 No l7 ItyaBa icy 1 , - -, , • -. _. mismi.r.,1,,kg arm rya? Aenar %ham nit cribsrdos watt Out wapellIaltw' Canal na9me ma) 1lrea24 1611/12174 21 ON Skies cow lone, !new procect k wailieferde Ma microlpae. d eclomt penaftemgpalte harks y w.ias Wei Afirrgi +worm piefe! wit ie arebiritiptseuriant Estate' ieaaraiaRc AR `! s. fdamify re o�tmides slosa�t bo your bestir= C O Wale- ale- A t o s 6. The pmjeet is on: 0 Sty land orwaiet D Federal Lad 15 Private laud 13 Mnnicfpal Lad n Menial Health Treat lend &mu& Imam= M lesitatic. riddm.dx err wed Wilk to 3 minds offikars Sea Omar= Al is DKR =can ;;comet the applicable landowners) to obtain necessary authorizations_ ■ BIEVAATYLENT OF ENIVITtONMENTAL NATION (DEC) APPROVALS Yea No 1. Val a fitaiierse Of avases'raie t float industrial or Connerciel 21 Wm the dialrarge be canneeted to an already mad NOW system? ®••• W7i t, the project include a storrawater Aallectiianidischar system?. .......... :.....•.......- I Da Fou Woad f r disposal c/ ii Wall, modify, cruse any put Of it (sewage }� orgm .*_..r.) disp`osalL yam? C..... w.n.rr.. -.. .•.w -.. .....- .....- Peres _ ,r.w...._.nD 13 .y 33 so. will Ile dischar be 500 Ohms per _..au.aw.u.........wr.,.mw, nr••_... --- ...a.0 b) If eIa stcoatiag n siceneasic waetCRAtCY healmen1 Cr di&PQM' RAIINE. lI the system be lowed within fill material requiring a COB permit! .. ...............T•.._- ....•...... If you answerod yes to a) or b), mower the hallow* 1) What istbe dtuce ft= the beam of the system mthe top debt selmaird wady table? 2) Haw far is any part of the unarms r disposal spina ythee nest w� - .. �'j 3) Is the g area w� at �Ymy .a......r........a...... ._........0 0 .:a How bit is them amttD be mud for the 1116011fin e muareanvi & 2.0 be sadly DEC le ciderrilm windier aiperet Qroaaims341 4Wow 111 UMre0abildagryep��d�k arin�Q��cdieinnVek�! . 3. Do so & (M� imposed project? — ... -..•...—..---..--.....13 IS afyour xcoss■esir w4 mdAlogn .61Proicaw eignzkodf.7ewia,III PA'firnJmizat I JUN-Pi-PAM qAT 11 : P'7AM ID: LT/TT :d 96269817:01 • PAGE:10 : WONA dLb : L0 €002- 22 -N11t 06/22/03 O4:d1 FAX. 14111 Yrs No 4. a) VIII your prQjea result in the arum, operatioo, or closure of a facility for the disposal of solid waste ?....... ....._.._.. _ ............. -.. -- - ..,---- ...�_......w._O (Now solid mum meantdr/fift :mu, l7esrabotdarbae, ► . sladk, rxratr coin tiOrgailion Aura, to mmafsaf&d gear• mri ocher dice rek4 otoodmraE or wouOnmd sadors oird=feriv& whist r ,wisalgoci as doogmigag2San. arabeforlfreass me' mere D1�' este es hal) b) Will your paujectremit in the treatment tafmnlid waste: re Jhe site? w..»— — . .....w:.Q gnaw/ vieth dr Vehr" b it are earl otud err eckre t open rumor barbs owd curSgazdoW ......w..t� o) Will your project result in the storage of t=om of slid waste at the site?.....-- - --_..... d) wig / Tarim result in of more than 5o tons ofmareriais for , recycling, e =CUM .--- ..n._ —••• . m.w M... l.. �9._..., M. wuw...... —._..iN.1....._.._-- ..YYn..n'nI e) Will any sewage solids or biosolids be disposed of Or land - applied to the site? ••••w•••— Q (Sauer solidi kw.* teams Mans bum Town edftes a tranmeaurAisffluouplarsonas. PA are Awing ask &Poo *MA arw "r amigo that =a,ir+Pofiner lapin Bkso chgmthesaltd sad.acved, ar *AI mothe*F arm somom q/' a +•saralWitile b Wald, ow •laadofw'b MO 5. Well yoprilerjeckreqpire the applieItion of cal, pcstioidot, eudtor say mhos. broad ast ■ .�.....ww....M.∎9....... .,,..__.._ _...w...w....w— ..W.Y.Y.r— �wonwE. 6.• a) Will you have a facility with industrial processes dm am designed to process no hos ih.fi�ve� taw per hour cad needs air pollution conuoiS to comply with State ....w.O remission •__•__....- .1....._�r.. w....w.A� 99.1H.N....w.._.......91 .1— __..__._... JIM- b) Will you have stationary or transportable fuel burning Equipment, including flares, .......� with a gown first cans on capacity as less than 50 mullion Brnl ? «..w_. -.. a) Will you gave a facility with incinendoss having atonal charging capacity of no loss thanLow pounds pa'honr?-.-.. .....— ........—_...—....-... ...—_...._.....,...,—...._D a d) Will you have a facility with equipment or processes that ere silkiest to federal New l7 Sassy you Stea � or Natiama1 Emission Standards f hazardous �pol t n WM you tahnuat s� b1rIi ' ..._wwr...w. ... wwh..w._�..ow.+......w.�....aw_ l▪ i▪ a 0) Will you have wa.�f eil.itty}/w, with die potential to emit= bee the 100 tote per year of may revair contra roam ?...... .........'........__.... .........ev...I.. ........1._Yw._w0 f) Will you have a *tilt the potential tm remit n0 fear than 10 trans per year of any hazardous air contaminant or25 fns per year ofall banadoes air .w ^_....d,•w... -C] Sl _') Will you construct or add stationary or transportable fuel burning eeluipmamt of no less than 10 million Btu/hour is the Oily of Unalarke or lire City of St. Pa ul ?...- &n. --..' ..... -- -f] 10 b) Wei you c ostruet or modify in the Pat of Anchorage a vobtile liquid ramage tank with &vote= no leis dm 9,000 bear or a volatile liquid benign with a design ..� throughputmo less th .15 million gallons?- ..... ,....---. .••••,•,-_.._...ww.......w..w.•� . El I) Will you be zequesdag operational at tirjr.ical limits designed to reduce emissions from en existing feetilhy in in air quality nonattnignertarca to offset at .w.�. —>3 �1 t•w � from anathema* of modified foci[ P �.....,...w.: .w...w.......ww' •••• 7. will you be developing, ortitructing, iassailmB. or 'Ming a public Was system? ...- .---- •- ., ..... ... —.C) gil $. a) Will your project involve the operation of waterborne its veaaels or all barges that catty rode otnon-crude oil as balk cup, or tin tender of 1iil or other _D pentium to or from w h a� or ap� system? r.w.n..ww.....—..w....w.r—ww- b) V& your project ragotire rte Whale cob= os adore oil Secalif xbh an . captive awes= garage capacity of grmbta than 5;000 barrels of ands all • ,. _......— __....a or rthan 14,000 barrels of aota•eavde off ?........— .- ...w......._...... SA Raked lase .ri M -21 -?OIGt SAT 11:27AM ID: LT/2T :d 96269817:01 PAGE:11 :WO8A d8':Z0 €002- 22 -Nflf 46/22/03 04 ;01 FAX X112 Yes c) Will yet be opera/big facilities on the land or warm for the a la atinn err prednetian tocirecarboos? .,, .......0 , ...� u yen answu ad "NO" to ALL questions in this sedlon, tautiaos t+t+ mat .e lien. ifyuti answered "YES" to ANY of emu qaa f4 Iw, comae!* **DEC atEntk skewed you for i forrnatiea and applicatisa fame. Plows be *dallied that all now DEC permits and approvals require s M$.dar public =den period. DEC Postai& pew tube et eet no saO Otr than 40 days after the para ll is is.nd. Hawed dm your di situ, with DEC, plea c nnplet a the following: TYPO ofrakct=ovals acterniamum Dna apl dm arbmial No 0 9. Doers your project goali ' fora gencrapermirforwastmedrror solid VIEW ..M.. »YMM_..... - ..l] 0 J A ipstenrlpane is an lame by DECFaroutmn types of-routine Octavian, If yne saravared "YES" to may qpiationa le ads sectlsn and are not applying for DEC permb., Wham a+eesoa: ❑ D C enamel) Ohl MO OM that no DEC approvals goo required an this project because CI Clam ■ DEFARTMINi OF Flife & GAME (DFC) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working king in removing WHY or menial fie. or placing anything la„ a stream, river Or lake? Cris faetudd attic oractivities Moat tie eattl+ay high vitt: task or an ice, ostbe active Hard Ate. m istuds, is errgn lb: hocoft *bull. cr. ibr mum wed= re tuft demiddalra & sixes italvvel armee law law tidO Now VI fslca®d eaaeddfig d lewd areo, djtaert1&afredt!a ,t �eybere7Eird Coeiva hl6r mof*awl pimr►awdi0 ►+ailrsiAgerm ddafiroN kftwitimeigr J....,, .._... l se ofvtastvds: 2. WM you do any of the follow s,._...._......._., Please Indicate b im: liD 0 Build a dam, river structure, other lusdram impoundment, or weir We 0 Use the water we Pump AUK isoa er oat of edsam a bke (mauling dry channels) da 0 Moat co altar dig normal Kind th.nmel Anr 0 Chow the wady fiCF•P' arthe chow! " 0 loballyee alt, grovel, r+oek, Davidson, products, debt% Wsh, Rees, abr meals, or atinr orgoniefinorgaati41 1, into wow re any iyce. into the =tit 4 Amer. stabilize or moons the harsh sofa rivet, storm or lake (provide number cilium foes aim along the baehis) oa +a 0 >1rzme. dig W. or zemovemateriaL Including woody debris, from the beds or banks of a y Al"' 0 the embalm in ° r o= a wa oc thody ,11=•■••■■•■••.-- ._._.- ... -.-- YES livined 51114-P1-20119R SAT ii :?RAM TD: LT /2T : d 96269817:01 ............____._vim Pt D Build a bridge (lading an ice bridgd) M, [ 3 t h e e * (even whoa from), or nom the ate with tracked a wheeled vehicles, low or as equrpmant (bermes, bulldoze r& d• 0 Lull a culvert oradm ihuinepC sins nut We 0 Constrict, place, mate, dispose err remove :my material below the ardinaty high tam of a waterbedy M.El X 1 i n t a stain % r discharge or dials into the weterbody ere 0 Place pilings or Rodtoms mg 0 Camstmet a died* d.0 Caostmet a wilily Doe cronies se 0 htiainatia or repair =misting *4 0 Use an lumen mn in- warar structure ant mentioned ham sr PAGE :1R :4rJ J d817:L0 2002- 22 -Nf1f 06/22/03 04:01 FAX 3. Is yarn project located in a designated State Game Stoectuary? Game Refns; Critical Ham Asa of M lA i3 Yes No 4. Does your project inulwk the cut►stroar ®/operahon of a minion b - ----». ---- ....••....� .............� 5. Does you project offal, or is it related 1O, a p,avionsly permined sahuuu b�ct�try <?..._,....... ................© m 6. Does year project include the commotion of an aqliatic fern? .............:_...._�......... ..r.••.- ••- +.- .-- ..—..0 if you answered. "No" In ALL questions in this emss contiaue10 new endow lff yota answered "Y &' to ANY questions an der 1 -3, contact the Regional or Aran RFC Habh zt and Restoration Mating Office for i ouatma awl mikados fur i us"+ andwdrod "Yea" to ANY questions•nnder 4.61 contaeittha,Dil& Cottttnercial Fraharies irstl hesdgaarteri for information and applieaatioa itlrmB. Based n cnjr discustrica with DPG, please coroplate the fallowing �m �pgtt� Tyr err cdra: s�avvab w pomfL Ryon answered "YF$" to any gtu:atinna in this section and are not appb iad for DEC gcra k% iodic to reason: C3 MFG contact) said me on . that no DFG appturaio are required as this psuja�ei A itiMPARirdila OF NATURAL RESOURKS (nNR) APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed projegt can Std -wwned land or water or will you wad to cross State -owned laud • for acne& CAS" inclvdas brapirsay mean fte oomnearoo Masai Now hr addban el the reuse an+ayo eased 1lwd Erb to W * ' ef rr r and does ad bans � ��f■ same iedf Alas �dirp. obs saw - 1.aaaa.w,.rw.....+-.a.... .....r-..eHM..+f�- �'-- ..-- -- ""rm.-�wwwwr + '" ---C) a ) Is this p r O j e et iO a commercial activity? .a 111...u.......sx...w.. 11. .au.. D 2. is the project on AlkSka M*ata1 Health Trust land (AMR) or will you tined to ins AMIHT land? Aide Alma's MOW LANA ?revs mod& MI caffichrriSpit Jvaai f , the papaw Qf4CMP renirwL ...... ... ....-- ..........ci et 3_ Do you plan to dredge or utberwite eetenecteireittOve trials on State -owned ihnd7..,....r.- ....- -.-- -a .. +.Q S. L000Sta of dredging site if different them the mica site T ip l - Semen %Maw USOS Qmad i eP w•�{ 4■ Do yOO P� tO place fill o J� material on Stolz-owned land?.. fN. w.. r.. .....,r .... ................ - -..+ Los ate of fill disposal trite if °third= the reject sine: s O sere auna is oc: L l ate Fade? JL�A Cl P we [d D 1 Lod �y .J. Daym glen to use any ate �: —..-- -..... ...��.........- ......fl a E7 Tauber Will you be Isarrestion thnb& Amount 0 ithuerigfr soda at no, sand or rand, prat, poi.4 rwethwd i. dc: - .- --..._ ...... Whirh malarial? . _ Amount Cl son= 1:1Projectsite Odtgo 33 Ionia= .._. _ MC r2E1 Vas MAW 714 .TI IN- P1 -PRO3 SAT 11: 22AM ID: LT/OT: 9626981, :01 Pass s PAGE :13 :NOdd d8t,:L0 £002- 22 -Nflf 00/22/03 0401 FAX qua Yes Nal G. Are you planning to divert, impound, withrhow, or use ony limb water . except from an misting Public war IV= Of =fraiu catchment system (regardlist offend ownetship. ..... Amount (maximum daily. not average, io gallons per day): ZOIMBE Intended Ustc If yes„ will your poi= affect*, availability +imam to anyone holding vecAr right% to 7. Will you be building or altering e dote (regardless eland nvinfrshipr IL Do you plan to dal a gacthacual waD (pegurBes,0 eland ownarshApr----. 9. At any ant sits (regardless of laud ownershi0. do You plan to do any of the folknvIng? 0 0 Mflvcormnaieovuayei'atima a Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more °financials (mak aand.aswev4 soil peat, oicrbtaden. etc.) &•a yeats time El Have a emulative unreelnimed mined area of five or more OW& If y to any ado above„ mact DNR shout a reclamatloa pies. If you plan to /Dim kee than the ageigaonont stated above and have a cumulative unreelaimed mitad area alms than five saes, do yogi intend to file 1/0101017 plan for approvar!.-...0 1O Will ru be exploring for or corseting coal? — P41011411114.114...........mm■••••■■•■•••••••••••••0 IL. a) will you be exploring for or ptoinciog oil mad h) Will ;go be conducting mike tweet/vi on and gas loose or within an oil mut gas tmitIO 12. Will you be investing, removibg . or impacting historical orarchaeologicel or paleontologinol retources (anylitiug over SO years OW) on State-owned land? .—___....—.".........,...............0 1% 13. la the propoead project located within a known geophysical hasard taw? --.....—........—.........0 RI. { Maw 0 Ad. 1 C 80_90Eyp? rqpIspicri &mod owl ar "dims' awn widthpresili a shwa twat trprfturgerem I had* Incharelkw/P¢ Onsiotrolip, nom serge MINA klifillihki, itriOnakfrakr, aid &bid bgach __ ea ireptatat ham I owe war away= iirigArd IR grimmer t pattAthsd billed/Ind slarg. Dr bud OM% Or bil 4 VOIOging a r wriest,* asendoefint, or rift* boom to kaparkagrojedm sw twee bow erpdostbl holoskinme RS** makyric arkletelogirjrnME . 14. le the proposed or* et located in a mitt &the Alaska MO Ptak SYstene.......----..........—n-13 If you *towered vtle" to ALL walk= in this SWIM". tbeitfARO to Felleral Approvals section. If you answered 'Tor to ANY quistiams in Ail nen" masa MR for information- &sod on your diaoussion with DNR, please complete the follawin& Typee eerpeqpiennprnmie frwn& needed Ilnicappliegionnegnagad .1,1111.111111■•■•■■■■•■■•■.111.1111/111■1111111RT*•*■• 111111111■44.1.11111141■411•11=7-4."""".-. ..,■.411,111iN11111111■ lf pet 121nrered "YES' to any onestinu. in this lection and are not applying for WM permits, iodleate reason: (DNIZ. mow° laid me on that no MIR *ppm:vide sty Maid on this project because 0 Man 1•1 &I -14 ,5(24-A-2 enm 4 4 • MOnm LT/ST:d 962G9M7:01 Pew •m. PAGE:14 :WONJ d617:LO 2002-22-Nflf 4 1 .1 x 06/22/03 04:01 FAX • FEDERAL APPROVALS Yet Na U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) I. Will you be dredging or placing des or fills in any of the following: tidal (on) wars? stitams? lakes? wctlandanr–., - If ytta, have you applied ter a COE pea!? ....D Dare of submtbal. • Mew: Year airprkarlamfor thir let* ei en= oho serves CS IsFlgigirkinft* mc Water Cherie" Certglesehet) !Tog fps opi con whether pour prapzet miffs it tesiapimat tivedwar Md*iifI. mow eke COE. Reimicory,Brawftor CPO 7134710,* awakes* rieroslitfitlen penile the Andstrage wee al les 4,920-06-2712)- Burman of Load Matiagazatat (MD 2, kola popased mice locoed flu Bag land, ar mg) you needle CZ= BIM lend ite• have re applied for a BIM pennit Data of submittal: - U io. Coast Guard (USCG) 3. a) vim you be constructing a bridge resnaeay aver tidal (mean) wa1, or navigable rives, :wee= or lakes? b) Does your project involve buildin' c) Will you be cat, coestreetius, or womb* a deervata. port? .---,—............_13 'Wyss, have you applied fox a. USCG permit? . IMIMOlown. Date ofsubmittal: . .. ------, ------ 17.S. Eaviroatoestal Puttee& a Agent (EPA) 4. a) Will the proposed project have a discharge to um waters? ... .... ........ ----J3 10 b) Will you be disposing of sewage sludge (cortiot EPA at 206453-1941)? fa Hypi noswoed yes to a) or b), base you Flied fin- an EPA National Pollution Dischzgo Elimicalica System (NPDES) pt? Dam of submittal: (Now for isfatetstyps reganting the =Mr Ow leigg weak (4U= EPA it (8490)44437211 e) Will contraction ofyour ptoject wee S ormote mvs dwell) gut mecum AP kid i=inim qf • Awl tfteentati. ilithodesuee b Mores ;slower meat Aso curtemie oda& Wks es mew *at Re parte , a law catemeh Are qfvsInI or ...... ......... ...... ••••••••••■•'...--13 d) Is Yourproject an industrial facility Which will have itonowaimr &clap which is dimly telated to nunidacturing, processing, ra raw materials storage areas um indushielplear 11 Ityoa answered yes tg c) sr 4 your project may require an NPDES Stoma/Bak Omit. Contact EPA at 206-5534399. Federal Aviaratth AdmInktrarlan (FAA) 5. a) Is wen. project locelled will* fort sulks any public El b) Will you have a wade discionge that is Iptc1y to &coy wit 5,000 fact deny public If yes, plaice contact the Abram Divisien of the FAA at (907) 2714444. Federal Zaergy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 6. a) Does the prop= include pay of the Mow* I) aucusadetal hydrocleenie project on my thethoble body of 2) a location oo *dela laud CillehortrIgframIllItheun 3) saltation of suryhts water from tory felittai ipecrumerit b) Dose the project include consoudiou and operation. oe ahandoorneot of oarund gas pipeline facilities under maims (b) and (c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)2— MAW liI39 JUM-F1-E010 SAT 11:29AM ID:. LT/9T; 962698V:0i Pans', PAGE; 15 :NONA :LO 2002-2F-Nnt I I 06/22/03 04:01 FAX Yee No e) Does the project. ode consauctien tar pi*cal iMescommstion of clootric IMILSOthsicnk facilities under sectiot 202 (b) fthe ....... .... 111 Ur= =vetted yes toy questions witior number 6, have You cordial far apermit from FM? ••••MOMA • .pg.m.■■••1111 • 1••••=6.6.M, 1■•■■••••••••■•••••■■••••....J3 Dab Of =WOW: MOW FOr CPTAIZI MAC OWavinwer Lting (20) VP.Z6 1N; Cif= 4Ptiellm Perldatiff■ CPZO Nia-t#Ott; Oft afElarria Moor lasskrian r22) 261420N U.S. Forint Serries MOM . 7. a.), Does the psopozedi project involve cosistruciimi oh USFS lansi?...—,...—...--.. ....... --.........-13 ill b) Dom the proposed project involve the crossing of USFS land with * water Iiire--........,„,-13 N Ittho mayor to thher *logien is yes, haw sent applied For a USFS Timmit or spisaval? ....._.n CI Date of satenhial: Im.......1■■■••=1.1 MIS Maxi for soy other federal permits or authorizetims?—.......,,---- AualCa Auseovn. Tyro Duz -Sam-g-rnzo-.." ..■■1111•11.1111111111111111 Plow bradviotill that taa um) fidesuilise pima: Wet to a coasisWooy review. You may semi additional permits from other assesilm cm the *Meted city Ritd ter. bonnet ftwermaroot to proceed with your activity. =1=•="1-11—'1"— Carlinzation Stanton The tallemation =Mimi hetet:almost ind taMpletete die host of loYietowitilRa. I ocaliti that tha IltePaigd activity complies with, 202d will be conducted ma warmer consissurt with, the Alaska Coastal Mans P0Sm. rate: F agencies condonin an activity that will affrot The coastal zotic we maul to submit a Wesel cceedstency deteemitimio% per 15 CFR 93O Subpart C, maw thaa this catificatism samment, DGC ha dssetepodo amLst ....fecinals with this rt Ct DOC to obtain This Genies:Woo stetson= will not be oroapishi iztall at required State mid federal ftthJofl Meads have submitted to the opfecrahag Woks- . To wainishic Your Paa" Firm littimb your SW* Pernit tilleicifbas end cosies of your federal permit sppliestious to tisie gesejoemaie. JUN-21-2003 SAT 11: 29i1 ID: LT,LT:d 96E69817:01 PAGE:16 :Wald d617:LO 2002-22-W1f qP• L. 9 4-(1 sv1/4,C. C tivt:tc.,, 96t5--- F Aen, re- 2- (5" as, t.. 'g(l/e V A/ P 69A- ms ,4 s e e.2 5774-- 0)-e r_ -eL e. a I r- )l•At.1; 0 /4-) ct i-re-.J fi„everr C--€7kr Peir.4-ajyt:v Cr/ Oa Litierbi ale r- ede is C. vt.ok .7ira,(71•-• Ca.Le I o3. eqe) te1c1 v‘,42■S ft C --rAer arsvos 14-R- el. r■ a.,ir 4,4 e• co/ er 3 u Sc_i v.1 576-6 7. A ed C. / 3 11. LIE . -re ek.CCe..5-5" P 2 511e 0 f v.,. re-c coi% 7-2 re el e 5 c. /1/4tiee C AG A5144. 5.1-at tr-1---Gs■ f1/5 /7. -fre" s t• ArSk a. .01 1-1 c n c 0/R. rT,- e..) , records s Sample FOIA Request Letters Page 2 of 7 [Optional] I request a waiver of all fees for this request. Disclosure of the requested information to me is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. [Include a specific explanation.] Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Name Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone number [Optional] Back to Top Freedom of Information Act 'Appeal Letter Agency Head or Appeal Officer Name of Agency Address of Agency City, State, Zip Code Re: Freedom of Information Act Appeal Dear This is an appeal under the Freedom of Information Act. On (date), I requested documents under the Freedom of Information Act. My request was assigned the following identification number . On (date), I received a response to my request in a letter signed by (name of official). I appeal the denial of my request [Optional] The documents that were withheld must be disclosed under the FOIA because.... [Optional] l appeal the decision to deny my request for a waiver of fees. I believe that I am entitled to a waiver-of fees. Disclosure of the documents I requested is in the public interest because the information is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities - -of government and is not primarily in my commercial interest. (Provide details) [Optional] I appeal the decision to require me to pay review costs for this request. I am not seeking the documents for a commercial use. (Provide details) [Optional] I appeal the decision to require me to pay search charges for this request. I am a reporter seeking information aS part of news gathering and not for commercial use. Thank you for your consideration of this appeal. Sincerely, Name •• Address City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number [Optional] hiin://www.missouri.edui—foiwww/foialett.html 5/19/03 4 Brent L. McCormick P.O. Box 941 Kodiak, Ak 99615 16/May/2003 Kodiak Island Borough 'Attn: Planning and Zoning RE: Appeal To Whom It May Concern: I am appealing this ruling against lot 13 because of the time frame of removal of items objected to by certain persons and consequently the Kodiak Island Borough. I am working out a plan with the Corps of Engineers to utilize some of this objectionable equipment and material to correct an ecological errosion dilema but I do intend to comply with the removal of all useless material on the property. Sincerely Brent L. McCormick 1//i6t_e ext-e,00,0 7-L:87-ete. &o)ogiey.s „&itoirz AtivcizATioeict ikE Am_i_ss-S cat) e_k.4,0- / eiek05164) en,0710_410/470 /9-dgia( e01.: Gjekel(c-F-7_ /WW)ope,6 Page 1 of 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION • Complete items 1, 2, aL ,) Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ' • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: k igox 9?6/5 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A eceived by (Please Prink y) C C. Signature B. Date of (Delivery nt I • 4 Add - ee D. Is delivery address differen from item If YES, enter delivery address below: U Yes 0 No 3. Servic pe Certified Mail o Registered 0 Insured Mail 0 Express Mail 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) Yes 2. Article Number - (Transfer from service labQ099 5.2;40 oceo oce>(goi..2 V _ PS Form 38-11, March 2001 Dariestib Return Receipt 102595-01-M-1424 U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT estic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Pro Article Sent So: 1721 MPI1111111111111111111 11■1111 EMI Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees Postmark Here 411003 Pes r t C Street, Apt. N .; or PO Box No. r (To be completed by mailer) 'Clty,"State, ZIP+ 4 Name PS Form 3800, July 1999 See Reverse for Instructions Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone (907) 486 -9363 Fax (907) 486 -9396 www.kib.co.kodiak.ak.us April 28th 2003 Notice of Violation: Determination of Junkyard & Request For Entry for the Purpose of Enumeration Certified Mail / Return Receipt Requested RECEIPT No. 7099 3220 0000 0475 8224 Ref: Brookers Lagoon Lot 13 Applicable Zoning District: Rural Residential One Zoning District Mr. Brent McCormick Ms. Sybil McCormick Post Office Box 941 Kodiak, AK 996 Dear Mr.& MS`McCormick The paroperty describedabo ve was the subject oa written complaint alleging the operation o su an unpeiuiitted junkyarrd in violation of Kodiak Island Borough Co d617.03.080 — Junkyard. -1 f Id review of the propertywas conducted on the 9th day of December 2002. A determination s been made thafith °coil plaint h h;v Due to the unannounced nature of that review, inclement weather on the day of review, and the number of items present on the property, a complete enumeration of the offending items was not immediately undertaken. A complete enumeration would most likelyxrequire several staff members and a minimum of one working day. The property described above is zoned Rural Residential One Zoning District. The establishment and maintenance of a junkyard, is not a permitted use within the Rural Residential One Zoning District. Per KIBC 17.03.080 [Uses prohibited unless authorized.] Land uses not listed as a permitted use in a district are prohibited. Per KIBC 17.06.340 [Junkyard.] "Junkyard" means any space one hundred (100) square feet or more of any lot or parcel of land used for the storage, keeping or abandonment of junk or waste material including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling, demolition, or abandonment of automobiles, other vehicles, machinery or any parts thereof. \ \Dove \Users\mlydick \word\Zoning Violations\NoV2003\NoV Brookers Lagoon Lot 13_McCormick.doc4 /28 /2003 Page 1 of 3 The definition of "junk" is found in KIBC 10.10.005 [Definitions.] For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply: A. "Junk" means any worn out, cast -off, or discarded article or material which is ready for destruction or has been collected or stored for conversion or salvage to some other use. B. "Abandoned vehicles," means any motorized or towed vehicle, wheeled or tracked, which has been left unattended for a length of time, which has resulted in the vehicles deterioration or destruction. The long -term nature of the storage of the item(s) of personal property, identified below, has resulted in the establishment of a junkyard, and is therefore a prohibited use of the property described above. Among large items of personality which are subject to the designation of junk, and or, abandoned vehicles are: Any and all of the unregistered, inoperable motor vehicles, boats, and commercial equipment now located on the property. Year Make Model Color Lic./ YIN Unenumerated Unenume ated Unenumerated ..JJ, enurerated, _Unenumerated In addition there are a large of nber of items, and o , in scellaiievus gear of indeterminate specification subject to the designation of jun k, a id this notice df violation Wi l authority found in KIBC 17.75.010 lAdministrative enforcement action] which reads in pa Y .. The zoning o leer may order. The discontinuation of unlawful uses of land or structures, • "'" r!'r s w Therefore, according to standard policy, a thirty (30) day deadline is now established by administrative decision for you to abate this violation [Junkyard]. In the event that you disagree with this determination, you have certain rights of appeal. 17.90.020 [Commencement of appeal — Stay] A. A decision of the community development department director is final unless appealed to the Planning and Zoning Commission within ten (10) working days of receipt of notification of the decision. B. An appeal is commenced by filing with the community development department a written notice of appeal, specifically stating the reason for the appeal, the relief sought, and payment of the appropriate fee ($150.00). Upon commencement of an appeal, the decision appealed from is stayed until the decision on appeal becomes final. \ \Dove \Users \mlydick \word\Zoning Violations \NoV2003 \NoV Brookers Lagoon Lot 13_McCormick.doc4 /28/03' Page 2 of 3 Failure to comply with the requirements of the Kodiak Island Borough Code may subject the property owner to certain civil penalties. Per KIBC 17.75.030 [Penalties and remedies] A. A person who violates any provision of this title, an order issued under subsection 17.75.010(A) of this chapter or any term or condition of a conditional use, variance or other entitlement issued under this title, is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of not more than three hundred (300). dollars, in addition to the surcharge required to be imposed under. AS 12.55.039. B. C. Each act or condition violating this title, any order issued under subsection 17.75.010(A) of this chapter, or any term or condition of a conditional use, variance, or other entitlement issued under this title, and each day during which the act or condition exists, continues, or is repeated, shall be a separate and distinct violation. Please contact this department priorto„the thirty (30) day deadline established above in order that arrangements fora complet enumeration / itemization of the items suliject to his notice and abatement directive mad be completed It is essential that a"full and true count of such 'terns completed so that rtems of legit mat personals y willznot becomeisub�ect to possible seizure and removal. Failure to comply, with e i May 28th, 2003; °wAll-require thaff action. andates'of this determination within thirty (30) days, (by • fiesjlesforwardett file to :the Borough Attorney for further legal Thank -you for your attention to this matter, Martin Lydick, Associate Planner_Code Enforcement, Kodiak Island Borough, Community Development Department Cc: Duane Dvorak, Acting Director, CDD Pat Carlson, Manager, Kodiak Island Borough Kodiak Island Borough Planning and Zoning Commission Complainant File \ \Dove \Users\mlydick \word\Zoning Violations\NoV2003\NoV Brookers Lagoon Lot 13_McCormick.doc4 /28/03 Page 3 of 3 ' Kodiak Island, Alaska Taxpayer Info illation 4/28/03 08:12:37 Last Name/Company Name: MCCORMICK First Name(s): BRENT SYBIL Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 941 City: KODIAK State: AK Zip/Country: 99615 Carrier Route: AAAAAAAAAAAA Format: R R5514000013 Short Legl BROOKERS LAGOON LT 13 Kodiak Island, Alaska Real Estate Information 4/28/03 08:14:26 Street Number Dr Name' Unit City Zip Code 37861 CHINIAK HWY KODIAK. 99615 Jurisdict: 05 Rural Burough Sch Dist : KISD Map Ref : Section : Subdiv. : BRO ** NOT FOUND ** Block : Lot # : 00013 Nbhd Cd. : CH Chiniak Sale Zone: 7 Road System Econ Zone: Zone Dist: Zone Type: RR1 RURAL RESIDENTIAL ONE Prop Use : ACC P-6010.041, g40:00:0TO 7861 Chiniak Hwy NROMPANI.INVIENNEFERMEMER:—.. Legal DeSO" United States Survey 5667 Lot 2 & 3 (&) Brookers L 0:040:40,;,- Zanri Ten,efittiAifq McCormick ETAL 4-tiFfftwitc,Atpac4 i;37:55TOMMEM5,:',WMAITRUSTARfq' ;Z;11§E?Ne.ft;9,,;?::'-':' Oft Illegal junkyard: 2nd complaint filed 03/03/03 Mary Cichoski CTele ' "I 9074868543 .0. Box 5549 Chiniak, AK 99615 Ack Agafig Oriclin040# complaint is merited 4:41§".6101E File rvw prior to field visit on 12/09/02. Records reveal prior court action / order to abate never accomplished. Written memo to Community Development Department & Manager 12/10/02 : Office visit w/ mc on 03/03/03 reviewed files. JAM1N, EBELL, SCHMITT & MASON 323 Carolyn Street Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 486-6024 (907) 486-6112 (fax) MEMORANDUM TO: Martin Lydick, Associate Planner Kodiak Island Borough cc: FROM: Alan L. Schmitt DATE: April 23, 2003 RE: McCormick Zoning Violation Pat Carlsen, Manager • APR 25 2003 ttij 41101.101110111■1111111110■10M1000111011111110111111111M, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT As requested I have reviewed our file on the prior litigation involving Lot 3, U.S. Survey 5667. The court file number is 3K0-92-551 CIV. According to the complaint, Brent McCormick owned Lot 3, U.S. Survey 5667. The complaint sought injunctive relief against Mr. McCormick for using Lot 3 as a junkyard in violation of the zoning code. Mr. McCormick did not answer the complaint and a default judgment was entered against him on January 13, 1993. From reviewing the judgment and subsequent documents, it appears that after Mr. McCormick missed the court ordered deadline for removing all unregistered, nonoperational' vehicles from Lot 3, the borough did so and then billed Mr. McCormick for the cost. I understand that now Lot 3 is owned by Kirk McCormick. The change in ownership is significant and means that it is not now possible to obtain a writ of assistance in case 3K0- 92-551 UV. If it reasonably appears that the present junkyard is a joint activity, I recommend that a new lawsuit be filed not only against the three property owners but against any unknown claimants as well. Arguably, beyond the current landowners, other may have a colorable interest in the property in that they know of and make use of it as a junkyard. The Alaska Statutes (specifically AS 09.45.920 and .930) allow the naming of unknown claimants as defendants and then permit service by publication. The purpose for proceeding in this fashion would be to get a permanent injunction not only against the landowners but against the unknown claimants as well. The injunction would require the- removal of all unregistered, nonoperational vehicles from the three lots. As with the 1993 injunction, it would allow the borough to do this if the landowners failed to do so. It would also give the borough the right to obtain a monetary judgment for those costs. That injunction could also be recorded and could be used as the basis for a writ of assistance in the future - should the lots be again used as a junkyard in the future. • Memorandum to Martin Lydick April 23, 2003 Page 2 of 2 The costs for proceeding in this fashion would consist of these items: $100 court filing fee $200 (estimated) publishing notice $20 (estimated) serving property owners by certified mail $500 (estimated) attorney fees (assuming each defendant defaults) $850 Total I will defer to you on the cost of cleanup. According to our file on case 3K0-92-551 CIV the per vehicle removal cost averaged about $95. I do not know if that is realistic in 2003. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. 4702\100 Lydick memo 01.wpd cc: 4702-349 CATS EMAIL COMPLAINT NOTICE Date: 3/18/03 10:39:20 THIS NOTICE IS TO INFORM YOU OF THE BELOW LISTED COMPLAINT #: 2003 -195 RECEIVED BY: Jennifer Donnell REPORTED DATE: 3/18/03 FIELD OFFICER: J. Donnell CASE McCormick, Brookers Lagoon Kodiak BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Junkyard activity reactivated, accumulation of 80 vehicles including multi ton boom trucks to ATV's. Field visit by KM performed on Dec. 9, 2002. US Survey 5667, Lots 2,3 and 13, Brookers Lagoon. Ownership is in the name McCormick ETAL. SUSPECTED SOLID WASTE: Accumulation and Storage SYNOPSIS: Request for managerial review in house -KIB THIS INFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL AND ENFORCEMENT Page 1 of 2 Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone (907) 486 -9363 Fax (907) 486 -9396 www.kib.co.kodiak.ak.us AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST LEGAL OPINION Date: March 17, 2003 Department: Community Development Department Firm: Jamin, Ebell, Schmitt & Mason 323 Carolyn Street Kodiak, AK 99615 Fax: 486 -6112 Description of Request: This memo requests legal assistance in reviewing past action & developing a plan leading to the permanent a b a t e m e n t o f a ju yard located in Chiniak. On Nov. 25t1i, 2002, the Community Development Department received a written com laint submitted b two roe owners in the imximediate ,vlc i of an alleged i`lle al 'unk and y / p p m' t �� 1 � � t3' � / g g J Y operation. The location of the activity complained of is United States Survey 566 got(s) 2 & 3, and Brookers Lagoon Lot 13. Ownership is in. die name" of 'McCormick ETAL ,,The complaint bears the signature of Mary KV Cichoski (Alexander), o, ,wrier of United States S' ey 5667 Lot 1, although Ms Cichoski and Mr \John Lucas thecomplaint. Staff completed a review of pertinent property record files for the subject properties on Dec. 4th, 2002. The review disclosed that the property(s) were the subject of a previous complaint regarding the same type of (junkyard) activity. The Kodiak Island Borough eventually went to court and obtained a default judgment (3KO -92 -551 CIV (restricted to Lot 3 USS5667)) for abatement of the zoning violation. Action taken to abate the violation was the removal & disposal of approximately thirty -one (31) vehicles. A field visit on Dec. 9t'', 2002, has disclosed that this most recent complaint has merit, and the investigator has no reason to dispute the figure of eighty (80) plus junk vehicles, ranging from multi -ton boom trucks to cast -off ATVs, littering the combined properties at this time. It is quite apparent that the owner of the property(s) has used the acreage cleared during the prior enforcement action to continue, as well as expand, the illegal activity. The anticipated cost of new litigation and cleanup of the properties is the reason for requesting legal review. The Community Development Department is hesitant to unilaterally embark upon a course of corrective action, which will undoubtedly require a significant expenditure for legal costs, contractor services, and staff monitoring and over - sight. IlDovelUsers, nlydicklwordlZoningViolationsINoV20031USS5667Lts2 _3VMemoLegalRequest.doc3 /11/2003 Pagel of 2 Background Summary: Attachments: Copy of 11/25/02 Complaint Location map Digital photo (x2) from 12/09/02 field visit. Staff requests the Borough Attorney commence review of the prior action and provide the Borough with any guidance they may wish to suggest leading to the permanent abatement of the junkyard located on the subject properties. Question: Can the Borough seek some form of Writ of Assistance in respect to the prior court order without the necessity of relitigating the entire issue? If you have any questions, or need additional information, please call Martin Lydick, Associate Planner at 486 -9361. Requesting Staff Borough Manager Department feat Purchasing'Agent IlDovel UserslmlydickIword lZoning ViolationsWoV2003I USS 5667 Lts 2_31 Memo Legal Request.doc3 /11/2003 Page 2 of 2 Martin Lydick From: Martin Lydick Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:18 PM To: Duane Dvorak Cc: Pat Carlson Subject: uss 5667 Lot 2&3 McCormick's junkyard This matter has once again reared its head w/ a 2nd complaint filed today I wanted to make sure that I got a copy of my write-up & request to you. 77 McCormick Junkyard Memo.doc JSS 5667 Lot(s) 2 &JSS 5667 Lot(s) 2 & 3.JPG 3.JPG Thanks, LpTi VIF-7"" Martin L. Lydick (E-mall).vcf Right Fax /22/2002 3:04 PAGE 2/3 •-•°•--‘,ghtFax Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department Zoning Violation Complaint Form I wish to report an alleged violation of the Borough's zoning regulations. I understand that this complaint will be investigated within 7 days of its receipt, and that I will be notified of any subsequent action taken regarding the investigation. Legal Description of Property Where Violation is Occurring: Street Address 70 6:31/ ak6,.8g. icZoning Property Owner of Above Property Tenant of Above Property (Name & Mailing Address) (If Applicable) (A,5S 50G7 0 L&$ ‘--OCervtY)%\o&(1\40,4),Gifv. Telephone: qii,4/— 37 / Complaint: epi&Q Telephone Complainant (Name & Mailing Address : 1/45-S—Cq Da Signatur. 0111111197 411 Staff Acc pting C oveDepartments CD Templates2oning Violation Complaint. d ot Memorandum Date: December 10, 2002 Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department 710 Mill Bay Road Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone (907) 486-9363 Fax (907) 486-9396 www.kib.co.kodiak.ak.us To: Pat Carlson, Kodiak Island Borough Manager Tbru: Duane Dvorak, Director, Community Development Department From: Martin Lydick, Associate Planner Code Enforcement RE: Written complaint of illegal Junkyard This memo requests managerial review of complaint received Nov 25th, 2002, and direction for resolution. The Community Development Department received a written complaint submitted by two property owners in the immediate vicinity of an alleged illegal junkyard operation. The location of The activity complained of is United States Survey 5667 Lot(s) 2 & 3, and Brookers Lagoon Loit 13. Ownership is in the name of McCormick ETAL. The complaint bears the signature of Mary K. Cichoski (Alexander), owner of United States Survey 5667 Lot 1, although Ms. Cichoski and Mr. John Lucas submitted the complaint. Staff completed a review of pertinent property record files for the subject properties on Dec. 4th, 2002. The review disclosed that the property(s) were the subject of a previous compliant regarding the same type of (junkyard) activity. The Kodiak Island Borough eventually went to court and obtained a default judgment (3K0-92-551 CIV (restricted to Lot 3 USS5667)) for abatement of the zoning violation. Action taken to abate the violation was the removal & disposal of approximately thirty-one (31) vehicles. A field visit on Dec. 9th, 2002, has disclosed that this most recent complaint has merit, and the investigator has no reason to dispute the figure of eighty (80) plus junk vehicles, ranging from multi-ton boom trucks to cast-off ATVs, littering the combined properties at this time. It is quite apparent that the owner of the property(s) has used the acreage cleared during the prior enforcement action to continue, as well as expand, the illegal activity. PILE ADove\Users\mlydick\word\CmtProjects \McCormick Junkyard Memo.docDecember 10, 2002 Page 1 of 2 The anticipated cost of new litigation and cleanup of the properties is the reason for requesting managerial review. The Community Development Department is hesitant to unilaterally embark upon a course of corrective action, which will undoubtedly require a significant expenditure for legal costs, contractor services, and staff monitoring and over-sight. Attachments: Copy of 11/25/02 Complaint Location map Digital photo (x2) from 12/09/02 field visit. Respectfully, Martin Lydick, Associate Planner_Code Enforcement Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Department Cc: Duane Dvorak, Director, KIB / Community Development Department Move\UserAmlydick\word\CrntProjects\McCormick Junkyard Memo.docDecember 10, 2002 Page 2 of 2 ti Y . r — 'Y , -` tom., 1 Portion of Brookers Lagoon Lot 13 12/ 09/ 02 Taken from Chiniak Hwy vantage point Rear of USS 5667 Lot 2 in immediate foreground Driveway to USS 5667 Lot(s) 2 & 3; Brookers Lagoon Lot 13 12/ 09/ 92 o� o.r aot\ Kodiak Island Borough Community Development Depart Zoning Violation Complaint F I wish to report an alleged violation of the Borough's zonin 1 understand that this complaint will be investigated within 7 days of s re and that I will be notified of any subsequent action taken regarding the investigation. Legal •scription of Property Where Violation is Occuring: Street Address 3-7 c7)(01 tvJZoning Property Owner of Above Property Tenant of Above Property (Name & Mailing Address) (If Applicable) -NkeNSV- ((oi--2) MSS -56 G7 (L�1 S fCe (t Sib .o;c- met Lei (3)1zttefts-B,coo,--e_i\c's Lagoor) Telephone: (1-(66 Telephone Complaint: nn -A-ye_ --k4nc-er2_, Lots 40ce_ &\ce__ On Qe_V■61Q-s 'Ir■ ,k.).,i-Lo-us fs-V6sys e ck'ecooncrc-pern. Ofw 4-\\ 6(\D4NQK- &‘(-4:t aAcL , 131(1\,0 Cfc- CM6-e)1/4 -1/4\co-PX-5 ,M-e SO x-uiskeccl i-44-16+ V10 -qtil s \cemckin :Iv■ loto,es-k-f ,c-e_a_ uoVA,sie\ 1:(Nokac.s 6(1 Cots; 4mc-e_ i5 bi 6.C.-) 5 ki..i. cf\A6's-e\c t &b3o,c-be& a-- 8-16(' -e_.caciA kc.(Lit-- u_3&-k-e.‘c- alq\cili'L Aka_ 1.N.-- .,.,v■ 64 olu-\uAcic ro-l-- io Complainant (Name & Mailing Ad rey): btaffAccepting Complaint: ... CA ll?.S.Ar1S Signatu NACD \Zoning Enforcement\ Zoning Violation Complaint.doc